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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Have a nervous feeling about OccupyDetroit, because it's been 20 years since "the last one", and one happens roughly every two decades. What am I talking about? A DetRIOT, that's what! As someone who studies the city, I just have a feeling. I've been looking to see if there have been any recent Nain Rouge sightings. The yuppies in NYC have been peacefully protesting, but residents of Detroit don't know the meaning (i.e. we get shit done )
  2. ROFL, they have full instructions on how to raise chickens in a place like Warren in that Mother Earth mag you subscribed me to, and I've been tempted . We could turn a part of the garage into a chicken coop .
  3. What, did the chicken law pass in Ferndale or something?
  4. Yeah, but not for long. I can eat like, five mother fucking chickens in twenty seconds.
  5. Found out how feeble and mortal I am, because all it took for me to almost choke was a sip of water and Nightgaunt dropping "dutch oven" into the convo. I had so much oxygen cut off, it made my nose bleed .
  6. If anyone needs to get a hold of me before the event, PM meh! Directions, emergencies, questions, EXCITEMENT .
  7. I am all that scary stuff that sits in the back of your head.

  8. Thinking about starting a male-only clothing line, because our scene is in GREAT need. Everyone just keeps making stuff for girls, it must be discouraging as a boy.
  9. I know, it's a bit of a kick in the teeth for Toxic, because this is like the third to fourth time this has happened with them this year, all separate venues . I was gonna go to this, logged into FB the day of and it's cancelled...I know it's always the "venue" with the last three-four cases, but since it's constant venue problems through the same production company, my morale for their events is waning. Well, if the manager to Toxic were smart, I'd take their asses to court over breach of written contract! That's just imo, if she gets money for damages then that can be put aside to ensure reliable venues from now on.
  10. Meh, finished Antichrist. Not as impressed as I thought I would be. I felt as though the director really put a lot of lean into points that shouldn't have been placed so far, he was also off on a few things when taking important shit into consideration such as history, science and sheer logic. There were some points and symbolism that I though were RIGHT on and absolutely great, only to be contrasted by the others which were a bit convoluted. The first half I noticed was probably the most intriguing, and after that it sort of began to drop off for me.
  11. Prick, Raven and myself are working out the details, and it will be released shortly (like, the next few days ).
  12. I'll start catching up right now, I have a few hours before I have to leave again.
  13. Rumor has it that the elusive Chernobyl can be spotted on the north side of 8 Mile in front of the tattoo shop, Tuesday through Saturday 2-6pm, SHAKING SOME SERIOUS ASS holding a sign. Come laugh at me, film me, be like "WOOO GET IT GURL!" (I get that a lot), but please don't throw anything OR shoot me with an airsoft rifle at point blank range (happened already, so I felt the need to put that out there).
  14. I think I lost the challenge because I got so far behind. Not doing the "list" thing so much, but I do plan on watching some good ass horror this October as much as I can, so whenever I see something, I'll post it individually
  15. There's nothing disturbing about me eating chicken with no pants on, watching Antichrist, at all... So far it's a decent yet depressing movie, but I'm only halfway through.
  16. Indeed, under my dreaded guvement name (first name only). I doubt you'll need it though, we should be there earlier than other people. So long as they're not Shady McSketcherson, then I'm sure it's not a problem. I made the reservation for about 10-15, said that there would be a chance it could reach 20 (but by the rough count of the post, it seems unlikely), so I wouldn't bring, you know, ten people or anything .
  17. Sick of hearing about it already though, it's not like Bill Gates died or anything (as a PC, I couldn't help that one, sorry). Kinda like when Anna Nicole Smith died (obviously, Jobs was a bit more of a commodity to the world), but EVERYONE for weeks had to ask everyone else if they heard about it. For instance: Chernobyl: "Packa Newports ina box, shorts" (I talk funnier than I type irl, so sue me) 7-11 Clerk: "Yeah sure *grabs cigs*. HEY...you hear Anna Nicole Smith died?!?!" Chernobyl: "I don't even fuckin' KNOW YOU, gimme mah smokes! And yeah, I've only heard it from EVERY OTHER STORE CLERK who I also never met before." It's gonna be a long week... I will say that 98.7 did have a clever way of honoring him today, by playing all of their songs off of an iPod . Thought it was endearing, if I were him, I'd be pleased by that.
  18. But...I'm sure if you did all those things WITH drugs you would have a TOTAL FUCKING BLAST!!
  19. I think it's funny that potheads are labeled as "lazy" and "unmotivated", when most of, no scratch that, all of the stoners I know in my life get more done before noon than my "productive" sober friends get done all week.
  20. Since Rain is Raven's favorite character, clearly he thinks Prince is manly.
  21. Clearly any ninja started out as a joke character and named after Prince, is the manliest character in the game...
  22. You can't directly link from FB, just from Photobucket or other hosting sites that allow remote loading.
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