You mean to tell me that you've had the internet this long and don't know what The Game is? Lol we didn't just make it up, it's been being played around the world since roughly 1996. There are three rules.
1. Everyone in the world is playing The Game (also to be understood as "Everyone in the world who knows about The Game is playing The Game)
2. If you think about The Game then you lose.
3. All losses of The Game must be announced to another human being via any means (i.e. phone call, messageboard, written word, telling someone, graffiti even. Some people will trick others and write it on dollar bills or bank notes knowing that at some point an individual who is aware of The Game will receive such money.)
I decided one afternoon that I was going to be evil and trick my roommates into losing The Game four times in the course of 5 hours. I had it perfectly planned. I went out to the garage and white-erase markered "The Game. Even The Game needs to go outside in the garage for some fresh air sometimes" onto one of the windows knowing the second Don (who's DGN name is THE GAME) and Pestilence came back that they would go out there to smoke. Both of them lost.
I then did one in neon yellow nail polish on the bathroom mirror figuring that we have two bathrooms and everyone only uses the upstairs bathroom except me, I prefer the basement as it is more scenic and Gitzie keeps me company while I poop. So it was inevitable that someone else would lose and that someone wouldn't be me. I wrote "The Game. Your loss of it brought to you by the color neon yellow. Please wash your hands in defeat." THE GAME was the one to use the bathroom first and came out ranting and raving, then flipped me off. Then threw his arms up and said "FINE. I lost the game." and walked off. I was mother fucking SMUG at this point.
I knew that Pestilence was going to make spaghetti that night so I hid a note in the cupboard where the serving bowls are saying that he lost the game but thanked him for the 'sgetti. This one kind of backfired on me because when he gets in the zone of cooking he kinda drowns out everything else so when he went to grab a bowl he didn't notice the note (or so he claims, I still think he noticed it but just didn't want to acknowledge the loss). I said, "Hey...isn't that cheating?" and he said "Cheating for what?" and I had to reply, "Didn't you see the note?" He claims it wasn't a fair loss because I blatantly told him it was there, I claimed that it doesn't matter because nowhere in the rules does it state that you can't blatantly make people lose (as a matter of fact I figure it's encouraged). To this day is it unresolved whether it was a fair loss or not.
Lastly, my roommate Tim works and excrusiating job scraping floors at K-Mart. He comes home and crashes a lot of the time and is pissed off occasionally. I had a feeling it was going to be one of those nights for him so I drew him a diagram of myself dancing to electro-dustrial with a pitcher of beer on top of...? His loss. And I put: "THE GAME. Chernobyl dances on your loss of it while drinking beer. Hope you had a great day at work." I know he got my note because when I got up to go to work the next morning I ran across at least 6 notes from Timata trying to cause me to lose The Game. He was not as strategic as I, however, as they were all out in the open and even though he left about 6 notes starting in the bathroom and leading all the way out to the windshield wiper of my car, I only lost once because we play with a 30 minute grace-period.