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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. We won't even need to do the circle thing. When I say secluded group lots they're MILES from anyone else and DGN exclusive. My boyfriend is actually talking about getting in contact with this one guy he used to know named Kenny who owns 40 acres in northern Macomb county and rents it out to people "in the circle" so to speak (which he was all growing up because his mom would always bring him out there). So it MAY be on private property and this Kenny guy is an "anything goes" type so loudness or anything else for that matter will not pose a problem because it would be on private property. Since it's such a HUGE amount of land also, if there are families going this year (as there was last year) they could be spaced far enough away from us rowdy fucks so that their children aren't scarred . Or waken up in the night by loudness. The only thing I don't like about Kenny's? No water. How the fuck am I supposed to fish and swim? See, that may be a deal-breaker for me. Dates: July 9th - July 11th. I must give credit to bean for informing me when MANFAST is this year .
  2. Who's as excited as I am? Nobody, that's who! Watch this thread in the next few weeks if you're planning to embark on the manliest pilgrimage of your life. Reservations are coming. The campground for this year may change, but note I said MAY. It's because we have SO many people that this year we're going to do a secluded group lot so we can cause a ruckus and the DNR can't fuckus. This will cause it to be WAY cheap too, like, literally...five bucks for the weekend kind of cheap. I'm actually going to drive around next week when I'm on spring break to a few campsites, Brighton included, to check out their group lots. If Brighton has satisfactory group lots then we'll probably go with them again. If you have already determined you're going, think you may be going, or want to know wtf this MANFAST shit is all about...post and let me know! Don't PM me, I don't want my shit flooded with people getting excited. Roster as of 12:18pm, March 29th. Those who are 100% paid-up and going: Lot 1 Chernobyl (KING of MANFAST) Pestilence (KING of MANFAST) Timata (MANTESTANT) Lot 2 the eternal (Reigning MANPION...step up to his MASCULINITY if you DARE) bean (MANTESTANT! Eff yeah!) Lot 3 Raev (MANTESTANT) *Siren* Individuals That Are Paid & Need Lot Partners: Eevee (Spectator) Probably not gender sensitive...I forgot to ask Prick (MANTESTANT) Not gender sensitive, has pop-up camper that will lose you MANPTS (inside joke from last year) KatRN05 (Spectator) Not gender sensitive, has tent People Dropping in to Visit but may not stay: Slaugh686 Those who REALLY want to go but have not arranged payment/confirmed yet: Slogo (Spectator) Lot 4 LillyLu29 (Spectator) Darkmatter
  3. I'm confused...why couldn't he take the job? You don't lose unemployment benefits when you get a job, they keep paying you underemployment. So WITH a job and the underemployment he would have been making MUCH more than just being on unemployment...thus the source of my confusion.
  4. Yes, you made an awesome Laser Assistant by keeping me company while I flipped out all afternoon before the event .
  5. Kind of a shitty camera, but oh well, at least we got some pictures. I was going to tell Msterbeau to bring his camera but forgot, so I was pleased that they took photos for us. From left to right: Eevee Slogo LillyLu Lucifer/Garbeldena/Tyger (you're all "piled" on each other. Lucifer is the one with the hat on in the back) Cravenbear Msterbeau Our friend Ricky Stormknight The Game (Face covered by sign, he's the one holding it) Prick OMG Pestilence Myself Iris Faith Evermound Fucking BLAST! How many people are down for next time?
  6. Thanks . It took a lot to put it together. We will definitely be doing this next year around the same time.
  7. Ooooh trust me, I live a mile from Detroit, I will vouche for this statement. You drive below 8 Mile, you've got people coming up to your car flashing unregistered "non-existant" guns in your face for you to purchase. And there will always be criminals. It's nice to idealize about a false utopia that does not have them, and hell, it is even better to strive for this goal, but there will always be a select few that are dysfunctional as such in our society. We need a way to defend ourselves against such people and against corrupt people in power if they turn the military on the citizens. It's nice to imagine a world where true peace can happen and everyone on the Earth stopped fighting, hurting each other, and trying to fuck each other over. On the same sentiment, however, it would be nice if pigs could fly, and they've also been trying for years .
  8. Yeap. That's what I got out of it. You take away from the good decent citizens of America the right to bear arms and the only ones left with guns after that would be criminals, the military, and the militaries of other countries. Personally with all three of those groups stacked against you, I believe every individual in this country (sans criminals of course) should have the right to own a gun. Not only that but I believe these citizens should own a gun and have a CCW for it. If more good people walked around with guns the second you got that nutjob that started shooting then at least someone would be right there immediately to take the guy out. Much better than standing helplessly watching him wander about mowing down citizens left and right before it takes the police 15 minutes to get there and to even start taking action. Case in point, statistically speaking, police precincts are the least suseptable to work place shootings and violence. Why? What idiot gunman is going to walk into a station and pull a gun out on a bunch of people who are all armed and all on the same side?
  9. The bottom video had recently been posted on Litany and before that I had never seen it before. I will say the ending definitely snuck up on me in the best way Skinny Puppy knows how . The one for Smothered Hope I had not saw yet, thanks for sharing it . Now THIS is the type of music thread we need to see more on DGN. I'm done with people posting emo band after emo pop band .
  10. 'Bout fucking time that someone finally had the balls to stand up and say "hey...this is bullshit!" in this country. Now if someone would do that with things like the bailout, forced healthcare "reform", and other inane laws then we'd be set .
  11. Same place the kids in this pop group signed up. The record company was probably trying to get a band that kids here would think is uber-trendy J-Pop and sought out four Asian kids and say "congrats, you don't know how to do anything, but you're Asian so you're in!" Hell this shit makes me feel bad for making fun of the Backstreet Boys in the 90s. If I knew how bad it was going to get little over 10 years later I would have been voting to keep them number one . They're still shitty but at least better and more talented than this crap. OH MAH GAWD! You're so ignorant candyman! Punk is sooooo like totally super back, yos, haven't you checked out Good Charlotte yet? They're like omfg, like sooooo coool, and soooo hard 'cause they have tattoos and stuff! Tehyre soooo punkzorz omfglikeroflcoptorz! I bet they even do naugbhty totally badboy hardcore PUNX stuffs too like turning in homework late and staying up past their bedtime even after mom yells for them to turn the lights off and go to sleep! HARDCOREZ PUNX STUFFZ YOS!
  12. I made it through the entire thing . But now I have to spend the rest of the morning injecting my ears with Skinny Puppy to counter-act the effect . Let it be known that I do listen to good pop, hell Gary Numan started out "pop" himself, it just has to be something I couldn't have thrown together on Frooty Loops in under an hour. So still...after giving the video another shot as I believed my original judgment based from an 8 second trial was not fair...yes, still not my cup of tea.
  13. Fucking amazing. Oh and the group photo we all took last night is going to be e-mailed to me hopefully today. If not I will call them.
  14. OH...and a few DGNers are going to be meeting up at my house at 9 Mile and Van Dyke in Warren before we all go to Laser Quest. If anyone else wants to come by and hang out in fear of being either late or lost otherwise, my cell phone is on all day and I PMed you all my number last night. Just call me and I'll give you my address and you can stop on by any time.
  15. YAY. Only a few hours away . I sent out the PM yesterday as a reminder...but am wondering if everyone even got it 'cause nobody responded . Oh well, you're all fairly smart people I'm sure it's all good.
  16. People sitting here talking about strategies they're using at DGN Laser Quest tomorrow...for over 30 minutes now.
  17. The RHPS phrase in your sig, which was later quoted by James St. James, just got you 10 Chernobyl Points.

  18. Ah, I'm looking just for xbox, but thanks. Actually as an idea you should start a separate PS3 thread because trust me, people who game on xBox Live and PSNetwork usually do not cross-over. It DOES happen (I have both accounts personally also) just not as much as you'd think. I'm mostly looking for people to play me on Modern Warfare 2 or Nazi Zombies on COD WaW. I do play other stuff, I'll probably break into L4D to make DBK happy . We've also got some fighting games but I believe Pest was trying to make our PS3 the fighting game console and is buying PS3 fighting games and selling the xbox ones (He sold our xbox version of Tekken 6 to a friend yesterday for instance to turn around and buy it on PS3).
  19. Awwww...shiiiit (We'd be neighbors) Actually, more specifically, you would directly be neighbors with Constantin, but you'd be less than fifteen minutes from us and our DDR Training Center.
  20. Yay! Tomorrow people! Everyone eat yer Wheaties and prepare for battle ! I will be PMing everyone on the roster shortly as my courtesy reminder type thing I do for my events. Also gives you a chance for any last minute questions, concerns, or the opportunity to get excited all over my inbox. Your choice. If you're going to select the last option on that list, please pre-emptively send me wetnaps so that I at least have a way to clean it up. Kthnx.
  21. Address in my PM box, plz. Congrats, you're going. Make sure you wear good shoes so you don't trip .
  22. Eeeeeeeveeeeeee. Did you arrange a ride or am I totally kidnapping your shit on Saturday? Annnnd, I'm almost in the finalization process. We have a fairly decent turnout but spots are still open. If anyone wants to still sign up or you found a last minute laser buddy to go with...PM me ASAP!
  23. WITH a straw installed? SOOO many Chernobyl Points. Ten to be exact. I srsly need to PM him and let him know. I'm probably still gonna barf in it, but hey, at least there will a be straw to breathe through so I don't drown and die. I'm sure this would at least make Stormknight feel safer standing next to me at the club and sitting within launch distance during Anime Club (yes...he IS an official member of our Anime Club, we even properly hazed him with AMV Hell 3)
  24. You did imply minorities: "But... what about the people that are stuck in the inner city ghettos and similar situations? The products of many years of neglect and racism" Secondly, I never even said I based any of this on actual fact that is published anywhere. When I put that something is in my personal experience, that makes it an opinion, and equal to: IMO. Through my eyes and who I've met. And if we're going on this rule? I have not met and befriended a single person who was disadvantaged, poor, in the ghetto etc who EVER broke this mold with the exception of only one. I won't say who because he is near and dear to me. He's made me realize that not everyone who is poor and disadvantaged falls into the "ghetto hood" category which I why I use words such as "most of" instead of "all" (or try my best to, I realize I get over passionate sometimes causing me to go a little overboard with the superlatives and exaggerations) but many, if not MOST, do. Because of this...? I make sweeping generalizations based on my experience. I never said I didn't. I've seen so much shit in my 24 years of life that I can't help but to do so. It's like science to me, the more and more something is proven...it becomes a theory. After being proven over and over again a theory becomes a law. So all of this is my "theory" as it has proven itself to me over and over and over again to be proven wrong only once. This is why I'm an equal opportunity friend: I give EVERYONE an equal chance to fuck up and make me force them out of my life. Wait...no...I give people MULTIPLE chances to the point where I've gotten my house broken into and robbed by one of these people. I used to go around and feed junkies and give the homeless a shoulder to cry on even though I knew it probably wouldn't matter because they would still go back to fucking up the same way they had been the whole time. But yes, I'm also quitting this one. I do not wish to threadjack any further and since I do respect you as a person, Marc, even if I don't respect ALL of your ideals, I don't want to piss you off any further than I probably already seem to have (which was NOT my intent, my intent is to discuss and get my opinions out).
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