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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Finally realizing that my self-destructive behavior has been conditioned into me since I was a child since nobody in my family has ever said anything positive about me in my entire life. Well, okay, Boshy and family have said really generic things, probably just for maintenance figuring that they had to if they didn't want to end up in the newspaper the next day . Really wishing I had a money for therapy of some sort, I can't keep living like this...with all this guilt, self-loathing, and resentment towards my life.
  2. OMFG my boyfriend has been taunting me with Zydrate Anatomy and Night Surgeon since we've seen it. Like, basically he'll narrate what's going on atm to the tune of either one of those songs, knowing that it'll get to me .
  3. I've been noticing my pants getting more loose.
  4. Boshy's tulips are coming in, so yeah, and I've seen fat chummly little fucking robins everywhere. I've already got my garden planned out too, if you guys had any idea what the fuck I'm fitting into a space that's probably only 20'x20', you'd be shocked.
  5. As many of you know, I'm one of three people on this board who is totally up Ogre and the rest of Skinny Puppy's ass, so it's needless to say that I dragged my reluctant ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend on a 2 and a half journey to Grand Rapids just to see it. Let me tell you, I would have driven four, and I've seen it probably 8 or 9 times now.
  6. I've seen Sponge in here, Tech N9ne, Disturbed and a few others along those lines...and yet no mention that new Skinny Puppy should be out sometime in June...? Congrats, you all just failed gothic/industrial . TROY! Change the name of the board! . So yes, for anyone awesome enough to care (i.e. myself, Phee, and Wilhelm), new Skinny Puppy should be out around June, or so goes the word around Litany.
  7. Wondering what the fuck is going on today.
  8. And I thought I was the only one who does that...I always catch myself though before I actually hit the finish edit button.
  9. Have a favorite song yet? I miss DDR Max, Timata has my copy of Max and Max 2 (Max 2 rules...it has Dirty Vegas and Chemical Brothers)
  10. As an update on my fat, I've been working out and watching what I eat. I've lost circumference and yet gained weight...? So yeah, I've been weight training intensely, I'll chalk it up to that. I'm going into ultra mode, full force dieting and working out five days a week, 2-3 days weight training. I COULD take it slow...but I take nothing slow .
  11. When the song is highlighted, press up/down on the pad and it will change difficulties. Srsly, will have to come by very soon to give you the run through tutorial . I know it sounds dumb, but there's quite a bit of technique and style that you may also be messing up without realizing (almost all beginners do).
  12. OMFG FUCK FUCK MAYDAY! I HAS BEEN SPOTTED INFILTRATIN' DGN! I am not goth, either, I'm cyber-rivethead-lolita-ish and I wear ridiculous suits so I guess that kinda makes me corporate goth a little. Just refer to the "What is goth?" thread that Troy started .
  13. A little miffed because I was going to work out at the gym for an hour this morning and could barely push a half hour because my left knee started acting up again. Has me worried a little, I'm 23, I don't need a bum knee :.
  14. Getting better? What difficulty are you on and what step? With Max they don't have beginner mode, so are you on light mode? (yellow, standard is pink, heavy is green)
  15. I agree with this entire post except something small in wording: I don't have to respect anyone's lifestyle that I don't agree with. I live in America, I must tolerate it, and yes there is a difference.
  16. Outlaw Star FTW! ^_^ My fav character, too.

  17. WTF Hunhee! Why you gotta lie to me like that!? *runs* :-P
  18. I think I need to come over and give you a run through . Are you playing on carpet? You may also be thinking that you are hitting the note and aren't, there's a fullllll strategy you have to get down and it's like picking up an instrument so it's a bit tricky at first. Everyone's got their weakness, some people always feel that after stepping on a note that they have to put their feet back in the middle of the pad (which is HORRIBLE because after awhile as you get faster, it's impossible to hit every note doing this) Some people can't hit the back button for shit. Some people, i.e. myself, can't backstep . You aren't advanced enough to know what backstepping is yet, but let's just say I've been playing against my friend Timata for about a year now, I trained him from being a beginner up to heavy mode and HE can backstep like it's nothing, yet for some odd reason I CANNOT (in most instances, I get it every so often). Your problem might be jumps (that's actually Timata's problem). I should come over and help ya out with it! Or at least make sure there's nothing wrong with your pad. As for PS1 versions? You can, but they're harder and don't have many good songs on them. It's always nice to go back and revisit the classics, especially since that's where DDR first started (other than arcades), and you can pick up copies of the old games for cheap.
  19. Yeah, we should be, I'll have to double check with Raven. I'll probably have to pay for him lol but that's fine, he paid last time.

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