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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. genCAB - Perish The Thought Afraid to look up photos of this one, guy sounds sexy. Piggish bias aside, great vocal and music blend.
  2. I'm not afraid of the mailbox anymore. After being violated over and over again, one becomes desensitized. Now when I go get the mail in, I just make sure I pull my skirt up and bend over first. If you don't resist, the bills promise to make the ordeal sail with more ease.
  3. Exactly, that is what spoils any good riot. People who are tired of oppression begin to resist, most of the times peacefully over and over again, and when peaceful protest and negotiation doesn't work...w00t, time to overthrow! What cheapens these people's efforts, however, is the inevitability that in almost any riot, after the initial "legit" crowd comes through, douchebags who are either of the "FUCK YEAH, SHIT IS FREE!" or the "YEAH I'MA FUCKING BREAK SUMTHIN WIT DIS HEERE BRICK LIKE HULK CAUSE IT'S COOL!" crowd, and then after that the original message is lost or diluted at best.
  4. If I had a camera, I might. Pestilence definitely has the photographic eye in the relationship.
  5. No. England has been on a constant cycle for as long as anyone can remember of hierarchy which oppresses and oppresses, dividing rich from poor, splitting privilidge and equality between aristocrat and peasant. Every so often the misery and strife reaches such a level that the people revolt. Rinse and repeat. It is the way of my people . In a week they will blow up parliament (), the rich fucks will see the people are super serioul again, talks with be had, deals will be worked out, and the meter will reset all over again. The big difference is that it seems a little more easy for the people to revolt in a somewhat "free" country, as opposed to how Britain has always been run by royalty who have the ultimate say and control everything at the snap of a finger (logical decisions/opinions or not).
  6. Nachtmahr - Katharsis Another band that I liked before finding out the front man is OMFG:drool:. CLEARLY doesn't constitute shallowness at ALL on my part because I dug the music first, right ?
  7. I knew that some had still existed, but had not realized that it was as many as there are.
  8. When the first bit of thunder hit...I thought I heard Tribble mewing outside. Her meow was very distinct and characteristic of her...but I guess maybe it was a little kid... It's just ironic, because she used to be afraid of storms and meow like that when she wanted inside.
  9. I hate having severe physical anxiety and depression just from standing in my backyard after what happened last Monday. My garden is my favorite place on the property and I feel bad for my dogs because I avoid taking them out to go to the bathroom now because I just can't handle being out there...it's too much. And Gitzie keeps crying at the door to go outside...*sigh*. FML...
  10. Cockroach fucking drug runner scum... Attacking a tribe that is armed with sticks, arrows and papaya when you have machine guns is like having road-rage on a 90 year old man, pulling him out of his car, and beating him to death imo. These people were defenseless by today's standards... So every time you illegally buy drugs, you kill an indigenous Amazonian tribe-person (I mean, maybe not, but it's effed up to think about the trickle down of such activities). http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44066285/ns/technology_and_science-science/
  11. Gitzie loves this song because she starts riots on the streets of Warren .
  12. Stealin' muh MANFAST Cook-Off ideas!!!!
  13. A mix of Marley and Sublime If Nike's motto is "Just Do It", Sublime's should be "Just Deal With It".
  14. And by the time they reach you? Bacon Just think of the possiblities... .
  15. I owe Black Jack, because if I wasn't going to pick him up at the moment, I would have been home . End threadjack.
  16. Mine would probably say they're about sick of having to look at me so much lately.
  17. FUCK OFF. That crisis never happened, it was averted successfully, remember?
  18. These stats still accurate? Well I can't imagine they'd change in a month, but you never know.
  19. I already have kinda before I think maybe .
  20. I believe you're thinking of lapin, who is awesome cute/sassy and has a slew of interesting hobbies and talents. I do believe that she resides in Singapore (at least I think that's what I recall from asking her a long time ago, but I may be remembering incorrectly), but I think she may be originally from Japan. Yeah either way, the countries I can think of that we have had (or have): Russia, Deutschland, Our Bros to the North, Mexico, Japan, England, Ireland...hmmm... Oh yeah, and we have an member that is responsible for having what is probably one of the few routers in Iraq being banned by proxy . If I can think of any other places, I'm sure I'll add them.
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