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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Samajimi Mamimi is 16! YOU'RE BAD, PEDO! Dibs on Naota...? *runs *
  2. Because, when put into a greater-than-less-than type of equation, it works out something like this: Sex Dreams < Actual Sex Fact!
  3. Does anyone else find it odd at all that the largest concentrations of single men tend to be on the westcoast and the largest concentration of single women tend more to be on the eastcoast? Just verrry odd, and it's almost split exactly down the middle of the country like that, also.
  4. Psssht, naw dude, I don't think you even know. I ate SO fucking much this weekend that if an obese person were sitting there watching me eat, even they would have been grossed out . THAT'S how much I had, and I'm still in good spirits about losing weight, just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again.
  5. Uggghhh...too full . Had some very odd dreams last night, like being a squatter in an abandoned building by the lake, with a fishing pole, enough weed, a few close friends (plus boyfriend), and my pets. It was amazing, and yet the whole dream I had a feeling of uneasyness, like we were going to get busted and thrown out of there any minute by the police. Strangely, the abandoned house in the dream that we had jerry-rigged with electricity and running water, is on the same plot of land that this trailer park that we hang out at is located on. I wish I could remember all of it, the mood was very sensual and peaceful, yet mixed in with a slight overtone of anxiety to keep things interesting.
  6. Fucking finally! I missed you the last time because I joined DGN months AFTER you came the first time! YAYZ!
  7. Yeeeah...I've been electrocuted a few times myself and can safely say that it didn't cause me to become hypoglycemic .
  8. Deary, you do NOT even know naughty...and my Aunt Flow wasn't even in town. I probably gained like two lbs from last Friday to now, but I don't care, I'm going to the gym later and I enjoyed every last calorie, damnit!
  9. Pest bought sushi for dinner and then after that my tubby ass heads to the gym to become steel! YAY!
  10. You should be, it's bad out there. Not horrible but bad. I'm dreading having to go back out there, I don't have my car right now and I have to walk down to my mom's.
  11. Freezing my ass off, just got in from taking the bus home from work. Had a 30 minute layover at 15 and Van Dyke, it's so cold out there that it almost fully drained my Game Boy.
  12. No, one year at Thanksgiving I was 130 lbs. I'm eating a MASSIVE plate of food, seriously, enough for two grown men because it's Thanksgiving and that's the point. THAT was the year, I figured, that she would stop nagging me about being fat, finally congradulate me on being thin and nice looking. No...what did she do? Run around the house, sobbing loudly and publicly, pleading with my relatives to get me to eat talking about how I'm severely anhorexic (as I'm shoveling my face full like I was at a buffet) and begging me to eat, putting tons of food in front of me. I think my gramma just hates me . To her my Aunt Barb and Boshy are NOT good enough, no matter what, and neither are their kids (i.e. me), and yet my Aunt Becky and Peggy, them and their kids can do NO wrong, ever, even though pretty much all of their children are losers who have done nothing with themselves. Go figure, right? That's probably made me fatter over the years, everytime I go with my grandma to a restaurant I order the biggest and most deep-fried item on the menu, for the SOLE purpose of making her angry. It's almost a game to me now.
  13. The other day, my gramma told me that I looked like I was losing weight, which is a MASSIVE compliment from her seeing as she's been calling me fat non-stop since the second I was born. Annnd my gym membership begins Friday! So I will also be able to weigh myself finally, aside from being able to build mountains for sexy muscular arms and shit .
  14. OMFG....I JUST SPOOGED IN MY SKIRT... Wait...it's in CHICAGO...wtf...
  15. HEY...that's what I was going to type!
  16. I'm about to eat TEN White Castles, because White Castle is the drunk/stoner food of choice!
  17. I actually noticed how massively skinny you are compared to when I first met you, especially at skating night, I just haven't said anything because I can be a douche-bag boner at times. Forgive me?
  18. Have not directly played X yet, as it is basically one that is a ten year anniversary game (i.e. the title "X"), it has the most popular songs from the past. I'm interested in playing because from my understanding it is graded differently than the other games. Max is the first in the DDR series for PS2, and the first one I ever bought. Timata hates it because it is "too hard", and he is correct on this. When the Japanese first put DDR out in America on PS One, there were only a select amount of athletic types and Japanese-obsessed kids playing it (hence all of the J-Pop and Japanese style techno). Once it started coming out on PS2, however, people began to jump the weight-loss bandwagon however this presented a problem to Japanese programmers: Americans are, on average, disgustingly out of shape and lazy. Americans wanted something EASY...thus brought forth "Beginner" mode in the, I believe third PS2 game (Extreme), may have even been the fourth (Extreme 2). So basically, what I'm telling you, is that Max is the "hardest" game you can get for PS2, with the newest ones (X and Supernova 2) being the easiest. This COULD be discouraging...BUT...keep in mind that it is possible, just a little harder. As I said, the first game I started on was Max, and I FAILED HORRIBLY on the first song on the list... Four years later I am competition worthy, you CAN make it work for you, you just need to do it. Once you begin to be better, you won't be able to stop playing, the game gets you so naturally high it's UNREAL. The winning, the fact that you're astonished that you're able move in the ways you can, baffled about your flexibility, and moreover, strutting and gloating about the weight-loss. I love Max, the music is a little hokey, but you will end up loving it like it is your children. If you don't like the fact that there is a lack of American music, the future versions get more and more Americanized, the 360 games have almost an entirely American playlist. ALSO...if you get good at Max, you can rest assured that you will be SAMUEL L. JACKSON fornicating with CHUCK NORRIS on all other versions of DDR. If you need tips, tricks, moral support, or someone to drive to your house and PWN YOUR SHIT before the next skating event, lemme know! Good luck, and STICK TO IT, I PROMISE, in a few weeks you'll love it and lose so much weight you'll need new pants. Yes, like Brawndo The Thirst Mutilator, DDR WILL MAKE YOU NEED NEW PANTS GRRRRR *FLEEXXX!*
  19. DANG...how have I not heard of this? I've known Slingerlandstyx longer than anyone on this board, you take care of him for me! Time goes so fast, it seems like just yesterday we were all ridiculously drunk and underaged, hanging out in downtown Royal Oak, a place where people always mattered, and at my graduation party rolling around in the back of Stacey's van, trashed and going to Big Boy. Congrats you two! Seems like Pest and I are the only people not getting married anytime soon , oh well, whatever. Tell Slingerlandstyx that "Goth Mike" (he'll know who) from Royal Oak is getting married to the girl that used to play bass in my girl-band in high school. Freakishly small world, yes? They're getting hitched in September.
  20. There is no "if", it's a "when". If you play, you WILL get good. If you need tips for beginners, moral support, need to look up a machine in the area, looking for competetions and tournaments, see videos of DDR badassery that you will eventually rise to, or new DDR news, go here: www.ddrfreak.org www.ddronlinecommunity.com They will hooks you UP!
  21. Ahhh the new one would be Supernova 2. They're not coming out with it on PS3, not many people have a PS3, and they figured that they might lose money on it. I have all three versions for 360, because everyone has a 360. I'm such a DDR nerd, if you tell me what color the case is for the one that you can't remember, I can tell you which one it is . SO...after having this thread jacked by colon cleaning and shitting out mothership aliens, Hunhee and I will now jack two and a half pages of DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! W00! YEEEEEAH!!!!! !! ...Or not ? Supernova 2 is Timata's favorite one because it has the famous song by 1980's Norwegian pop super-stars, Ah-Ha, called "Take On Me" . Perhaps you remember it? NOW, it's not that he loves the song in particular, nor is it the background of the awesome 80's sketch-style video of the lead singer being chased by men with wrenches, NOR is it the fact that Family Guy just HAD to make fun of it with that awesome Chris Griffin grocery scene...no, I wish those were some of the reasons that Timata loves that song. The reason he loves it so much is that on Heavy Mode, it is a seven step song. One day I decide to pick it, thinking "wow...seven step, that's easy, I got this shit" and I was dead FUCKING WRONG. It is more intense than getting gangbanged by an entire Brazillian soccer team, balanced on a speeding yellow Vespa, while trying to drive away from Godzilla ...and Godzilla is ON FIRE. It's THAT kind of intense. He almost had to call EMS, and as I picked myself up OFF THE MAT (yes, I collapsed promptly upon finishing, and YES, I am manly enough to have finished, I wanted to make him look like a BITCH ) I said "Seven step my FUCKING ASS". Now he makes me play the song whenever we're in the same room, and as a rule of my house, you call which songs I get to dance to. I am NOT allowed to turn down a DDR challenge, no matter how hard and impossible it is. But, to my credit, I finally have that song down to the point where I can easily get an A now, and he can't do that for his LIFE.
  22. There's no such thing as unconditional love . Unless there is actually a God, imo. But from mortals? No, doesn't happen, imo.
  23. Why...? Much of the grammar is off . Correct German gets me wet , that's why I speak dirty German to myself....
  24. BRING IT! You never told me what version you bought!
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