For sewing practice, I plan on making cosplay outfits to start out. Plan on seeing me as the following within the next year:
Lain Iwakura - Serial Experiments Lain (pink casual outfit and BEAR JAMMIES....just because I really REALLY want those jammies)
Tsukiko Sagi - Paranoia Agent (hopefully complete with Maromi also)
Excel & Ropponmatsu - Excel Saga
Haruhara Haruko & Samajimi Mamimi - FLCL
Sailor Saturn - Sailor Moon
Osaka - Azumanga Daioh
Fuu - Samurai Champloo
Radical Ed - I shouldn't have to tell you, if you don't know, then you obviously don't watch anime
What you will never see me cosplay as, because the following animes are, impo, retarded, so don't get your hopes up for any of them: Anything from Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, Evangelion, and any other horrible Mech Anime I haven't mentioned (i.e. all of them, even Big O. Yes, I know Dorothy is badass...actually I should cosplay as her also, but having one totally badass character does not save a series from being horrible imo).