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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. You has a kitteh! Sorry, carry on.

  2. My....EYEEEEES! THEY BURRRRN! (It's perfect )
  3. Is this who I think it is? Welcome, man :)

  4. Sooo...out of sheer curiosity, what does a Chernobyl tag look like? Not being mean, but if I have to tell you the colors, you may be blind .
  5. Good motto to go by, people need to follow it more.
  6. I can do this ya know . But no way in HELL . I've been enjoying not logging in to find drama in staff chat all the time, let's keep it quiet around here from now on.
  7. Haven't been around in a minute, where've you been hiding?

  8. Brushing up on my very limited Japanese.
  9. Jet Li...as Master Roshi...WTF!?! And have you seen incredibly caucasian Goku? Wtf...? They fucked it up BAAD and I haven't even seen the movie yet. The trailer does not do the already terribly shitty cartoon series any justice.
  10. I suppose, I just figured that the book series is so widely known that people would know that the book implies that the reader is a dummy (i.e. Windows for Dummies, Dog Care for Dummies, Linux for Dummies, etc, hundreds of instructional books in this series have been published since I was a kid, they're bright yellow books with a black and white little man on the front and can be found in nearly every store). That and it's a joke anyways. Case in point that I can be a dummy: I saw your post, thought it was mine and, thinking that I was losing it, edited your post and made the font yellow. I kinda like it though, so I'm not turning it back .
  11. When did I call you guys dummies? I was making a play off of the book series "_________ for Dummies".
  12. Harajuku needs to break out of Tokyo more and come to America. I would love nothing more than to spend my Sundays standing next to my fashionable friends and texting them, even though they're five feet from me, while the people of Royal Oak snap pictures talking about how they wish they could be less boring. Annnd with that in mind, I'd love to also see a Corner Kid revival, but I don't think that will happen because Royal Oak is now called Birmingham and preppy mindless sheeple have taken over. I still go and sit, on the corner, waiting and waiting for people to come back that will never come, in the process going out of my way to make the yuppies feel as harassed and uncomfortable as humanly possible. This is war...and we were here FIRST. Why can't we have just ONE city? They fucking own everything else as it is, those rich miserable fucks.
  13. ROFL! I'm bringing my stomping shoes too, duh! But I will say, that would be extra badass if I COULD pull it off in roller blades...

  14. FINE! I'll go look cool all by myself then! :-P

  15. One of the job requirements of being a moderator for DGN is being incredibily loose. I read it in the pamphlet that Troy published and makes us read called "Moderating for Dummies" .
  16. Going skating tonight?

  17. On Sundays I go to the Church of St. Mattress always leaving very refreshed and awakened.
  18. w00! YEAH! Go, mod, GO! *high five*

  19. Don't scare him away THAT fast, Brenda, he'll find out on his own! I kid, obviously if I didn't love this board and helping out by helping to keep the peace, I wouldn't be a moderator myself. ANNND I'm sure StormKnight is prime moderator material! Was rooting for you the whole the time, buddy . I can begin the hazing now? *grabs a box of Aunt Jemima mix and a burlap sack *
  20. Man, the more I workout the more I feel like He-Man. What does that feel like, you wonder? It feels like having sex with a tractor trailer in a parking lot while it's on FIRE (you know you want to)!
  21. Waiting on Contantin's ass to get over here! WTF! 23 going on 80 I tell ya. Other than that, we have a few friends over, are going to be consuming gin, among other things, and most likely you will see me resurface in the Intoxicated Posting Thread sometime later tonight.
  22. Yes, which will surely send me one step closer to becoming...ROBOCHER: The world shall not be able to handle this.
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