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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. It's because you're music savvy and saucy in the same mixture, admit. But here on DGN this will not help you. The girls will look at the type of music you like and revolt in horror when they find that BrokenCYDE did not make the cut.
  2. Rofl, my Boshy has had that shirt since I was like, 13, and rocks it at least weekly . Awesome.
  3. I nominate Pestilence because he is teh hott :.
  4. How has nobody said The Doom Generation yet? That's definately a movie that can make a mixed crowd go from super friendly and social to awkward, panicked and withdrawn in under an hour. It even has a Skinny Puppy cameo in the very beginning and Ogre has like, oh maybe, one line.
  5. Well then you should go! In other MANFAST news...I called yesterday and registered: IT WAS SUCCESSFUL! This year's MANFAST will officially be in Brighton! I'm also going to update the roster a little later today because there have been so many lot changes and such it was hard to keep straight for a minute. I have everything more in order now, so I'll be posting that soon enough.
  6. I'll run again, but this time I have a feeling that I'm not placing first like last time .
  7. That's what I get for responding after only reading the first paragraph or so.
  8. GOD-DAMNIT WHO TEASES ME LIKE THAT? MOTHER FUCK!!!!!!!!!! ...my weekend is ruined : . I was so seriously excited . I take back everything DJ Saint, even the gratuitous leg humpings... The reason I bought is because I've actually, as Saint described in the original post, always thought it would be somewhat feasible, if Detroit had a bigger industrial scene.
  9. OMFG OMFG YES YES YES W00T! :peanutbutterjellytime: They might as well board up CC now because this shit will put them under! Pestilence and I have been saying for YEARS that the GAR should be an industrial club (I've always also said the train station, but that is not feasible because of how massive it is). And I HAVE MONEY NOW :. I CAN GO TO SHIT! I LOVE YOU DJ SAINT *HUMPS LEG WITHOUT PERMISSION*
  10. It's an interesting subject, but I'm wondering the actual medical validity of this particular article. It didn't seem to be "backed-up" by anything. This is not to say it is NOT true and that a condition such as this doesn't exist, it's just not clear. It would be interesting to see more research on this. I only say so because I fall under almost ALL of the categories listed and yet am the opposite of Ultra-Sensitive in real life. None of this exhausts me or adversely affects my health/life because I'm able to simply "think everything away".
  11. That's cool, you have up until the first MANTEST at MANFAST, so that gives you more than a couple of months.

  12. You're thinkin' you might want to nut up and be a MANTESTANT?

  13. Soooo...you should go to MANFAST this year. *puppy eyes*

  14. I are Chernobyl, Herself, and I vouche for this message.
  15. Totally awesome. That means that everyone gets to see all my posts twice! You're a real friend for doing that *hugs*

    Btw...my yellow font is one thing but I had to srsly scroll through about three miles worth of pictures just to get to your comment box. You may wanna do something about that :-P

  16. Fiiiiiiiiiine. I'll eat my fuckin' broccoli. *crosses arms like a little kid and "hmph"s* That reminds me that I need to start my garden this weekend! Zomfg! I need massive amounts of dirt. This will prove to be a daunting and initially expensive task but once I set it up at my new house I won't have to worry about it again.
  17. It's sushi! It comes with veggies right in it! You should be more worried about my fruit intake.
  18. Pestilence and I eat almost nothing but sushi now and I feel like I could kick these cannon-legs right the fuck through Chuck Norris' torso. Note that I said "feel", not that I could, I would probably go to kick him in the chest and my leg would break so fully that my own foot would fly back and hit me in the face.
  19. DAMN YOU. I rent rooms in my house and we had one free up yesterday and was snatched up immediately. I only charge $250 base rent, which includes some groceries, taxes, etc, and then the utilities are split four ways. We're like a fifteen minute drive from Southfield and located two miles south of 696. *shakes fist angrily*
  20. LIKE OMFG ROFL OGRES SOOOO HAWT IN THIS VID! *Schoolgirl squeeeeal!* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncnzEZf2OWY
  21. Thank goodness there's still courthouses in America where the judge actually has sound judgment! This is awesome news.
  22. I think what I'm going to do with people who are willing to lot is that on the roster I will put such next to their lot number. This is so people who are looking to BE on someone's pre-existing lot will know who is willing to accept lot buddies or not. I will also put "Looking to tent" next to specific individuals who want to tent up.
  23. The Brighton Recreation Area group use area. You can't make reservations online for it, you have to call the park (if you're me, obviously DGNers make reservations through me, but I have to call the park personally to reserve it), but if you click on the "Unit Map" it is marked off with a picture of a little tent. In the legend it should say "Organization Camp" and is on the main lake (Bishop Lake). In the vicinity (but not too close, we drove out Sunday to make sure) are cabins and those are displayed on the map also. Tell me you're goinnnng! If you went that would be a mother fuckin' riot.
  24. I have no children, a 960 sq ft house with a 740 sq ft basement and 400 sq ft garage, giant yard that we can use to light things on fire, a designated beer fridge, three xBox 360s, two awesome cats, two sassy rats, two asshole dogs, one PS3, a PS2 with all of the DDR games, an SNES, NES, Atari Flashback, two big screen HD TVs (one 40 something inches, the other 52), four other TVs besides those, three recliners, two couches, and a partridge and a pear tree. Who's comin' over? My house is also goth friendly. I cannot fathom why it is that whenever I go into a goth person's house ALL of their walls are white or off-white. WTF. My kitchen is black with electric blue trim, the living room is plum with black trim, "rotunda" is fire-hydrant red with black trim, bathroom is Chernobyl-colored with black trim, Tim's room is villain-green with black trim, Ricky's room will end up being black, the basement is black, my bedroom is going to be navy blue with black trim (to match the existing carpet, normally I don't care for blue), and I'm probably going to make the stair landing either the same color as the rotunda (with black trim) or gray with black trim. Do I shit bats or what? There will be NO white or off white in my house, with the exception of the kitchen tiled floor because I don't have the cash to replace that yet. We're also centrally located in Warren at 9 Mile and Van Dyke. It's not quite suburbs, it's not quite ghetto, it's Sub-ghetto...which is someplace in between. That means you can get away with being loud and trashy like in the ghetto but do not have to worry so much about tying down everything you own every time you leave your property. I guess I have an eye for awesome real estate after working the R.E. business for so damn long.
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