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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. ...why do you care about me kidnapping you guys? *DOH!*

  2. Ya weren't at CC last weekend!

  3. So by how you worded this statement, we can all safely assume that your journey of joining DGN all began when Troy decided he was going to watch you piss while in the CC bathroom. That's crazy, but apparantly it worked, yes? That Troy Spiral sure has some crazy ways of getting people to join, and now we can safely add "watching you while peeing" to that list of methods .
  4. Completely annoyed that I just had the same post that I was going to post stolen from me before I even had a chance .
  5. Pestilence looks hotter and smarter in his glasses. For the first time in awhile I actually have a pair of glasses I can say that I <3 (I wore them at CC last weekend for those who saw me). I can go either way with the glasses thing, sometimes I like them off (less "cluttered" face, isn't hidden and doesn't interfere/cover your make-up), and sometimes I like them on (depending on the outfit and sometimes they're good for accesorizing and letting people know that you are so blind and that your glasses are so thick that, such as in my case, you can indeed use them to see into the future and talk to dead people like a crystal ball works).
  6. My nose is so dry from the weather changing I feel like it's going to crack open and start bleeding any minute now.
  7. Like I'm about to bust this zipper on my corset-shirt.
  8. Yes, trust me, you will lose weight in proportion. The way weight loss USUALLY goes with women is in this order (like I said for the most part, your body may be different): (from first to last) Face/cheek/neck area Arms/shoulders Chest/stomach Lower legs/bottom part of thighs Ass Hips That's only generally speaking, but the thing about you losing weight firstly in your face/cheek/neck and arms/shoulders is accurate for almost everyone. SECONDLY....one thing that made me mad is I would have a lot of friends who were jealous that I was losing weight 'cause they were bigger and they'd make fun of me since my boobs went from a DD down to a B-C. They'd be like "Yeah, well you used to have boobs and since you're dropping all this weight now they're small. I'm glad I still have DDs!" and I'd be like "Well...yeah of course you have DDs...you're way bigger than me." That comeback alone sent many of my ex female friends into tears, only because they knew it was the truth. Sure they physically had bigger jugs than myself...BUT if you take into consideration they themselves are physically bigger, it's LITERALLY the same proportion except one girl is little around the middle with flat abs and the other isn't. Basically looks like you took the bigger girl and shrunk her down, minus shrinking the height, so you'll look fine. So don't let ANY jealous girl get you down and tell you that you're too skinny or your ass is shrinking and all that because TRUST ME...it WILL happen and will make you feel like shit. I probably got made fun of more in my life by girls when I was skinny than when I was big (when I was big, men/boys were always the ones to make fun of me) so keep that in mind and never let other women get you down about it - they're just JEALOUS of your progress as all get out, not only do you know it, but so do they. Just letting you know what to expect .
  9. Being the unvoluntary weight nazi around here, lemme be the first to tell you good job! It's not easy to do. And as most women I can tell you're a dieter as opposed to exerciser (I'm totally the opposite, I'd rather workout than stop going to the chinese buffet where they always politely come up to Pest and I during our meal and say, "You been here THREE hour! You leave now!" ) which imo is hard to do. AND...actually, and I'm not lying about this, I was so pissed about you and Hunhee losing weight (and when I say "pissed" I mean pissed in a good way, like pissed at myself for being lazy and incompetent lately, not for you guys losing weight obviously) that I got back up on the horse and I've lost like 5-7 lbs myself. Not much but I only started a week ago, have been mildly watching what I eat, and have been working out moderately. I'm lucky though because I have a fast metabolism, believe it or not, because for what I DO eat I should probably be about 300 lbs , so I'm grateful for my mannish basal metabolic rate. Last weekend at the pre-party I actually asked Pest, "Hey, does she look like she's losing weight? She's shrinkin'!" so I noticed you losing weight even before you posted it in this forum. So keep up the good work you two (as I'm trying hard to do ) and DGN will be hotter and slimmer with every pound lost! PS, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal that little ticker thingy that's in your signature so I can have one for myself PSS: Note to anyone losing weight: You should put the ticker in your sig too so we can all see the results!
  10. Oh and when does it start and when does it end?
  11. Odd question, now that I see that Ice Queen is in the fashion show, does that mean they're taking locals to be in it? How would one go about doing that? (for next year obviously...when I'm actually back up to, what I consider, model calibur ) I've always wanted to do stuff like that but I always either miss opportunities or don't know the right people.
  12. I may sound a bit dumb, but how much is it to get in Friday and where is it?
  13. Like I have to plan for our country being financially raped in the ass now that Obama is in office. I also feel like I had WAY too much coffee...so much that it gave me a bloody nose.
  14. I don't know how the hell I forgot to post this, but Pestilence talked me into going, so I believe we're doing it Friday night. He says that although yes there's quite a bit of scantily clad women walking around that I would have no interest in...there is also scantily clad guys. He better not be lying to me just to get me to go...OR ELSE! *shakes fist* (especially since it's not really my cup of tea in the first place, I'm trying to have an open mind about it) So we'll be there, we being myself, him, and his cousin Deadyeti (newer member, some of you may have met him at CC last weekend). I however, will not whip nor be whipped, it is of my strict philosophy that men like myself and Chuck Norris use fists and nothing else . And I'll try my best to feel good about myself and my merely average appearance and not let it ruin my weekend...once again...TRY being the key word .
  15. I would post more but you know...I have things I have to do like keep a roof over my head and get an education and all, so that takes up a lot of time. Then there's trying to battle my gross-ass fat that has overstayed its welcome by way of Dance Dance Revolution, then I've been trying to finish my novel(s) that I've been working on for like three fucking years now, and also I'm starting to design fashion and picking up dreadfalls again. I also have to set aside time for Mugen, Gitzie, and Pestilence. Between all that, and keeping my house clean since everyone messes it up every damn weekend on D&D night , I get about an hour every two or three days to post.
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