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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Depressed about my Mugen dying yesterday...
  2. Not all women are like that, I'm not like that when it comes to relationships, I pretty much only cry when someone I love dies. Usually it has to do with how you are raised or sometimes hormones, imo. But if it's time to move on, and sounds like it is, you just have to do it and that is that, no two ways around it.
  3. I doubt that. I'll be over later with the Cobalt and a webcam.
  4. Has a head that is awesome when I'm at the club and found that I accidentally left my compact mirror at home and need to check my makeup really quick out on the dancefloor. *RUNS!*
  5. About to go get another cup of coffee from downstairs.
  6. Yes, it sounded a little instagatory, especially since I failed to see the giant neon sign at the beggining of the thread stating that this thread was aimed for guys to answer.
  7. Well, who says she's looking to settle down? Maybe she just wants some fun too, she's quite young and she's only going to be young once, there's plenty of time for that boring settling-down crap later in life . Are you a slut, BC? No. Personally I don't understand why it would matter, but I do know that to some people peer-enforcement is important (hell, even I do it sometimes too). I have had this discussion with my brofriends on numerous occasions because as someone who has a vagina and yet is still one-of-the-boys, I get some pretty awesome insider opinions and information from time to time. I don't get any female insider info however as I don't have female friends and at 24 years of age how women work is still a mystery to me. It surprised me that most of all of the guys I ask that weren't raised up uber-religious or by hicks had the same thing to say about sluttiness as I: "If you're sexin' someone for affection, the sheer pleasure of it, the feeling of connection, or to enjoy both of your bodies, than it is not slutty; however, if you are sleeping with someone sheerly due to their status, a possible boost in your status, money, drugs, nice dresses, attention and not affection, to get back at someone else, or a promotion, then you are indeed a golddigging whorish slut of the worst kind and are an abomination to the sanctity and awesomeness of fuckin'." And there you have it. IMO one girl getting fucked by her boss for a potential promotion is tenfold nastier and more dishonorable persay than one girl getting fucked by 8 guys all in a train sheerly because she enjoys the pleasure and appreciates that much dick. PS: Also, upon reading other members' posts I realize, and I'm not sure how I didn't before, that this guy is definately dating that girl. When someone says "potential" girlfriend/boyfriend, you know that they're full blown with the person and just don't want to tell you. You don't usually "potentially" date someone, you go after it or don't. So of course don't ever expect anything serious from him, I'm sure you caught the drift of that from other posts, but also...are you comfortable with the fact that you're the other woman? Would you appreciate if someone were going to do the same to you? Something that can rest heavy on your conscious and make you feel low-down and guilty in the long-run knowing you willingly helped someone cheat on their SO, definately something to think about because many people aren't comfortable with that idea.
  8. Either the last weekend in January or the first in February, probably January because February starts to seemingly get hectic.
  9. If it were something special then I might consider it but from what I've heard it's the same thing as normal CC but with champagne at midnight, so I will pass on this one. If I'm paying $13 a piece to get into a club they better have some fuckin' pony rides and a clown or two.
  10. I nominate Phee as most likely to love Ogre as much as I do. Timata does not feel like logging in but he says that he nominates me, Chernobyl, most likely to cause generations of anguish in Ukraine due to unsafe radiation levels.
  11. You're a total BAMF in this picture, it is indeed so badass that from now on I will be forced to call you The Don.
  12. I accept your challenge so long as I get to wear a sparkly bow in my boy-fro when I am holding said sign of defeat.
  13. Do we have a date and a place yet? I'm like twoooo seconds away from being done with the topic cards, sorry for the delay, Holidays happen which caused beer and beer caused me to procrastinate a liiiiittle bit. I should have said I would turn them in a little later because I should know better by now that every year at around this time I binge drink for a week or two....muh bad .
  14. Fuck yeeeeeahs, glad everyone is down with LQ like I am. I've wanted to go for awhile but figured I'd feel silly being 24 and all and going during the day and running around with 7 year olds shooting them with lasers . Timata and I got the idea because we drove past it coming back from Oakland Mall (I wasn't even sure if they were still in business, the Clinton Twp LQ closed down a few years ago and I wasn't sure about the Mad Hts one). We thought it would be awesome amazing watching goth people run around in black lights shooting lasers at each other. I'm not sure what my obsession is with trying to get goth people to do silly group activities such as this and camping...but it sure rules, yes? Personally I would say the lock-in is the best idea. I can go to their website and look up rates, call them, etc. Now all I'm wondering is WHEN would be a good time to do this...maybe last week in January or first in February to give me time to get my shit together and so everyone can clear their schedules and save up a few dollars? Input, plz. I do know WHAT is decided about this...Chernobyl will frag you with lasers until you melt. Wow, I can't believe I even just said frag, that is like soooo 1998 ago .
  15. Most likely to win MANFAST: the eternal
  16. Gettin' back to my ancestral industrial heritage roots, blended with punk for added flavor and texture . Yes, rivethead is now a nationality kthnx
  17. Drinking a MGD and fretting about my semi-failed hair project.
  18. We're moved in! Come the hellz on over!

  19. Did you get my voicemail?

  20. Pestilence and I should be there to support Ivy Cat and so that all of you can bask in the glory of our hair.
  21. Oh, nevermind then :-P

    I don't HATE CC...I just think they sold out a bit and well also need to treat people better.

  22. You new avatar is pimp shit

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