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Big difference between hugging someone just because of the background they come from and hugging someone because you like them and/or want to, imo. I used to hate hugging people, but I have been properly forced trained to auto-hug people. Some people I like hugging, like hot guys . *sigh*...I'm terrible .
No, there's a song on my DDR by an industrial band named Monolith. They put it on there, and other industrialish stuff on the games after that, because they realize a lot of their playing demographic is cyber-industrial, rivethead, etc, kids. Had to figure it was the same guys, but with a name like Monolith, clearly it could have been any industrialish band so I may be wrong .
The only way you can put on some Monolith, is if one of us brings DDR .
I followed the Sophie Lancaster case extensively, it was a terrible tragedy. Isn't "hug a goth day" a bit patronizing though? : I dunno, maybe I just have a stick in my ass, but it just seems to cheapen the message and feels very patronizing. It's like when Columbine happened, that Friday it happened when I got home from school (it was one of those things you always remember where you were and what you were doing), I had gone to school that day in my trenchcoat, hostile, people didn't talk to me, I didn't talk to people, everyone thought I was nuts, etc. Monday I come back, it's "oh hi!" with random hugs from people who, on Friday, laughed at me walking past and said shit like "why don't you just off yourself already?". A guy came up to me and gave me a candy bar in the lunchroom with, "are you okay? I want you to know you're appreciated". Knowing what he was up to, I bullied him and said, "gimme your sub too and we'll be cool." Point is...I don't really feed into fad events caused by a tragedy, which almost serves to alienate said culture/group even further, and causes people to resent them more. Integration and tolerance shouldn't be forced, it should come from understanding, and usually arrives in small steps. But like I said, I might just be a crab ass, so if that's the case, please inform me of such .
YOU'RE GOING. If you go, then you get to meet the person behind Chernobyl. With that said, Boshy's been dying to get out all summer and wanted to go to this, so she is.
CoD Black Ops new map pack
Destroit replied to Destroit's topic in Movies, Books, Art, TV, Gaming and Computers
Since CoD World At War, fans have been speculating and tossing around rumors, which were not based on much factual evidence (only small clues in zombie level, Der Reise), that there would be an Area 51 map. WELL...one game and four map packs later...WE'VE GOT IT: It doesn't take place entirely in Area 51, it only begins there, and you are quickly forced to run into a transporter to the moon because Earth has been overrun with multiple copies of portal zombies, hellhounds, gas crawlers, etc. -
I WOULD buy this...if I hadn't known plenty of friends and tons of family who use willpower to keep it off. I never believe the biology stuff on that because we have free will. You don't stare at a slice of pizza, then have you hand beyond your mental control reach out and grab it, then put it in your mouth...it just doesn't happen. People choose to make excuses about it so they can eat. In the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, we didn't have this problem, but a lot had cars, TVs, gaming (tabletop until the 80s), reading, lazy sedentary activities, and almost everyone had a stocked fridge. I think it's really because as a society, we are so out for the individual now instead of the whole, and humans aren't supposed to work this way. Back then, kid goes to grab some cookies out of the cookie jar...hand gets smacked. Social reinforcement. Now parents don't care, they just let the kids take shit and eat it. I even had to sit in on a conversation of this woman I can't stand, whose got an obese 10 year old son, and her mother was trying to tell her she should do something about it and says "well the kid makes his own choices, nobody needs to be tellin' me how I raise mah son!" and hung up... We also don't make fun of bigger people anymore, sorry, but that IS how I decided I didn't like being obese and did something about it. When I was a little kid, I didn't want to brush my hair. My mom stopped caring and sent me to school like that. When kids brutally made fun of me, I started combing it. Simple stuff, and we don't allow anyone to tease anyone anymore and "it's none of anyone's business" when it comes to other people's shortcoming and/or what they're doing wrong. So, since we no longer keep one another in check, everyone can just be lazy and eat without having to feel embarrassed about wrecking their bodies, taking in too much food (resources), exhibiting no self-control, and living to basically serve themselves. I've noticed that since the decline of any hope or sense of purpose through humanity, and everyone using the "well we're just animals and can't help it excuse", that's about the time everyone started getting bigger. Before that, we had all the luxuries we do now, and yet for some reason it wasn't the case. The moment we stop making excuses that we can't control ourselves, the minute we can fix it. That's almost like insinuating, that since we can't control ourselves with will power, that as we're passing people on the streets, we just run right up and fuck them. Have you been in a store recently, saw something you wanted, and took it? Most don't. Others make excuses to be able to.
http://news.yahoo.com/usa-becomes-food-stamp-nation-sustainable-160645036.html Seems like the people in the photos had WAY nicer shit than I have. My house looks like I pulled up to a vacant building in the hood, got out my car, and said "This'll do". But I was also raised to be exceedingly anti-materialistic and that handouts are a disgrace to personal pride. I believe that some people need help, but if you're making $8.08 an hour at Walmart and live in either of the houses in the photo...you aren't one of those people. It means you have a house and a job, be happy. But I know I'm going to get reamed for suggesting that people take personal responsibility for themselves, to save their pennies and not be selfish, and encouraging others not to burden all of us...CLEARLY I'm a bad guy who just "doesn't understand what it's like to be poor". I've been on food stamps, but I was exceedingly poor and unemployed. People keep urging me to get one now, because I'm WELL below the poverty line, I've thought of it, but I keep putting it off because my pride won't let me. Bottom line: People need it, exceedingly poor people, unemployed people, children should always be fed. Cash assistance needs to GO, there should be no such thing. And people really need to stop being a spanger off of the rest of us. I can't count how many people JUST in my neighborhood buy alcohol and cigarettes...and have a bridge card. I knew someone who got their cash assistance for their baby, came back with not a single child's item but rather a TV and goth boots. People who buy un-nutritional bullshit with OUR MONEY (pop for instance, should never be a Bridge Card item!) This is on your dime people, wake up and do something! It's theft!
I've been told it also comes in pudding... I think that Czarnina is a funny Polish dish, just because it's an Easter dish. But if you celebrate Easter, one can assume you're Christian (I believe, more specifically, that they tend to be heavily Catholic if I'm not mistaken). The catch? If you eat any kind of blood, the bible says you go to hell. True story, someone must have skipped that part . Of course, I don't believe in any of that stuff, so I can dive right the hell in. Never have tried it, I would be game (rofl, no pun intended). Another reason I like the name, Czarny in Polish is black, Cherny in Russian means the same thing...make it a city and you have Chernobyl (soup ).
I could sleep through an earthquake (and I did) I wouldn't be surprised if we got one here now, because of our fault line we've been supposed to have a sizable one for awhile. Earthquakes can chain reaction, and it seems it might be close enough. After that explosion about a half mile from my house, I can tell you that the Mac Arthur homestead will be unscathed after it happens.
South Africa was fucked for awhile because of Apartheid, which is basically government instituted racism and segregation, so for the longest time they weren't getting anywhere. Low and behold, since anyone with simple logic could come to this, they got rid of Apartheid and voila...South Africa started becoming wealthy again...imagine that!
Am I cool?
Destroit replied to Queen of Foxes's topic in Movies, Books, Art, TV, Gaming and Computers
I liked it, but didn't see the HUGE obsession every had with it. I saw it once in high school, thought "meh, that was okay to watch..." and haven't watched it since. But I'm a douchewad that digs Party Monster, so wtf do I know... -
Clearly a mental-case, shouldn't have been allowed a kid. I'm sure the father feels crappy, because I'm sorry, but it's SO rare for something like this to happen without ANY warning. She was probably depressed, maybe post-pardum, but like most people, he probably didn't want to acknowledge it. Obviously he can't be held accountable, but I feel sad for him knowing he's probably sitting at home thinking to himself "Why did I do something? What went wrong?" and all of those "what-ifs" that anyone loathes thinking when someone dies (but especially with a case as tragic as this). Since she's female, they're probably going to give her 10 days in county. Don't believe me, check the link in my signature, in feminist-oriented countries this happens a lot. Men can shoplift a candy bar and get a 90 days, mom kills kid (ohhh say, Casey Anthony) anyone or sleeps with a 12 year old boy and gets a slap on the wrist.
Because if you give a man a fish, he has dinner. If you teach a man how to fish, he'll have dinner for a lifetime. We keep handing them fish with no fishing pole to do it themselves. It's like handouts here: they don't teach anyone any skills or anything valuable, and it enables people to not learn to help themselves. We need to stop sending food and start sending schools. Oprah's school was a good start. But we need to be able to educate them, not give them free handouts. Same here when it comes to inner-city urban areas like, oh, say Detroit (which is more poverty stricken than a lot of the places in Africa). That's why welfare impedes people instead of helping them excel.
Like my face is trying to asphyxiate me.
Robots, zombies are retarded and an invasion wouldn't be possible like they make it look in the movies.