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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Troll St. Troll...

  2. Clearly the storm that hit the Midwest Saturday had been powered by the soul of a disgruntled carnie (because what carnie ISN'T disgruntled?) Knocking down a stage at the Indiana State Fairground killing five and injuring forty-five clearly was not enough for it, because it then felt the need to ride up to Michigan in order to ironically light our historical fair-ground stove on fire. In a world where this can happen, and Fabio can get hit in the face by a goose while on a roller-coaster, there must be a God . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8PgcCe3P_c
  3. I SAW YOUR CUTE LITTLE ASS! Sorry I forgot in my initial post. Your hair was so different, it was like you were someone else, I'm not used to light-hair kat (but it looks nice on you, and I'm not normally big into lighter colors).
  4. Pestilence DID bring up a good point to me, the fact that there is a distinct difference between a little girl trying to play dress up and act adult at home or with friends, but that it's different when it's for a modeling agency inside of an international fashion magazine. Now I might have to reconsider...hmm...*ponders*.
  5. As an only child, I've still never felt what it is like to be alone because I trained myself from a young age to know that I always have myself... AND then, the teasing from having imaginary friends began to pour in...
  6. An interesting aside about the topless issue, because something didn't sit right with me. Back in the day (maybe not super conservative eras such as the late 1800s) but little girls running around topless, outside even, was NOT a big deal. This may seem shocking to our generation, but the reason is very common sense: They don't have boobs! Why try to hide private parts that aren't even there yet? I believe that as a society, we've HAD to change, because we're starting to realize that while normal adults see a prepubescent girl running around with no boobs and no top as a child-like freedom, many gross child molesters are staring at your daughter running around in the front yard like "heh heh...yeeeah, I'ma snatch that one up..." I dunno, just my theory on it.
  7. I missed that somehow, and agree. I could see playing with a young boy, but the topless part? Yeah, that's a bit much, because that actual "genital" exposure (even if they aren't really developed yet) which is child porn. Any "topless" modeling, even little boys (unless it's like a swim suit ad for Kmart or a scene of playing outside in the summer) is too adult imo.
  8. TROY - Victoriasvengeance - In the creepiest way, you remind me of me of my own hedonistic ways when I was your age . So you're pretty fucked. Eevee - I sexed you...yeeeah, you loved it. Havoc - Looked FABULOUS, and I felt like a dick for accidentally getting a splash of beer on your awesome coat . You win points for being understanding (and also a good conversationalist) XillaToxic - Was there, making me look not quite so tall . Good to see you out, haven't ran into you in awhile I believe. Void6 - Is so adorable I just want to eat him every time we run into each other. Didn't get to chat much, fucked with his hat and said "hey" at the bar. Msterbeau - WHO'S BALD NEAOW, HUH? That's right...I'm catching up again... Tyger - You were there, but we didn't chat much...you hate me () Slogo - I have the extra ten inches you need . Thanks for the extra dollar so I could get Chernowasties :. The look on your face when your drink got knocked was priceless. LOS/Mrs. Heart - OMFG YOU RAPISTS... New member...Strange! We met you in the basement smoking area when we ran into Cookie, who we haven't seen in a few years. VERY glad you joined, welcome to the bat-shittin' family :. If I forgot you I clearly don't love you... (j/k...? ) No if I forgot you, I'm clearly just getting old...
  9. Fair enough, but I will say that over the course of working my job, most rude callers are from Canada and the East Coast. Midwesterners are polite, but always think everything has a catch. West coast people tend to be the smartest shoppers, know the terms and conditions and understand what you're telling them, and are also polite usually. I love callers from the south because I could seriously sell a southern person a glass of water in the middle of a lake, especially their females. The second I pick up the line, hear that sweet accent, and find out they're from south of the Mason-Dixon, a sound clip plays in my head that goes: "CHA-CHING!" But, with all blanketing stereotypes, this obviously doesn't apply to every person in those areas, just from the sampling of thousands of calls I've received, it applies to "most".
  10. I personally think the feminazis need to pull their panties out their asscracks, but that's just me. Not even over this, but imo, feminist ideals are destroying they way we raise our children. If these extremist crusaders for "equal" rights (equal to who?) had their way, children would be raised in a sterile bubble being pumped Barney "I Love You You Love Me" crap all day, and not be able to interact with adults because they're "innocent" and talking to adults may be "obscene". I believe that there are age appropriate actions to teach your children not to do until a certain point, but I never believe in age-appropriate ideals. There's nothing overtly sexual about the photos, she's wearing makeup, yes, but I want one female in here to speak up if you NEVER put cosmetics on your face once before the age of 10, even if it was just for play (unless you had femimom, as previously mentioned). I also disagree with the feminist ideal that beauty should not be promoted or that "everyone is beautiful no matter what". Simply not the case in reality. Human beings throw so much onto appearance, some do not. Some people, while their image doesn't take over every aspect of their lives, can get up, look at the mirror, and think "I'm pretty decent, I like me." The notion of appearance and beauty is so abstract and has so many meanings to every individual, I think instead of squelching the idea of promoting appearance, it should be in a more positive light and oh, I dunno, here's the equality thing again...but maybe encourage males to take pride in how they look? Male appearance has been downplayed for so long, and guys will always give the "well girls are supposed to care about that stuff, not us", and REALLY...historically speaking boys have been pretty like peacocks . From high heels (originally men's shoes), powdered wigs, petticoats, ancient eyeliner, tribal makeup...well for a gender whom, in the modern day, we've convinced ourselves has no need to look flashy, it seems we'd be wrong. Only now, in the modern age, is male appearance downplayed. To me, that restrictive type of parenting can be just as harmful as those crazy moms who MAKE their daughters go into beauty pageants because "their little girl has to be the prettiest". It's a pendulum, you swing it too far to one side and it's too much, then when people try to correct the over-swing, instead of putting it back in the middle where it belongs, it is sent over the opposite side. Little kids love acting like adults...BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING TO BE ADULTS! Crazy fucking concept there... As long as they don't have her in lingerie or posing, you know, seductively with grown-men and shit like that then I don't really take much of an issue with some heels and a little doctoring up.
  11. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/w_MindBodyResource/10-year-models-grown-high-fashion-high-risk/story?id=14221160 The fashion world is all in a fuss over 10 year old model, Thylane Lena Rose Blondeau, whose ads are considered too adult by some, while others think that it's not only cute, but there's nothing inherently sexual about it, and that little girls play dress up with their parent's clothes and makeup all the time.
  12. ROFL. I felt dirty for laughing just now :. What's ironic is that NONE of the other rides or anything on the fairground collapsed, there was hardly any damage dealt to any of the other structures. Experts believe it was a random 70-90 mph that blew in and hit JUST the stage, knocking it over. I figured havoc meant it was "death metal" because the stage was made out of metal scaffolding, which then killed people.
  13. I believe I met you last night...? I just have that feeling.

  14. Hey!! Very glad that you stopped in and checked us out . I'm sure we'll be able to keep you here no problem .
  15. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44133994/ns/us_news-life/ The footage is freaky, it almost looks like a prop in an old fashioned movie or something. Every time I see it and it's about to topple over, my heart gets that unpleasant sinking feeling.
  16. :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: I would kill some mofos for Cadburry Creme Eggs. They are so holy, that the entire reason Jesus came back on Easter was so that they could come into creation. True story. Honorable mention: Carmello (not surprisingly made by the same company)
  17. Says it right in the title..."noob" . My Baraka will slice YER NOOB with his saucy sharpness! (Baraka > Superior to all other characters) Other top characters: Tanya Quan Chi Mileena Sindel
  18. Destroit


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