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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. YES! IT'S GONE! The money is in the bank . I'm going to be staying at Boshy's for the moment, I can't believe how much unnecessary bullshit had built up in my condo over three years time, and it was HELL moving it all. I still have to help Pestilence unload the small stuff out of the U-Haul and move it into here before I go to work today at 1. Then the rest of the week I'll be doing up stuff for DGN Camping and being uber busy with that, next week I look for a new house. Awesome .
  2. ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO GIVE A RIDE: Our awesome friend, Black Jack, lives at Joy Rd and Wyoming and is in search of a ride. I may be able to work something out with our friend Tim to take some passengers of mine so that I can get him, HOWEVER, if anyone would like to be a sweety-pants and is going in that direction who could get him that would work out better. You would win mad Chernobyl Points and ALSO...must I remind everyone that it is not a party without Black Jack. MANFAST will be all to waste if someone does not get him . Please PM me if you believe this would not be a problem with you .
  3. I JUST sent this to everyone who has a reservation, but for the sake of being redundant (and maybe the pop-in people are curious as to who is where), I'm posting it here again: As for the people who have said they may pop-in to visit: I will be sending you a PM with directions on how to get to our specific campground, plus my cell phone number for you to call when/if you get lost across state trying to find the place. Expect this either late tonight or tomorrow morning. I close on my condo in the morning and I still have shit to do down there, because, you know it wouldn't be very Cherny of me if I didn't wait until the very last second.
  4. Troy...you so need to come hang out at DGN Camping for a day. *glares*
  5. DANG! And with the fact that Pestilence went out and bought like 800 lbs of fucking meat...this will be one helluva PARTAY IN THE WOODS! The local woodland creatures don't even know WTF is about to hit them
  6. WELL...look at it this way: You'll not only be meeting us but will be attending one of DGN's most Epicly awesome events of the year! I'm glad you're going and we all get to hang out and party before you have to go away
  7. EPIC! It's manly things like being shitfaced and contocting your body into odd positions with your buddies who are just as wasted that makes MANFAST what it is! And that would be, you know, manly.
  8. I know! I'm still so surprised that I sold mine! So far we're supposed to close tomorrow and nothing has been called off yet...so this rules! So, since I'll have $11,760 for MANFAST this year...should I try to book Skinny Puppy to come play at our camping trip?
  9. Punky is making a cake that is vanilla with vanilla frosting and gummi bears. While it sounds cute...I am not CUTE . You can make me an evil chocolate on chocolate cake with black and yellow frosting words on it . You don't have to feel like you need to, if you like baking and are feeling generous, I will enjoy your baked goods generously . If you do chocolate on chocolate then we would have both a light fluffy frosting white on white cake, and then a heavy decadent chocolate on chocolate cake (muh favorite, I love thick sugary frosting, I HATE any frosting that is whipped what-so-ever. I've pissed off my grandma a few times by not being able to eat my own cake because of this.)
  10. YAY FOR CONSTANTIN! He gets extra sodomy steak this year for being such a good boy! Glad we have that all squared away...IT'S COMING FRIDAY, ZOMFGZORZ!
  11. Well that's great! I scratch my last post entirely! Very happy that he turned out not to be the psycho you thought he was. Understandable why you jumped to the conclusion that it was him, I mean, what other logical answer was there? And at least you're big enough to come back and clear it up . Very good for your ex also for staying clean and sober, I have an ex who was a severe alcoholic while we were dating, but has since been totally clean and it's WONDERFUL to see him that way, I'm very proud of him for being so strong because many of us didn't know if he was going to pull through honestly. So good luck to his sobriety and hope you can still come to DGN Camping!
  12. There is nothing I love more in this world than making miserable pathetic people more miserable and pathetic upon hearing about my joy, so I know the feeling. Sglgothmom - Good luck with this psycho! You can guarantee that any event I personally attend with my posse...NOBODY would follow you and fuck with you, I'm a beastly woman who would see to it personally .
  13. I thought they had the same "no CC" rule as a lot of people, may be wrong though. I remember last time they refused to go to CC. You guys should head out to Dead-Line one night . Not crowded, good music, cheap prices on anything, two spacious rooms, a pool table that Pest and I usually are seen rocking, and badass ranch dressing that is even more awesome when paired with their perfect chicken tenders. Any club night you guys go to, since tomorrow I will be the proud owner of $11,760 cash, I will make an attempt to go to, except, well, one club in the area. WELL, I might even go there, it's been since February, maybe I'll give it another chance... Either way....MANFAST! Pestilence went out already and bought like TWELVE POUNDS of meat for the occasion . We don't go overboard, we just do it right
  14. I am. It's odd how it works but my townhouses were HUD houses and not equity. The government HUD morgage was up in 2007 I believe and we all voted on whether the association would stay townhouse, go condo, or go "market share" which was the most retarded option, and of course, the one that all my retarded townhouse neighbors voted for. Market share makes it so we still have outrageously high rent AND if we want into the townhouses we have to BUY one for however much the previous tenant decides to sell it for. Anyone else see why this is retarded? We could have either gone condo and FULLY owned our shit and had a small association fee monthly OR we could have stayed townhouse and been able to leave our unit to the townhouses and buy them off the townhouses for somewhat cheap. Our management brainwashed all the people in this complex with false propaganda against condos (I work in real estate...I know better). Since many of the people who live in here are dumb as a brick (sorry, it's true), foreign and don't understand our laws/language very well, or elderly and very trusting of authority...he was successful. And ever since then I"ve been trying to GTFO out of this horrible place with nit-picky fines and rules. I had mine at $13,500 almost everyone else in here is STUPID and actually believed the management when they told them they'd be able to sell these places at top dollar...and have them all listed between $24,900 and $40,000, because they obviously don't understand real estate very well, or money for that matter. Oh well, what counts is that I can't put myself in the pool with these stupid ignorant people any longer...I'm free at last! But because of all this...my name is not on a deed anywhere because I lived here before it was real estate, so I believe that makes me a first time home buyer.
  15. I can't pay my bills, how you expect me to pay attention, huh?

  16. TROOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Who's there? Better be Ogre...

  18. It's half a joke

  19. I finally sold my shitty fucking condo to some sucker and am going to GTFO this fascist condo community! So yes, it finally happened after like...5 months. This means when I move into a new house, whatever piece of crap foreclosure we decide to buy around 9 Mile and Van Dyke, I will never have to pay rent again. I cannot be fined $25 for letting my cat out, I can't be told to pull out my vegetable garden because, you know, veggies are a threat and all. I can't be evicted for missing a payment...I mean FUCK I won't even have house payments...EVER. My fucking house. We're having Pestilence's cousin, DeadYeti, move in and we think our other friend Don. Expect a ridiculous party SOON. All depends on how fast the bank processes our offer. We're staying at Boshy's until we find a place, obviously. It's odd sleeping in my old room, so very red, I had awesome taste in high school apparantly. FREE AT LAAAAST FREE AT LAST! And I will have $11,760 on Tuesday...so MANFAST will be super awesome this year! (Kidding...money is definately all going to the new house, I swear ) Saturday is when we're moving all of our big furniture, not sure how the hell we are going to do it, but I always say that about everything and somehow it always gets done. It will happen. We are supposed to close Tuesday. My agent says this is a 99% done deal...if something falls through I will be PISSSSSED. It's real estate, it does happen, but I honestly don't see how it could. The purchase agreement is bottom-lined by both parties, they're cash buyers, are already approved by my horrible townhouse association, and are waiving an inspection. Sounds like the money is in the bank to me...yeah?
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