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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Here, how 'bout this? I stop playing for a month just to be fair so you have time to catch up
  2. Being tortured by reallllllly bad "gangsta" rap (note the quotes). Oh well, at least it's not totally trash (i.e. ICP and/or any other juggalo music that isn't the few good Tech N9ne songs in existance).
  3. I gained a pound and a half since going to the gym! (It's muscle mass...I'm sure of it? )
  4. You Are an Ectomorph You are thin and lean. You don't put on weight easily. Ectomorphs are known for being private, introverted, and brilliant. It's likely that you are introspective, philosophical, and even artistic. Other people tend to make you a bit tense, but being alone is both inspiring and comforting.(amen!) What's Your True Body Type?
  5. sdl;fkjasl;dkfjlas;kjd WHWEEEEE!
  6. I've always known you as a guy who is laid back and mellow, generally never up for confrontation unless it's absolutely the last resort. I've noticed you go after women who tend to be likewise, that's probably what's behind it. Just figure out that you're not right for each other, no need for a huge blow out fight, mutually dissolve and keep in touch after.
  7. Can't say I had a crush on her, but when I was little I wanted to be her and said that when I got married I would wear that same dress. Close enough...?
  8. Crazy day, three words, glass in left foot. Fine, four, whatever, and that was just the start. But it's good now, I have the new rattie, mixed feelings about that because I still miss his little sister (RIP ) since she died so young, but at least he is family of the other rat and it's more like reuniting the family then replacing her. He's fucking FAT, like, already fatter than Mugen and he's only 6 months.
  9. The scale at my gym seems to be broken since it says that I'm anywhere between 130 and 195 pounds. I'll stick with the 130, you know, because it's more motivating...?
  10. Nothing, I said hello because your about me told me to. I'm a bit impulsive myself and who you are actually amuses me slightly...slightly.

  11. *Chernobyl sends out Pikachu* Go Pikachu! I choose you! *Troy gets shit electrocuted*

  12. Hitting resin then going to clean more, shower, gym, etc.
  13. Not doing too bad, actually. Decided that I'm going to be a little stricter on what I eat, only for the purpose of excelerating my progress instead of taking it slow. Anyone who knows me on here should know by now that I don't take anything slow. Later today, going to the gym and doing some laps around their pool, soaking in their hot tub, warming up on the treadmill for ten minutes, full body weight training regimen, cool down on treadmill for ten minutes, and then fall asleep in their sauna with Gameboy in hand (don't worry, it's a dry sauna).
  14. A little tired, but drinking tea, hopefully it helps. I still have some cleaning up to do around the house.
  15. Just got back from the gym, burned 400 calories on the eliptical, and now I'm having a salad, w00 . Kinda pissed, because once again I forgot to weigh myself so that I could make a new ticker.
  16. Hey man, I have enough lovins for 27 boys and their brothers, yet I'm stuck with just one too . It's life, for me though, I just deal with it!
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