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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I wonder if they have apple crepes.... What I wouldn't do for pancakes right now, especially the kind with blueberries in them.
  2. Psssht? Comcast security? I'd bust in there like yelling "All your base are belong to us!" and then start kung fu-ing that security force with my ninja skills plus army buddy only to pull you out of your chair dragging you to IHOP, leaving Munin looking confused and shocked all at the same time. Muhahahaha....be glad I'm stuck here at work I almost got in trouble just now picturing all of that in my head because I litterally laughed out loud, leaving my boss to ask "What's so funny over there?" I gotta watch that so they don't catch onto me, because real estate is definately not funny atm, so obviously he's gonna start suspecting my internet browsing...
  3. APPLE DAMNIT! That's is all. Actually, I've never had a crepe before.... Candy, you wanna go to IHOP? We'll kidnap Phee, he won't even know
  4. I'm beautiful because this new shirt is tight and makes me look like I'm smuggling cantalopes in my bra, which isn't bad for a size 12 girl (yeah I'm skinnier now too! About time I found some damn motivation, not all the way down but I'm gettin' there Normally I'm a size 5-7 ish.), and usually only thicker girls can claim the same about their rack (from what I've seen anyway, obviously there's always exceptions. That's generally how girl bodies work though, biologically speaking). It's a shallow "I'm beautiful" post, but whatev, sue me. I can be shallow sometimes , especially when it's taking me hard work to get down to my new (yet previous) size.
  5. Nobody is posting anything...but there are people online (is baffled)
  6. ..... *gasp* FUCK YEAHZ! OMFG! I was rootin' for you all the way deary (and Hunhee too, of course)
  7. My my....that is so me in the morning before my Folger's. How'd you get that pic, hmmm?
  8. I have a cold...DO NOT WANT!
  9. I got sunshine in a bag. How about you?
  10. A calculator You guys get all the fun stuff For instance....whatchu got? I bet it's cooler than a calculator.
  11. Your avatar...it is so amazing it's brought tears to my eyes *sniff sob*

  12. Oatmeal and coffee...almost the same as you What you got?
  13. I've got a...cigarette. Right...cigarette Whachu got?!
  14. I have this horrible urge to go to some all you can eat place with Raven and stuff myself SO FUCKING MUCH that we have to call a taxi to get home because neither of us is good to drive. Who wants to loan me $10 ?
  15. Helllo...If you don't mind me asking, where'd you get your screenname from?

  16. Ugggh...I just choked on coffee which made me gag and throw up in my mouth a little... TMI I suppose, but I told you guys JUST because I
  17. And now...I play the waiting game... Only like, 47 minutes until I can revel in The Sims 2 glory...

    *runs like hell*

  19. Even accidentally double posting? If so, you're putting yourself quite at risk there, young lady!
  20. It's okay, I have a special little place reserved in my own frontal lobe especially for Ogre/Key: The whole damn thing An honest misread on your part...
  21. SO BORED.....IT HURTS DEEP DOWN IN MY BONES LIKE EXCESSIVE RADIATION... It's like I can feel the DNA being ripped right out of me by unstable helium molecules... You can't get cancer from being bored, right? No...?
  22. NO FAIR! I r teh jealouz. Not only do I get off at freaking SIX...Raven and I quit smoking cigarettes, except the spare few if we're drinking. Have fun with that , LUCKY
  23. I need Friday to get here so bad that I will probably cry on Saturday morning...knowing...that Friday's event has already come and gone. That's the extent that I need to party right now .
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