I was going to post this, because this article reeks of this and there is no logical reasoning behind much of it. So I figure the person had Christianity shoved on them, and therefore are now atheist, like many. I skipped posting it because I was busy that day and didn't feel like having to reply to all of the people so vehemently defending their belief in nothing . And then people actually assume I believe in anything, which is silly. I think anyone that either "does" believe in something or is sure there's "nothing out there" have an agenda. With the information present to us in the universe currently, there is no real way of knowing, so why do people talk about it so much? Science points both for and against.
I also find it laughable that in the article, their claim to atheism was because God does mean things, and it's more comforting to think that things happen at random. So, if there is some higher power, let's just pretend, and they're trying to put you through perilous tests, much in the same way we all had to go through gym class, do our homework, go to school growing up (so it betters us and makes us stronger, anything unpleasant is a toughener), saying that everything is random occurrences just dying and turning into nothing is better than the thought of such a being existing...? And even if there were a higher power, it's to be said that not everything IS happening at random and that there automatically has to be some kind of "fate" or that God is fucking with us like we're Sims...? I don't get that at all.