*checks your perfect profile pictures* Easy for you to say
But in any case, we are, apparantly going. Pestilence talked me into it, and while I thank all of you for trying to boost my ego a little bit, I still feel iffy about it. I just...I dunno what I look like now isn't my preference and I'm not even remotely happy with it, but it's what I got atm and at least I'm working on it. BUT...since I vowed to myself I was going to start to find a positive with every negative (try, doesn't always work, but this time it did) I will say that going to Exotica this weekend will at least serve as some motivation for the upcoming few months . Pest also told me it wasn't just as assload of half naked girls running around but there's usually a few hot half naked dudes around, which is the main reason I agreed to go (I figured it was a Taco Fest, and since I'm not even slightly attracted to girls, for me there would have been no point).
I believe we're going Friday, but since it was Pest's idea, I'm not sure. I do know his cousin will be going with us, some of you may have met him on Friday and his DGN sn is Deadyeti (he's really new).
So that's that, I guess I'll see everyone there.