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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Having a cigarette and chatting with a few people on Yahoo.
  2. Your post count is almost surpassing mine...you sir, have no life :-P

  3. What's up? How's CoD 5?

  4. Just got done playing DDR for an hour or so and now about to write a paper for one of my classes tomorrow.
  5. We are both married to Ogre....but Ogre loves me the best (don't tell Phee ).
  6. Hey, really nice finally meeting you last night :). Sorry I wasn't too talkative, I was pretty tired/stoned.

  7. *checks your perfect profile pictures* Easy for you to say But in any case, we are, apparantly going. Pestilence talked me into it, and while I thank all of you for trying to boost my ego a little bit, I still feel iffy about it. I just...I dunno what I look like now isn't my preference and I'm not even remotely happy with it, but it's what I got atm and at least I'm working on it. BUT...since I vowed to myself I was going to start to find a positive with every negative (try, doesn't always work, but this time it did) I will say that going to Exotica this weekend will at least serve as some motivation for the upcoming few months . Pest also told me it wasn't just as assload of half naked girls running around but there's usually a few hot half naked dudes around, which is the main reason I agreed to go (I figured it was a Taco Fest, and since I'm not even slightly attracted to girls, for me there would have been no point). I believe we're going Friday, but since it was Pest's idea, I'm not sure. I do know his cousin will be going with us, some of you may have met him on Friday and his DGN sn is Deadyeti (he's really new). So that's that, I guess I'll see everyone there.
  8. NOT puking my guts out like yesterday, which is obviously always a good thing.
  9. *fingers in ears* La la la la not listening la la la I don't think you understand how much of a perfectionist I am . I'm "okay" looking, I'm definately not hot like I was 2 years ago when I was a scant 135 and had sexy supermodel abs, soooooo once I get my old figure back I'll probably be down for these types of events. Until then...my low self esteem can't handle such things . I'll give it a try next year when I could give those models a run for their money, but this year I just KNOW I would have a shitty time because of how I feel about myself...
  10. I dunno if it would really be my thing... I've never been to one yet, but I dunno, I don't like going to events full of half naked women that look 800x better than I do. Call me jealous and shallow because I am . Maybe when I was actually still in shape and good looking I may have gone, so I'll work on that as I have been recently, and maybe go next year...?
  11. I <3 you, but SO something that Rob would come up with .
  12. Grr! I'm excited! I wanna be at home working on my costume and getting ready to go out!
  13. Walk out into velvet Nothing more to say You're my favorite moment You're my Saturday 'Cause you're my number one.
  14. OMFG! I oculd so squish your face! You look all goth, like seriously, Sailor Saturn levels of goth...
  15. Will you be at CC tomorrow?

  16. Making my costume, smoking, and having a blast! w00!
  17. WATER! The beverage of champions.
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