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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. So this guy walks into a bar

  2. Haven't seen you in a minute, I do believe Dead-Line some months ago was the last time.
  3. ONLY TEN DAYS! I'm surprised this thread is so quiet! Make some noise for MANFAST people! I will be PMing people probably tonight with finalizations, directions, my cell number, lot numbers, harassment, a list of shit that is awesome to bring with you, etc. WILL BE AWESOME! QUIVER IN EXCITEMENT PEOPLE!
  4. I may be going with Boshy, because she has not seen it yet and Pestilence isn't sure if he can sit through it one more time . I drive people crazy with over-watching shit...not that he didn't like it, btw. Anyone know how much admission is? The only time I've ever been to the Main Art Theatre was when I saw Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, in high school, and I remember the admission price molested my wallet in the worst way possible. Any idea how much it will cost me?
  5. Wow...you've averted my pancake-wrath for a whole year now? I really need to step up my efforts!
  6. That's a cool fucking mix of ethnicities you have there. I'm a mutt, but only a caucasian mutt (i.e. many nationalities, but all European)

  7. I've been goth since the day I was born. Was never an option for me...actually when I was 13 I thought I INVENTED it. I still think I did... (J/K sadly).
  8. BEST description of the bullshit going on atm, to put it in a one sentence nut shell. Yeah...that's how to stimulate the economy, spend MORE on shit that doesn't make jobs. Nice.
  9. THIRTEEN DAYS PEOPLE! OMFG! If you have NOT paid me and have not arranged something with me about this...PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP! If you do not pay me before MANFAST, you're not going! DO IT!
  10. Reading an article on Promiscuity vs. Virginity in women I realize how one-sided and double-standardized most men tend to be, in the most illogical way possible. As a female, I'm called "illogical and emotional" (ME..really, emotional, of course) several times a week and it's good to know that most of these men are so "illogical and emotional" that they can't even see when they're the pot calling the kettle black. Cute silly little boys...ahhh how much I laugh at their expense sometimes.
  11. Nothing, I SHOULD be worried about everything, but I don't let myself. On the list of things I should be worrying about: Pestilence's ex-boss is trying to challenge his unemployment, although the boss is lying to try to get out of paying it. He's trying to say that Pestilence started a huge fight with him and so therefore got himself fired, when really no such thing happened. The state does not know this, and in the meantime cut off his unemployment to "investigate the matter". Also told him that if he can't prove he didn't lie about it, or is found guilty of fraud (which is bullshit, because he isn't) that he may have to payback the money four-fold: Up to around $8,000. My condo is still not sold and due to them putting Pest's unemployment on hold I can't afford to pay the bills on my own. I will continue to double my debt trying to keep us afloat until they come back and find him to be telling the truth and re-instate the bi-weekly payments. I make about $450 a month...my rent is $397, our phones are $80, the internet (which I may have to cancel) is $70, the electric is $65, and I already cancelled my WoW account (the only thing that was keeping me sane). That is $612 a month, not including gas for transpo, and as I said...I make about $450 take home a month. Mathematically does not add up. My weight loss has been sucking ass due to stress and not having a proper diet and not getting enough exercise. It has been three days and I still do not have power at my house. All of the last bit of our food is probably rotten...as if we hardly had any in the first place. I am fucking hungry because we can't cook. We are doing someone a favor and fostering their two cats while they are trying to be situated and find a new place to live. This person is very near and dear to us and is actually in hard circumstances that are in no way their fault, the person they were living with decided to be a jackass and throw them on the street so we are helping. I <3 these kitties but we are only supposed to have one in our condo and now we have three until these people are situated. If I could SELL MY DAMN CONDO I could move into a house and not have to worry about this, as I said, I <3 these kitties and like having them around but any day now I expect to get a letter from the condos saying we have to get rid of them. Then what do we do? I can't just throw kitties on the street. More stress. I don't spend enough time with my rats and Mugen is getting old. That's why I got him two playmates, yet still, I didn't get him so he could play with other rats, I got him (and the other two) so that I can spend time with them and <3 them. DHS cut off MY bridge card because they said that I failed to re-verify in time. They are full of shit, I turned in the form a month early. Since it is DHS they are assholes and do not care about this and are making me go through the process all over again probably after dicking me around for a month. We barely could feed us on the two bridge cards in the first place...and now half of that money will be gone. I don't get out and have any recreation in my life except fishing because it is the only thing I can KIND of afford. No clubbing, events, etc, I have to watch all my friends go out and enjoy their lives while I sit at home. I still owe my Boshy $4,000 dollars for the housefire we had in January that I will no-doubtedly be paying her on until I am out of college and probably after that a little too. Michael Jackson died Thursday. I have two people waiting on us to get a new house so we can all move in and be one big ass awesome Warren-style family ("Warren-style family": All the people that live in your house that are not biologically related to you, as in, everyone in the house .) They are in shitty living conditions and keep asking me when we're moving and this worries me because they are in tedious positions and REALLY need to move and I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do about this. Grammy won't tell us, but she's been having odd health problems and her heart has been having flutters and skipping beats. She's 85. This worries me. The economy is turning to shit so fast that soon everywhere will be Detroit. Speaking of bad economy, our top agent left our company taking half of our house listings. We were already on the brink of closing our doors. Since she has left nobody has hardly called on any houses, we have had hardly any sales, and it's looking VERY grim. I love working here and my bosses are both very hard-working and honest men who have put TONS of money into this business trying to save it. I feel for them and worry for everyone working here...including me. I'm part-time, if we close our doors, no unemployment for Chernobyl. We will be at absolutely zero income. Ahhh...I guess those are a FEW of the things going wrong atm for me and my household, just a few. Somehow, as I said, I know I should be stressed but no longer feel it...maybe I've blocked it out? I mean I do feel a LITTLE stressed out, but definately not as much as I'd expect to be when presented with a plate of problems this big and serious. Maybe I've made myself not care because I know there is nothing I can do to better improve my situation? Or maybe fishing is just that theraputic. I will thank my friends group for being supportive and helping to treat Pestilence and I to different things from time to time. It's very hard out there for almost everyone atm, and I have had a few of our friends like Timata and Punky go above and beyond the call of friendship to not only help out, but to pay for things here and there. Friends rule. Trying to keep my sanity I've been cranking out my novel. Escapism is a great way of coping with your problems if they are unfixable problems, I guess it's been working somewhat. Sorry about the long rant everyone...it does feel good to get all of that out there and off my chest. People have also wondered why I've been somewhat absent in the scene lately and why I seem withdrawn and mopey sometimes at the events I do go to. I try to keep a stiff upper lip and have a good time when I go out but if anyone may have picked up on my attitude change or rather the fact that I don't seem normal lately, well that list above is a fairly good explination as to why. Annnnd I will say the DGN fam has helped me keep my sanity a little, by coming on here and socializing at no-cost to me and being able to vent like this, share stories with others about how bad times are, and to get support has helped me. HUGGLES FOR THE ALLZ OF YOUUUUS! : :
  12. STILL...no fucking electricity. Our house smells like a rotting rectum because of the fridge and having no hot water to do dishes. How is your arm?

  13. Can I get an amen? (Or a SHAMONE! and a crotch grab rather?) It's funny how much people nit pick other people's lives when they're busy drowning in their own ocean of issues. Everyone is. Michael was no different. I don't think he touched them little boys and to me it didn't matter whether he was black or white...he was still MJ, and was enough. A BAMF at what he did, a true artist, and as Dave Chapelle puts it...he did THRILLER man, fucking THRILLER . It's just sad he died so young, 50 definately is not a ripe old age to go at, but I can figure the stress of being him finally got to him, and having your body go through multiple surgeries also adds more strain to your body. I will say the first CD I ever owned was a MJ single when I was 9. That's all my bff, Lisa, and I listened to at the time (along with you know, Coolio, Ace of Base, Salt and Pepper, TLC, go on and laugh people, even Cherny was once a 9 year old girl ).
  14. I'd love to try this, do you NEED any sort of prior acting experience or can anyone tryout? I know too much about zombies and am ALREADY a redneck, I would win at this role.
  15. Then Dacoria is retarded and should have known better, imo, and the parents have no right to sue the schools because they're daugher is stupid. BUT...we do live in America, where the court systems apparantly cater to the stupid, hence why in my original post I made some remark about how I'm usually not for suing, since most lawsuits are made by stupid people to enable them to stay stupid.
  16. Naw, Thriller, by Michael Jackson, but you were definately close. Even cEvin Key put up a tribute on his Facebook rofl, I dunno why, I thought it was funny though.

  17. What am I listening to now, huh?

  18. Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal Hey man, that guy was mine and my bff Lisa's life when we were little kids . Must pay my respects. *grabs junk harder than I ever have in my whole life*
  19. Because in public schools now they have an absolutely ZERO tolerance for any substance like this at all. Personally, I think that is retarded...when will school administrators realize that the more freedom you TAKE away from kids the more they are going to rebel? And rightfully so! We treat teenagers like they're five now...and low and behold, most of them act like five year olds because of it. Coincidence? I think not... I find it funny how in modern times, MANY administrations are absolutely clueless on psychology and how children/adolescents think and function, and then make judgements and rules based on their misconceptions. Glad I'm not even bringing any children into this world which is turning to shit faster than an avalanche coming down a mountain.
  20. This is absurd, I'm anti-lawsuit almost all the way, but if I were the parents of this girl this case would definately be a different story. I'd sue the ever-loving shit out of everyone involved, and I hardly EVER stick up for the kids and almost always stick up for teachers (sorry parents, 90% of the time your kid is the one being the little shit, not the teacher). If that says anything.
  21. Although it's not a board game, you would rule hard if you had Twister. I know Timata will be bringing The Zombie Survival Board Game...which is only board game anyone needs . What kind of stuff do you have, Meg?
  22. Well what really counts is that you'll be staying...and receiving a complimentary copy of the MANPHLET.
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