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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I have no coffee, too lazy to make.
  2. I have a peach flavored swisher sweet. The good kind, the old man kinda stogie where you sit there and chomp on it for like 20 minutes first lol. I haven't had one since last St. Patty's Day. BE HAPPY FOR ME! plz...?
  3. *siiigh* fiine I won't squeeze

    *dry humps back of head*

  4. Yes...but...I r a sasquatch. Squeeze is the best I can do :(

  5. I'm starting a dance party in my basement (I cannot say...what I am listening to, it is top secret and you guys would probably never look at me the same way again).
  6. *GASP* I GOT ONE! A real one...I swear this time! I'm beautiful because I always do the right and honest thing even when it involves me getting fucked over.
  7. I squeeze you *squeeze*

  8. I am beautiful because... oh wait shit wrong thread. Shit...now I have to think of something... 'Cause...I...can....uhmmm..... mmmmm.... *smoke starts to come out* Uhhhhh.... Do...a load of dishes in like...45 minutes...or less....? *whew* That was close....
  9. I can't find my paycheck and my rent is due today. Does anyone know where the location of a really good bridge where I'd be able to drive my car off the side? Preferably without rocks under it and warmer than average water. I know that's hard to find peoples, but I'm working with very little time and even less sanity, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Kthnx
  10. Psssht. I fixed that problem long ago, I have two tvs next to my computer both with playstation 2s.
  11. Good movie. haven't seen it since high school though.
  12. OMFG...RUGRATS! Like the good shit from when I was 7, not that stupid feely touchy huggy bullshit they remade with Dill and Kimmy or whatever.
  13. I am beautiful because I can finally tie my own shoes! I'm sucha big girl now!
  14. Only if you're going to the Candy/Odims Holiday Party to End all Parties Party with Raven and myself
  15. I'm a cancer. Do I get a free horoscope too? Are you now the DGN Head Astrologer?
  16. Launch gasoline covered flaming potatoes at the front doors of Meijer, in lieu of our great cult leader! Come on, you know you're so down with that idea, what better way to spend a winter Saturday night?
  17. werd, dude man guy

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