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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, October 1st. Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of The Leland Hotel building just before the gated parking area on the side of the building nearest 1st Street. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. Zoomable map to City Club. MDOT lane closures (The map isn't quite exact. The Ramada is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) More info can be found here: http://www.lelandcityclub.net We try to have this be the meeting area from 12-2am. If you can help, try to just stay there and mull around even if you don't see anyone, all it takes is a few people. If you want to post about some other night, or some other club, or bitch about how you weren't breast fed, use some other topic, this isn't the place for it.
  2. He's not vegan :D l33t Chernobyl is l33t and knows ALL .
  3. He played football and hockey (football is actually where he sustained a life-long neck injury), but I believe in an interview once he said he was not a big fan of watching it.
  4. I'm gonna facepalm real hard at the first person who comes in this thread like "Who's this?" and is serious .
  5. You mean CC will start to play something other than "Hit Me Hard, Hit Me Fast"?
  6. Rofl, I know, I'm tired of having non-beliefs shoved down my throat. Anyone who tries to force beliefs (or lack thereof) on other people, probably are insecure in what they're saying, and then go into fanaticism over it (just ask any ex-Jehovah's Witness, they place mental mechanisms so that when anyone disagrees with you, you "believe" even more. That is a sign that you don't actually believe it). Now, if you're atheist and aren't running around trying to get people to believe in why they shouldn't believe in anything, then you might be legit. And yeah, if the cross "offends" anyone, then they have some serious mental issues . I'm not offended by atheism or religion, I think it's all silly, and I couldn't imagine living the sort of vapid existence that would revolve around either of those entities. I'm here once to the best of my knowledge, I like to learn, I love to discover, if any new science comes out as to why a higher power or transfer of energy is possible or impossible, I read it. I wouldn't waste it on belief vs non-belief, hell, in all the time it takes for believers vs non to fight over something they'll never know about, they could have walked their dogs, finessed their cats, hugged their kids, or even fapped to internet porn. If there is NEW spiritual/non-spiritual discoveries, then yeah, those aren't a waste of time. The fact that this guy is making a registry for atheists is kind of stupid, and waste of his time imo.
  7. This was the best MANFAST present I've ever received, because now we can fuck with our dogs and piss them off!
  8. I KNOW, I'M A DICK. I hate tomatoes... But actually, now that I think of it, anything with white sauce, and garlic bread itself, is legit. So I don't hate all Italian.
  9. I'm sure we'll get you out when we land on food you love .
  10. Attention girl's excuse to dress skanky for a night (Not me, I'm creative girl, and go as awesome shit like Pee Wee Herman, and get all of the attention )
  11. I might do this with Timata...hmm. Now that I do have cable back, even though I hate TV (was cheaper to get all three than just land-line and internet), I know they always show some good old cheesy ones, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.
  12. For all the people who feel the need to drop in this thread, complain about not liking seafood, and then stating: "I'm not going, but I'll do whatever other night" (Please wait for that thread, I already said we were going to do different cuisine each time .) Hell, I'm even going to be a sport and do an Italian night, and to me Italian food is supreme garbage . If you don't want to come, fine, but I don't want to have to scroll through a bunch of posts of it just to actually get a good representation of who's attending this one, so if you feel the need to complain about the event night and say "I'm not going" to prove some point, start yer own thread of people who don't like seafood and aren't going . Kthnx . And for the record, I believe the next one we will do is the Mexican Town one. Must talk this over with the hottness, but I couldn't imagine him having any qualms about it. After Sushi Night, we will vote to arrange a weekend in whatever month it's held in, and go from there (I think, from just a sample vote, that we have our restaurant picked) Saying something like, "I'm going to Fuji and pumped, and am also down for MexiTown!" is fully legit, just please try not to "I'm not going"-jack the thread. Also any, "I can't make it, anyone want to just come out with me another time to get sushi?" comments are a wee bit, I dunno I find them to be a bit rude personally...but that's me. That's like if two DJs were holding two separate events on one night, and one DJ goes into the other's event thread and says, "Fuck this guy! Come to mine instead!" .
  13. Management fail on behalf of Netflix, and I'll tell you why. When you change the name of something people love, even if it is the same service, people are dumb and think it's something else entirely, they got bought out, etc. So they drop it. I understand why there is a need for Quikster or whatever, but they're going about it the wrong way. Instead of branching into a whole new subsidiary company, why not just hire more staff to make the Netflix DVD (and now gaming) department run smoother? You're going to not only have to hire new staff anyway, but with a whole "separate" company, it seems to me like they'd have to hire more and up their actual resources. If the pricing is still the same as now...why the added hassle? The two entries on your account (so if you accidentally don't have enough, your account gets bounced twice), the separate .com, the divided rating system, and having to toggle between both queues. Seems like they could have streamlined their webpage and ordering services to encompass both successfully and at the capacity that is demanded (I mean...it's Netflix, it's not like a mom and pop shop where they can get easily overwhelmed). Instead, now customers are confused, the brand loyalty is diminished simply because the logo on the package will be different (people, except me, don't like change), and now it's a pain in the dick to queue movies, go to both webpages, be billed by both webpages, etc. CEO is a moron, there was no real need for this and it will probably do his company more harm than good in the long run.
  14. That's another reason why I figure it'll be good to switch it up, because not everyone likes every food type (and I know sushi is an acquired taste). So far we've got two for Xochimilco's, so maybe they'll be our next dinner night :happy. I love me some Mexican myself, but some people, much like with sushi, can't stand it. It'll be interesting throwing these at different restaurants with different fare, because it will be a somewhat easy to way to tell who digs what.
  15. Very true about that last part, might want to keep that in mind . It's all fun and games until Lil' Johnny ends up in prison or killed after mowing down his whole school .
  16. Yeap, we should do this at least 2-3 times a year, imo. I think next stop should be Mexicantown, for sure. I used to take my friends on random field trips down there.
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