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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Pestilence and I dropped off Rev and OMG and we ended up getting put to work by Ivy Cat, which we were thoroughly pleased about. They had us doing odds and ends of whatever was needed, we pitched a tent (), guarded the door for the backstage area, escorted Ivy Cat around to guard her from potential creeps, Pestilence helped out setting up stage stuff and I made my stage debut! I was handed a push broom and told to sweep the stage inbetween acts and it was pure art I tell you, The Gimp will vouche for this. Had a great time, saw some great shows, great art and dirty people, including Jeffrey Fieger. May be there tonight if our odds-and-ends services are needed again.
  2. Yes, I definately concur on this sentiment . I stopped watching shit like Maury because I started having such a low opinion of women who were proud of going on shows like that to get attention and the fact that they would go through 20-30 men and still not know who the father is. Enjoying sex with that many people? Whatever, that's a persons thing, but enjoying sex with that many people and NOT being responsible about it and bringing a kid into the world without even giving a fuck about the child or who the child's father is? Yeah...it started grossing me out. But I have a feeling PP doesn't fall into the "20-30 guys and still don't know who the dad is" category, so you probably wouldn't qualify for Maury! (which is a good thing, there are better ways to go to NYC!)
  3. Yay! For the first time in CC history not only did I get a request played, I got TWO of my requests played back-to-back. VERY improved playlist from what was being played a year or two ago when it seemed to cater to the mainstream instead of actual goths/rivetheads, good to know the club isn't taking that shit and is making a comeback . I had a great time last weekend and you guys are definately going to be seeing more of us .
  4. The vamp kids will be happy and full of glitter when they find out that they have an alternative to clamatto juice now
  5. I really should start charging for tickets, shouldn't I?
  6. Ughh..I know I was there, definately had too many long islands. From what I heard, it was a pretty good playlist. How was everyone else's night?
  7. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, February 13th. 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of the Ramada Hotel building, located at 400 Bagley Street in downtown Detroit. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. We've had reports that the CC parking lot will not break bills larger than $10, so try to bring smaller bills with you. Zoom able map to Leland City Club MDOT lane closure (The map isn't quite exact. The Leland is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) In case you don't know the "DGN Corner" is to the right of the bar. Currently theres a table, pillar and long narrow wooden table, impossible to miss. Come say hello. If no one is there, stay there, they will show up. Note: If you're NOT going this isn't the place to post about it.
  8. So as a confirmation, yes, we are going. We've also convinced our roommate and free-lance goth-obsever, Timata, to come along for his first time. It took some pushing because he doesn't like clubs but he is to goths what Jane Goodall is to chimpanzees so when I said "well, I guess you'll never get to see goths in their natural habitat..." he totally caved. See you guys tonight!
  9. Yes and we'll paint black stripes on them so that they look like zebra ponies.
  10. Easiest way to get your Id to stop would be for me to post some current photos .
  11. You'll just have to get Pestilence's testimony on this, erm well, Pestimony that is.
  12. Man...I just realized how badly I need to find that awesome hat in picture number three.
  13. Naw...I already has those! So yeah, pretty much as of right now it's a "we're going". I'm also going to try to bring Timata for his first time.
  14. Gold is a fancy way of saying "awesome yellow for winners".
  15. +Sass These get the Chernobyl Stamp of Approval which isn't worth more than my opinion and anywhere from fifty cents to a dollar. Marc: If I ever do a shoot at your house, which, you know, does not happen, but if in CASE...yellow couch has my name on it, fyi.
  16. I can't think of anything that's 100% an actual joke/punchline set up, but I'm sure I will. But I will say I love the line in Party Monster where they're in James St. James' apartment after Michael sabotages him and Michael says "We're like two peas in a pod, you and I, James" and James replies with: "I pity the pod"
  17. Fat Tuesday? It will be in Hamtramck next Tuesday, Feb 16th. If you're talking about MANFAST that is next summer the weekend before my birthday (my birthday is July 12th). For more info on that, PM me, we don't take reservations for it until late March but I can still give you a rundown. I'm going to say, unofficially, that MANFAST that I run and DGN Appreciation Night which Raev runs in the fall (which I know you were at this year) are DGN's two biggest and most epic events.
  18. Let's just say I bought a hundred dollar dress this week and a pair of hundred dollar boots.
  19. *Stumbles in late* When the hell did coffee house come back and why wasn't I notified?
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