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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. *pulls out switchblade pimp stylie and lunges* BITTTTCH!
  2. I have a HUGE crush on that one person, Cherny. I'm not quite sure even what gender they really are...but I'm in love. If only I could steal Cher away from the pesky boyfriend person in their life...then we could live happily in love for FOREVER. *siiigh*...dreams never come true though.
  3. *sigh* Thanks for covering my shift...

  4. ...graverobber? Are you big into Repo! or is it just a coincidence?

  5. Firstly I make you with Divine Challenge...and then I SMITE YOU WITH HOLY STRIKE!

  6. Stoned alot, so my brains don't work too good. Raven and I are going all out before school starts.

  7. Don't you have a life?

  8. ... If you didn't live all the way the hell over in Britain, I'd slap you GOOD.
  9. WOW...just wow. This thread so totally proves that, ironically enough, there are no actual goth/industrial people on detroitGOTHIC.net And I'll be first to say that Skinny Puppy - Worlock blows any of the entries in the previous posts out of the water due to the fact that it's actually industrial.
  10. OMFG PLUS ONE I think pregnant ladies look gross PERIOD...why show it off? Maybe it's because I strongly dislike/hate children...maybe it's because everytime I see a pregnant woman my libido is ruined for at least a month...MAYBE it's because seeing pregnant women reminds me that I CAN catch the pregnant after all which scares the EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF ME. Whatever the reason, I just don't plain like it, and especially if it's someone who's got it just CHILLIN out the bottom of their shirt like that's supposed to be attractive or something. I really don't get it.
  11. Hello there, noob *wave*

  12. Trying to motivate myself into actually getting shit done...
  13. Haven't seen you on DGN in a minute :)

  14. +1 I'm very naturally an UNaffectionate person. Furthermore I like to touch...not be touched. I'm visual actually more than anything...I'd rather just SEE a guy naked then have him touch me (another reason that I'm definately a guy). I HATE being touched unless it's sex usually . That and I can't help but get annoyed after spending more than an hour a day with my SO. BUT...I realize boys like lovins and hugs and shit so I try to force myself to pay attention to my boyfriend. But hell...it's more bonding to me knowing that you're so comfortable in the relationship to know that your SO doesn't EXPECT attention but is happy to receive it. There's nothing that drives a couple apart more than feeling obligated to hangout when you don't want to - and lemme tell ya, usually I don't want to. I like being alone ALOT. That's why I <3 Raven...yeah inherently that dude would probably love nothing more than to be surgically attached to my pelvic bone somehow and just get showered with constant attention, but he knows I need my space and respects that. I don't even know where the hell I was even going with all this...I'm tired. Like cracked out tired. And hungover. My brains aren't thinking too good. Maybe I should get off DGN until my head thinks of something constructive to type...
  15. I'd so get a nose job but just the thought of HOW they do that gives me the jibblies.
  16. Thanks for bein' mah friend, long lost green-yellow day glo twin :)

  17. *GASSSP!* You play DDR too? Finally SOMEONE on this board who does! If I'm ever out in your neck of the woods...I'll stop by and pwn you :p

  18. There's a Hardee's at the intersection of 9 Mile and John R in Hazel Park...true story. Right across from the Blockbuster, kiddy corner to La Casa Inn. The first time I saw it I thought I was seeing shit.
  19. I'm sure not everyone will know what I'm talking bout when I say: Cat's Meow - Royal Oak, before it was renamed Royally Selling-Out, MI
  20. Oh you're damn welcome. Stay tuned, as I said, there's more and it only gets progressively more ridiculous from here on out. Go to next year's MANFAST!
  21. Hell, I live a city away from you, the next time we're going to either CC or The Prive I'll PM you and let you know.
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