I personally think the feminazis need to pull their panties out their asscracks, but that's just me.
Not even over this, but imo, feminist ideals are destroying they way we raise our children. If these extremist crusaders for "equal" rights (equal to who?) had their way, children would be raised in a sterile bubble being pumped Barney "I Love You You Love Me" crap all day, and not be able to interact with adults because they're "innocent" and talking to adults may be "obscene".
I believe that there are age appropriate actions to teach your children not to do until a certain point, but I never believe in age-appropriate ideals. There's nothing overtly sexual about the photos, she's wearing makeup, yes, but I want one female in here to speak up if you NEVER put cosmetics on your face once before the age of 10, even if it was just for play (unless you had femimom, as previously mentioned).
I also disagree with the feminist ideal that beauty should not be promoted or that "everyone is beautiful no matter what". Simply not the case in reality. Human beings throw so much onto appearance, some do not. Some people, while their image doesn't take over every aspect of their lives, can get up, look at the mirror, and think "I'm pretty decent, I like me." The notion of appearance and beauty is so abstract and has so many meanings to every individual, I think instead of squelching the idea of promoting appearance, it should be in a more positive light and oh, I dunno, here's the equality thing again...but maybe encourage males to take pride in how they look? Male appearance has been downplayed for so long, and guys will always give the "well girls are supposed to care about that stuff, not us", and REALLY...historically speaking boys have been pretty like peacocks . From high heels (originally men's shoes), powdered wigs, petticoats, ancient eyeliner, tribal makeup...well for a gender whom, in the modern day, we've convinced ourselves has no need to look flashy, it seems we'd be wrong. Only now, in the modern age, is male appearance downplayed.
To me, that restrictive type of parenting can be just as harmful as those crazy moms who MAKE their daughters go into beauty pageants because "their little girl has to be the prettiest". It's a pendulum, you swing it too far to one side and it's too much, then when people try to correct the over-swing, instead of putting it back in the middle where it belongs, it is sent over the opposite side.
Little kids love acting like adults...BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING TO BE ADULTS! Crazy fucking concept there...
As long as they don't have her in lingerie or posing, you know, seductively with grown-men and shit like that then I don't really take much of an issue with some heels and a little doctoring up.