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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. wtf...how the hell do you do Chinese on an English keyboard?

  2. Would be the only person I'd pick to start up a night club with .
  3. A thread...all about finessing egos? Finessing MY ego? *gets on knees* Oh Lord...I knew you were listening. High five. Totally sweet, for serioul, amen. *stands* You Phee...are in love with Ogre almost as much as I am...almost. By default, that makes us the most awesome people on DGN who aren't Troy .
  4. Oh and to add, I forgot: Cannot be an uptight, I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-high-on-my-shitty-life straight edge mother fucker. The world is shit...smoke weed. Stop trying to fool yourself. I also don't like closed-minded and old-fashioned dudes who won't hit women. That's such total bullshit. If you aren't man enough to look me in the eyes and knock me in the face...you're a whimp and you're probably afraid of getting your ass beat. As a part of any healthy relationship we MUST beat the shit out of each other. I don't like to work out problems with words so physically fighting is my only alternative method. If I'm with you and you won't fight me, you can see where this would be a problem. That and from the start I would think you're a sexist prick anyhow, not a good beginning imo.
  5. I'm posting one even though I'm not single. The reason being that my dream man...definately does not exist anyways so I figured I would have some fun with this. I must warn everyone that if you are offended, then don't read it. I mean hey...it is "completely unreasonable requirements" and so if I had my way, yeah...this would pretty much be true: PHYSICAL: Height - I am 5'9" so my man must be a tall and lanky beast. Body - CANNOT HAVE ANY EXTRA WEIGHT WHAT-SO-EVER. I <3 thin boys and boys that are cut/toned but not BUILT. Eyes - Doesn't matter, I spend too much time staring at the goods to know frivolous shit like what color a man's eyes are. There are more important things to stare at on a guy...and it's not located on or anywhere near his face. Hair - Anything except blonde, red, or brown. I guess that leaves black and DAY GLO CRAZY AWESOME COLORS W00T! Skin - Casper, unless latino. Character - Uhmm...honest enough to not give me an STD. That's the only requirement, I don't even care if you lie to me, just don't give me AIDS kthnx. Clothing: None/Cyber-Industrial. No exceptions. EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: Needs to be more of a chick than me so as to make me look better in front of my male friends. Cannot be too much of a girl because then I might-as-well be a lesbian...and on top of that being too much of a girl is considered emo and I am ANTI-EMO. PERSONALITY: Psssht...don't care. So the appropriate answer would be N/A. SPIRITUALITY: Not big on people who are either Satanic or Athiest. I mean I have athiest friends but wouldn't like to date one, seems too dismal for me. SEXUALITY: Has to find other men more attractive than he finds me. I'd rather watch my boyfriend get it on with another dude than have him get it on with me - true stuff. I like to watch I DO NOT LIKE BEING TOUCHED HARDLY EVER, even when friends hug me it pisses me off sometimes depending on how irate I am atm and I just don't say anything because I come from an anti-affectionate family and we all severely hate each other. It's hard to be raised (not my mom, my extended fam) by hate, jealousy, pride, and deviance then turn around as an adult and want a hug. OHH...and must be over 9"...I cannot stress this enough. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Your hobbies must not interfere with mine. Period. Get your own damn hobbies and stay away from my shit, unless it involves me pwning you at DDR. That just makes me look cooler. JOB: If you can make me get off in under 20 seconds, keep my house immaculate, make my dinner, kiss my ass, and rub my feet you get an all exclusive pass to be my personal golddigger. All other boys must work - no exceptions! Preferably not making as much money as myself, either. FAMILY: I don't like boys who have family at all or are close to family. Furthermore I don't want a guy who wants kids. The end...I'm horrible, I know.
  6. OMFG...and here NO OTHER WOMEN EVER BELIEVE ME! I cannot, sorry for threadjacking, but go on the pill. If you are already a woman and very fem in the first place there are odds you won't have a problem with the pill, but since I'm a guy I went on the pill and it FUCKED ME UP. Seriously I was Martha Stewart overnight, it was sick. I actually cried...I mean WTF. One minute I'm all epic and badass and the next minute I'm baking cookies and wanting babies? I mean hell, I went on the shit so that I WOULDN'T have babies and the next thing you know I'm all on my boyfriend atm like "omfg...honey I love you so much, we really should have children RIGHT NOW" while I was 18 and we had only been dating for about 2 months. Then I got all illogical because it's full of female hormone and that's usually what female hormone makes you do. Then the worst part happened, since I was magically tranformed into a female overnight I gained TWENTY POUNDS in THIRTY DAYS and the stuff made it so I couldn't even get HORNY...which is fucked up because if I were anatomically correct and had a dick I'd be walking around pitching a tent 24/7. Evil stuff. Kay, everyone carry on with your convo, I just had to interject for a paragraph.
  7. I want a man that can be all sexy and pull guns out of his afro like Nabashim...
  8. *blush* tee-hee thnx

  9. Wow, haven't seen you in awhile.

  10. Waiting to go home. Raven, Boshy and I might go fishin' later at Metro Beach...who knows. If not then it's Harvest Moon & Dance Dance Rev (<---me DDRin') all night for me.
  11. Oooh, you're one city away from where I live. Welcome, kinda neighbor .
  12. Soooo....when are we buying The Prive so we can start our badass nightclub?

  13. Crank, you're not hiding out if you tell everyone about it . I'm bored bored bored....
  14. It's 9:14 IN THE MORNING...wtf are you doing up? You don't get up before 12. Are you sick? Is it cancer? AIDS?

  15. Yeah I just got all my pictures back from my Boshy's house, two years after moving out because I am teh lazy, and there's one of you at the corner right in front of Caribou.
  16. I have one of you when you were like 16, if that's good enough .
  17. I know...I know...boys just can't resist the green 'n' yellow. Don't worry, it gets me hot too.
  18. *pulls out switchblade pimp stylie and lunges* BITTTTCH!
  19. I have a HUGE crush on that one person, Cherny. I'm not quite sure even what gender they really are...but I'm in love. If only I could steal Cher away from the pesky boyfriend person in their life...then we could live happily in love for FOREVER. *siiigh*...dreams never come true though.
  20. *sigh* Thanks for covering my shift...

  21. ...graverobber? Are you big into Repo! or is it just a coincidence?

  22. Firstly I make you with Divine Challenge...and then I SMITE YOU WITH HOLY STRIKE!

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