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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I miss Deadline! Pestilence and I would be down like no other!
  2. Mine or Pestilence's? He bet me that I couldn't get the tag "AllYourBase" so I told him I could and improvised. The same thing happened when we played WoW and he told me just "to make up something random because EVERYTHING you can think of is probably already taken" and I made an Orc Warrior named "AllYourBase" and so he made his "RBelongToUs". I also had a draenei priest named "Bananahmck" lol. And I was able to make an Undead Worlock named "Gitzie" which is my kitteh's name and made a Tauren Druid named "Boshy", which is my mom's nickname. I also tend to name characters off Skinny Puppy songs because I have been told I have an unhealthy obsession.
  3. Hold on there, fuzzy little man-peach. You ever drink Bailey's out of a shoe? ROFL *runs*

  4. No problem, nothing is what I specialize in the most. Call them if you must: (313) 962-2300
  5. !!!!! So you're moving FURTHER away? But...but...the DGNers on the Eastside have cheeky and fun shenanigans. The westsiders' shenanigans are all boring and stuff! With moving closer east you get unlimited access to Cherny's personal DDR facilities .
  6. Probably. But is it REALLY worth it that much? I mean, no hotel room is worth getting infected with HIV and Hep C over. I would actually sleep outside with homeless people in Cass Corridor before I slept in one of those rooms, and I'm by no means a germaphobe or clean freak. Next question.
  7. Mmmmm...I'd much rather see guns than tits. Guns are giant metal dicks that have the ability to kill someone upon shooting off a load. If that does not get you hot then you are clearly lesbian . WAY more win than boring-ass boobies any day. I will also say that until Canada has a "right to bear dicks" policy that you guys are a bunch of sexist pigs! I'm actually only HALF joking about that...it is actually pretty damn sexist, imo.
  8. She's paid up and due to her enthusiasm over the entire ordeal I will be willing to wager that she is 100% going.
  9. Only if you pick one of the lolita characters on DDR . Then you can play.
  10. SEE? Highly addicting. Heroin in dance steps I say! (with better and healthier results than heroin) True story: When I first bought DDR for PS2 I could NOT STOP and in the first 72 hours I lost I think it was 5-6 lbs. In those three days I went to the buffet twice and had McDonald's for every other meal besides that. THAT is the true addiction power of DDR . Now just think of how much weight one could lose WITHOUT the buffet and greasy fast food? That's why they're even incorporating it into most Phys Ed programs in school and Norway recognizes "Machine Dancing" as a legitimate national sport.
  11. DDR3 for xBox360? Fuck yeah, I have it also. SEE? People never believe me that it's hard. It's MUCH harder than it looks, most just don't realize it until they actually step up on the mat themselves. If you want a DDR buddy you should come over! Bring whoever you like, I don't mind. I have a huge cool basement, extra pads, tons of the DDR series, and mad skill to help you out if you'd like. I should so organize a DGN DDR-fest. I'm thinking that's gonna come on in May possibly when I'm out of school. I can even have prizes for the best skill, etc. What does everyone think about this? Oh, btw, Lillylu...DDR4 is out 5/1/10 . They weren't sure if they were going to release it at first but it's comin' (along with the FIRST DDR ever for PS3 on 3/1/10!) If you think it is challenging...DO NOT give up! You WILL get better with practice, I promise you! When I started I FAILED my first song miserably and it was THREE step on Light mode! Now I can stomp out anywhere from 6-8 Step on either Standard or Heavy mode for HOURS with near perfection, stick with it! That's my biggest tip! Pounds will MELT if you do since your brain is registering it as "fun" and not "dreadfully boring exercise". After melting off dozens of pounds you'll join my school of thought in thinking about how silly most girls are for doing their fad "cabbage diets" or "cleaning diets" or "only eat one lettuce leaf a day" diets because you'll be taking off the weight without having to modify diet THAT much and nearly effortlessly. Not to even mention how badass all of the kids at your local arcade will think you are when you go in there and pwn their shit while stomping. Hell, I even got an impromptu photo session and a crowd of almost a dozen people two years ago at Cedar Point when I decided to hit up their DDR Machine in the arcade between roller coasters. Just don't let all the dance fame and fortune get to your head like it did with me . Yes, you CAN get a lot of recognition playing in public and competing in contests...American Fun Center in Oakland Mall actually gives out cash prizes on the spot to people who win their annual tournament.
  12. All hail Canada! This is the only reason Canada rules so hard: If Canada was not around then Skinny Puppy would undoubtedly be American musicians which would mean that they have no talent at all. Ministry is the only exception to the American rule, and yes, I'm pretty strict to that.
  13. We have four TVs, three 360s, a PS3, a Wii, PS2, SNES, NES, and Atari Flashback. Needless to say we game pretty hard in my household. The third 360 was bought last Friday and it's MINE BITCHES! After sitting there watching The Game, Timata, and Pestilence hog the gaming systems in the house for so long, now whenever I want to play and someone is on my system I have the power to say: "NO! WTF! GTFO! Mah XBOX!" I ALSO finally got a Live account for the first time ever. I want everyone to add me. Right now I've been rocking Modern Warfare 2, but we also have all of the CoD series down to 3 I believe (actually the older ones may have been in the collection that got stolen by a particular ex-friend bitch who is literally a prostitute on heroin and staged a break-in to our house because she is honestly THAT stupid and thought she'd get away with it.) I'll have to check when I get home if we still have those games. But yes, my Gamertag: A11Y0URBA5E Pestilence's: SAVVDOFF There's also The Game's and Timata's but I'll leave it to them to post it. Post your Gamertag and let's pwn some n00bs DGN style!
  14. Like saying "I have a case of the Mondays" is something that real men would get their ass beat for saying at their manly construction job. Good thing I work in a boring-ass office.
  15. People! You WANT to shoot lasers at other DGN members. SRSLY!!!!!!! Sign up NOW!
  16. Here you go: http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=32557

  17. Noticed this member signed up at around 10 something PM and here it is almost 11 and they have not posted! Let's help them get started! *drum roll*
  18. Aww...you created an account and signed off right away? Hold on, I'll brb and get you started because I'm a super cool nice guy like that.

  19. rofl, what's up?

  20. Very impressive, sir . Here's to the next eight years and many more after that .
  21. Why all the self hate? Yes, I'm nosey, but also good at listening. Or you can tell me to "STFU and eff off". I take that too. I just used to loathe myself also and so I'm curious.

  22. How is it that you and Slogo are clearly caucasian and yet you had an African-American baby? The Gimp, I think you should go for a paternity test on Maury, apparantly Slogo gets around a littttle bit more than you originally thought.
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