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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Yeah it was explained to me in high school. But I was raised Presbyterian, so we don't do lent but we defiantely reap the results of Fat Tuesday .
  2. Oh believe me, if you talked to anyone who has gone to MANFAST you would know that MANFAST, and every other event I try to come up with, is basically Fat Tuesday under the guise of something else. I easily ate 2-3 lbs of bacon at MANFAST...and that's JUST the bacon. That's not the six burgers, like five steaks, fish, chicken, eggs, sausage, and the ENTIRE slab of ribs I had to myself. Come to my events and I will make you get your buzz on and then I will feed you until you're sick.
  3. Yes, I've postponed it either 3-4 weeks, and after I get my face drilled by my dentist today I'm calling LQ to see if they have either of the dates available. NOW I'm getting steady paychecks and got my financial aid check so if I"m FORCED to throw down extra cash I can now afford it. Next year I'll have to keep that in mind and plan accordingly and always make sure it's after the middle of February.
  4. Yes, for those who have inquired due to the fact that not enough people signed up for the first one to be able to book and not have me go flat broke this IS being postponed. I'm really really sorry I have to do it and anyone who does not want to or cannot go to the newly scheduled WILL get a refund, please PM me and let me know. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if either February 27th or March 6th is available and will let people post as to which one would work best for them as it is far enough in the distance for people to possibly schedule around.
  5. Answer: No But if you REALLY insist on custard I will not hold it against you personally. I also don't like shelled nuts in things, coconut (I'm with Woody Harrelson's character in Zombieland: It's not the flavor, I love coconut flavored things, it's the texture), and tomatoes. I also used to hate cottage cheese but now absolutely fucking love the shit...crazy how your tastes change as you get older. Everything NOT on that three-item list is awesome imo, including anchovies.
  6. Mine do, and so do the paczkis made by the indigenous Polish people of Hamtramck. See...the Polish in me = Wants Packzi. The British/Finnish/German/Irish-American in me = Wants to impregnate said Paczkis with delicious fruit filling. See why I'm so torn? I have a feeling the people down at New Castle Bakery who have probably been baking things since Hamtramck was founded also hear the cries and demands of most Americans.
  7. For anyone that knows me well you would probably know that my favorite national holidays, in no particular order, are as follows: MANFAST, Memorial Day, Labor Day...AND, the grand mecca of all things awesome & holiday on the same date: FAT TUESDAY. I'm not even Catholic. I don't even do fucking lent. I don't even know WHAT lent IS or why Jesus would give a shit whether or not you cut out cupcakes or something equally as trivial for a month, what I do know is that out of my five major ethnicities, aside from the Irish, German, Finnish, and British I am pretty damn fucking POLISH. Hell, my great grandma's last name on my father's name was Galkonski, I'm pretty sure I'm qualified. As a tradition that I used to do several years ago, I took my little sidekick bff, Rachel, and we went bright and early to New Palace Bakery in Hamtramck where legitimate Polish people prepare over a dozen different types of flavors of the most amazing fried dough pastry ever to grace this good earth. There we stood in line, breathing in the fresh Hamtramck air, shoulder to shoulder (or in Rachel's case it would be face in crotch because she's only 4'9") with the indigenous Polish folk of Hamtramck and taking whiffs of the amazing fried phenomenon of the Glorious Packzi for HOURS (I think usually an hour at least), in the cold sometimes, just because they are THAT fucking awesome. What am I getting at with all of this? All I want to know is, this year....WHO'S coming WITH MEH? That's right, I want YOU, to come and indulge in one of the things I like the most in this world with me, and hell, if you make the trip I may even treat you to one. So: What: The honor and glory of accompanying me down to the Golden Polish Land of Promise and Mind-Blowing Baked Goods Where: New Palace Bakery, Hamtramck. It's RIGHT downtown, I can't remember the street, but I can drive there. I WILL come back to this later when I'm at my house and give an actual address. When: February 16th, The Day of All Fat Reckoning, 2pm approximately How: How...will I find a ride? How will I know where to meet up with Chernobyl? How come Cherny is so awesome that she's treating me to a free jelly filled delicious donut so long as it's not something gross like custard because Chernobyl CANNOT condone ANYONE ruining a packzi by filling it with custard? All of these questions and more can be directed towards my inbox. This is not a SUPER ultra formal event obviously so if you'd like a casual person to talk to in a casual place at a casual event-type meeting, then I can do that. The only thing I cannot offer you is casual sex. Leave messages if interested! HELLZ YEAH:
  8. Pomba is right, weirder shit has happened. Not saying I believe it either, can't say one way or the other really.
  9. Yes, I'm starting to dabble in making my own clothing again because nothing ever fits me right. I've found out that I'm not thin, not fat, not busty, not flat, not a girl, not a boy, not tall, not short...I'm shapes. Yes, shapes. Not sure what kind, but whatever kind I am they don't carry it anywhere .
  10. Postponed for probably another two or three weeks. I figured for several reasons: ~ Gives more people a chance to sign up. ~ Gives more time for people to get their tax refund back for added cash monies. ~ Gives ME a chance to get my financial aid refund back so that if people don't sign up and/or don't get their tax refund I actually have the money to make up the difference instead of gauging Boshy for more cash. ~ Gives people a longer window to plan for it and take off the particular Saturday. ~ Gives people more of a chance to gather any guests that they may want to sign up if space is available. ~ Gives my kitty, Gitzie, more of a chance to run around outside beefing up by killing things so that come the end of February she can actually haul around that laser pack and not look a fool like she did last time :. TONIGHT...I will be making a NEW TOPIC (so that it's better organized) and a date option in the topic and all that good stuff. Anyone who does NOT or CANNOT attend the newly scheduled date WILL be refunded any money that you have given me and will also be given an apology.
  11. Hi, I'm radioactive also, good to know there will be someone else around here to help out with causing lymphoma and cancer. Welcome to the board :)

  12. Okay, wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one who had red flags go up when I read the message. I agree, why only female models? And no description of the job? It seems very fishy, models usually want to get more information to see if they're actually modeling for a reputable photographer or a scum bag who is just trying to get them in their house and convince them to get nude and go a little further, if you know what I mean. Details are nice!
  13. The Works hosted Deadline which was only fairly recently taken off the roster. Not to speak on Slaugh's behalf, but he probably just forgot to take it out of his signature. And yes, he was a DJ there, a damn good one at that.
  14. So, with that logic, it is neither Bush's fault, nor Obamas. It's our fault. We're getting what we deserve for dumbing ourselves down and letting people run around uneducated and not having the balls to speak up to anyone anymore when they do shit like set their kids in front of a TV instead of sitting them in front of textbooks. The only thing I'm mad about is that all of the stupid sheeple are going to take the rest of us with them. So not, fuck the government, or fuck Bush/Obama, or eff big business or even the leftists or the right-wing...fuck America for not giving a shit, we deserve this type of shit to happen because of our apathy.
  15. Sorry, one day late, I had stuff come up yesterday, but here is a list of the people who have said they definately (or most definately) are in: Chernobyl (duh) Pestilence Timata Raev KatRN05 LillyLu29 Msterbeau Fidget (+1 guest) Hunhee Prick Enishi It's a rather small list so far, which worries me. I am at this point now opening sign ups for as many guests as people would like plus any other DGN members that haven't got on board yet. The BAD part about this, since I was definately expecting more of a turn out, is that this is turning out to be real bad for me and since I have not had many people pay me yet, and if people don't pay me then I CAN'T reserve us for Laser Quest as I do NOT have the money (literally, not even on credit cards or anything). I am getting my first paycheck in February along with my financial aid refund and my tax refund, so if we did it later in February I wouldn't be so worried about having to foot extra money, but right now I absolutely can not. Also holding it later in February would give people a longer window to sign up, save up, and pay me. If everyone wants to see this happen on February 6th I will need more of a turnout and people to pay me earlier. If this does NOT happen...then sadly I will have to postpone it for later in the month. If I do postpone, which I do NOT want to do, if anyone does not or cannot attend the new date then I will gladly refund your money in full and I apologize in advance if this does happen. SO to emphasize: The sooner I get more sign ups and the sooner I get money for this, the more likely it will happen on the originally scheduled date.
  16. It is an awesome and totally epic event (possibly the most epic official DGN event ever) I throw every summer that refuses to give up and tone down the testosterone. For people who aren't competetive it's fine...it's still fun to go camping! It is held every year on the weekend before the day of my birth, which is July 12, and is usually a fairly cost effective fun weekend (srsly, three day getaway for usually under a hundred bucks....how do you beat that?). I also make sure that it is within reasonable driving distance..not like three hours away or anything and all are welcome. It gets BIGGER and BETTER every year, the first year we had 10 people, last year we had 25-30 people and this year is the third annual MANFAST...and lemme tell you I'm getting a giant secluded group lot this time! Is it a game? Kinda. The objective is a big pissing contest to see who can pull off the MANLIEST things. For the epicocity of where MANFAST all began and where the term comes from? Wellll, you'd just have to go to find out. And yes, I make a brochure for people who come to the trip called the MANPHLET, which explains the Sacred History of MANFAST and the joyous founding of the First Church of Charlie Murphy. It also has you know, rules, cool shit to do while you're there, stuff I consider manly to win points for the MANFAST competition...and what am I throwing in this year? You know all of those Chernobyl Points I hand out for awesomeness and awesome deeds? I've decided that this year at MANFAST...those Chernobyl Points will be able to be REDEEMED. The thought of this should make you quiver in your panties, srsly. If you wanna know...then GO! Registrations for MANFAST usually begin around the last two weeks of March, so save your money and clear your calendar in July for the weekend BEFORE the 12th!
  17. Psssht...don't listen to Msterbeau we're all friendly except him :-P I kid of course he's just a big kidder himself lol. Welcome to the darkness of Detroit.

  18. Fucking awesome, you sir, are still amaizing . I haven't seen Avatar but Boshy has and she thought it was marginally cute...but she kept having to sneak out of the theatre to call me on her cell phone because she didn't really care for it, just thought you know, there was some cute stuff about it and really good graphics as she put it.
  19. DAMN...that description of the most technological out-of-body experience makes me feel really bad for anyone that decided to do any shrooms or acid before heading out to see it.
  20. Case of why I'm in the dirty old man category and not the pretty young girl category. You say "prepare to be blown away" and all the guys drool and it's saucy...I say "prepare to be blown away" and my boyfriend ducks and covers figuring that I'm incinuating that I just got back from Taco Bell. Where's my dirty old man badge? In high school they called me a dirty old man named Norbert...apparantly because of how I smoke cigarettes...? So see, being a dirty old man to me so far has been more than a hobby but rather a lifetime commitment.
  21. I'm a dirty old man who likes to harass regularly...can I join your guys' club?
  22. OH...now I remember why I came to your profile. I edited one of your posts because YOU'RE NAUGHTY! No I kid, I didn't think you would mind but I edited your initial post in the Laser Quest thread to put the event information in there so it's up front and easily accessible. Normally I always ask but I mean I REALLY knew you wouldn't care. I even put that I edited it in th...

  23. I win at running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off. All that geometry and learning about Pi has helped greatly in this venture.

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