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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Ahhh, gotcha. I know doing that won't tone me, or help with weight loss, because my muscles have surpassed that point of being ripped years ago. My own body weight isn't enough to work me out anymore, unless we're talking push-ups and sit ups while I hold weights across my chest. BUT...what it will help with is my balance, which is great news because I'm a clumsy motherfucker. In turn, helping out my balance should help out my DDR skills. Oh, and did I mention my computer chair is the Great Satan? Sitting on the exercise ball all day is sounding better and better. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to try it and see if I can finally bump myself up fully from 7 step difficulty to 8 step in a week (I'm already teetering on the border as it is, I just need a little more ummph to push my skill over). I also play the game with 10 lb weights around my ankles, that in itself was enough to train me to the point where I was finally able to make the transition from Standard (which I was seemingly stuck on for the longest time, about a year) to Heavy mode. Maybe the combination of the ball and the weights will make my mastery improve even more, maybe up to 10 step, and MAYBE up to tournaments again so I can quit my job and make money playing DDR . Pipe dreaming, I know, but it can happen because you can make good money performing. I'll let y'all know!
  2. Like those exercise balls? As in the fancy pink one I just got for Christmas? How do you effectively work out your legs and buns while sitting? Interested in how that works, 'cause I'm lazy sometimes and my computer chair sucks ass anyway. I'd rather sit on an exercise ball and get a workout instead of flailing backwards onto the ground due to my hate-infused computer chair, whom apparantly I wronged somehow, causing my friends to laugh at me each and everytime. Why does my once beloved and fancy computer chair want me to die all of a sudden after having it for four years with no problems, only for it to rebel within the last 9 months? No it's not furniture adolescence, as much sense as that makes, I'll explain. I had a fairly obese girl, I'm talking 300 lbs, sit on it just ONCE, which caused the wheel to break off instantly, sending it shooting across my basement like a bullet traveling at the speed of sound. Thanks to this particular girl's talent, when anyone tries to use my computer the Seat of 1,000 Concussions (as we dotingly call it now) became forever boobie-trapped and will send you flying back-of-the-head down to the basement concrete with a SMACK! when you least expect it (i.e. just after a joint/beer). This happens to Pest probably 3-4 times a week. I sit in the chair so much that I have not falling out of it down to a near art. That's why I hate my computer chair and since the wheel-breaking incident, it has managed to destroy everything that is good in my life. Same person broke my futon with the help of our friend Timata, who is 280 lbs himself, and combined with the 300 extra pounds this person was carrying around? The futon didn't stand a chance. The moment that both of them decided it would be perfectly logical to sit down simultaneously was the moment the futon permanently transformed itself into a day-bed. Apparantly neither of them understand physics all that well, too bad it was all of my once-nice furniture that had to pay the price for it.
  3. Skinny! Also somewhat mentally enlightened, but what else is new?
  4. I'm trying to watch what I eat, so at Burger King tonight I got a Jr. Whopper instead of the real deal. Who said this dieting stuff is hard?
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMFG OMFG!! HAS;DFJASLDFJL;ASJKDFL;ASFJK! SO mad at you right now...ruined my night . You poor poor man....
  6. Rubbing my body trying to encourage it to be skinnier, fucking slacker body, wtf...
  7. WELL...572 calories in only 20-30 minutes of my time, Chernobyl FTW! For anyone curious as to what that amounts to, I burned 32 more calories than a Big Mac. I think this calls for some McDonald's!! w00t! Okay...okaaaay....maybe an apple?
  8. Sushi is awesome to binge on, it's fucking damn healthy. Compaired to other shit people binge on, like myself for instance, when I for some reason find it necessary to eat 15-20 White Castles in one sitting. THAT is bad binging, but you binge on sushi and you'll become Hawaiian Chuck Norris, true fact.
  9. I go off BMI. And no I don't mean the type of BMI where you go to a webpage and put in your height and weight, as that also does not account for muscle, but I"m talking the kinds that are built into scales for instance. You used to have to go to a doctor or weight loss place to get your BMI done, and now they built it into a lot of scales. Isn't technology badass sometimes?
  10. I never bother when I only lost a pound. I only ever gloat when I reach 10 lb limits, A) because lb is EASY as cake to lose, I can burn 3,500 calories with exercise in two days without diet modification and B) Because one pound doesn't not affect your appearance what-so-ever, therefore, I don't care about a single pound. BUT...one thing to be proud of if you lose only a pound or two: Be glad you didn't gain a pound or two and the scale is in your favor atm!
  11. I've only played two songs on heavy mode and burned off 70 calories already! That would take fucking FOREVER running. DDR = FTW!
  12. Getting ready to DDR some shit UP! Will be back to gloat about how many calories I burned in a few hours. Oh, and my exercise ball came in the mail, so I can do sit ups and the like.
  13. Sunday, huh? Makes sense since we already have people over most Sundays. Party at Cher's!
  14. Kay, but we'd need some smoke to bring us down so as to not piss off everyone in the vicinity. I can see it now, me shaking so bad that I'm dropping everything and knocking shit over breaking it and you going a hundred miles a minute, everyone would be so annoyed with us, it would rule .
  15. So Mr. T and Chuck Norris walk into a bar and it collapses instantly because there is no possible way that one building could contain that much awesomeness at once.
  16. Yes, the boat and all the goths on it have been dead the whole time. Sorry to ruin the twist ending of the documentary for you.
  17. w00t w00t! You post! Awesome, keep it up and you'll get ADDICTED muhahaha! You shoulda came over last night, James and Lynette did!

  18. Like poor white trash, so, same as usual.
  19. Well, I do have a pic of me uhmm how do I say, in the act on my computer. Would that count as an O face? There's no nudity, you wouldn't know I was getting banged unless I told you...uhmm oh wait, I just did .
  20. I know, I know, I've told DBK several times over the years that nobody will think he's sassy anymore if he keeps pooping his pants at parties. You can only say that you're starting a trend so many times before people stop believing you. I made the pooping face so he wouldn't feel left out and all . It's what partners-in-sass are for, if you're shitting your pants embarassingly at a party, your PIS' job is to swoop in and look as if he/she is shitting also. Then it becomes a trend, everyone thinks you're so innovative and original, and all is well in the world of sass again. But for the record, my pooping face is my war face, because everytime I enter my bathroom I am assuredly also entering a battle.
  21. Yesterday's downtime? So what's that have to say about today's downtime? Or am I the only one experiencing constant server time outs, "page cannot be found" errors, broken pictures, and all around hell?
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