Did you know that there's an ice cream truck in Hazel Park that is driven by an old metal head? How's about some Pantera with your Sno-Cone? I shit you not...blares metal...the kids love him.
Right now I'm trying to help an agent find a property via our MLS (multi-list system for Macomb County) that SHE showed. Doesn't know the street name, how many rooms, whether it was ranch or colonial, what CITY IT WAS IN...all she knows is that it was between $280,000 - $320,000, was brick, and was owned by a builder.
I don't get paid enough.
I will be rocking out to MSI that night...
WELL...since we're going to be at Harpo's anyway, I may stop in after the concert.
But as Chernobyl, I never promise anything I don't know I can keep. Err...well...I try not to make promises I can't keep...try REAL hard... .
I was gonna go
Oh well, gives me something to look forward to.
SO...when you guys open again, to tell all DGNers: GO TO THIS CLUB NIGHT.
It blows CC right out of the water (which isn't hard to do, but still)
Troy, I command you...well..okay...strongly persuade you to change your status from "Tyrant" to "Big Papa Sexy". Would be total lulz like you don't even know.
With that said, I'll now take the oppotunity to let everyone know that we're so going, because now, imo, The Prive = OMFG. Best club setting for the area I've seen so far and last week we partied for so ridiculously cheap that it brought tears to my eyes.
Cher gives it .