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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I believe you're thinking of lapin, who is awesome cute/sassy and has a slew of interesting hobbies and talents. I do believe that she resides in Singapore (at least I think that's what I recall from asking her a long time ago, but I may be remembering incorrectly), but I think she may be originally from Japan. Yeah either way, the countries I can think of that we have had (or have): Russia, Deutschland, Our Bros to the North, Mexico, Japan, England, Ireland...hmmm... Oh yeah, and we have an member that is responsible for having what is probably one of the few routers in Iraq being banned by proxy . If I can think of any other places, I'm sure I'll add them.
  2. Women are the debil. Nothing but trying to control others and then calling men selfish when they want personal freedoms. Probably just ranting, just seriously...I just don't get certain groups in humanity sometimes and how some people can be so lacking in logic. I realize guys are assholes too, but they at least usually have clear cut logical motives behind it, damnit!
  3. You can't prove shit. If people don't know the name on my birth certificate, I'm sure gender is much more puzzling .
  4. Hey Farva, what's the name of that one restaurant you like with all the shit on the walls?
  5. If Pestilence sees this, he'll probably ask whether or not it comes in Adult Robot sizes.
  6. I love my job sometimes. I seriously want to invest in a phone that, when it rings, makes the sound of quarters falling.
  7. I was simply referring to how they take keepsakes to remember the incident by.
  8. What three things what you grab and why (pets do not count, I not only don't count them as "things", but just for the sake of this discussion, let's pretend they are already successfully saved).
  9. I save fur from every pet that dies so I can always remember my babies and be "close" to them. Some people think it's cute and touching, some people think that it's shit serial killers do.
  10. My take on this is that there may be more to it than originally thought. In the modern age, men hardly have to "control" their urges (just short of actual rape, obviously). Guys are allowed to completely over sex themselves, it's easier to get laid (now it takes a few dates, whereas back in the day many women were trained to be stubborn and get a ring first), there is a cornucopia of crazy kinky porn alllll over the internet, prostitutes (gross, but in desperation guys do it) are more openly available (or so it seems anyway, less under-the-radar than back when). Because of this, men probably don't state sex is as important as in prior decades because not only are they more satiated, but fetishes and fantasies are able to be fulfilled more readily and often than in the past. However, men still do not openly touch as much as women do on a daily basis. Men hardly hug each other, a simple handshake usually does it. Guys will hug maybe like, their mother, or some guys occasionally hug female friends/acquaintances (and even then, I can only count a small fraction of guy friends I squeeze when I see them), and men do not (usually as much as women anyway) interact/play with/hug children and babies as much. Women, on the other hand, are more open sexually than ever before, but many still feel somewhat mentally oppressed (what I've gathered from talking to other women). It's this weird gray area where they're finally comfortable admitting they want to get laid more, and are more willing to demand it out of their partner, but opening this new door for women does not mean ALL avenues are "normal" to them. Women usually have a less varied way of getting off, I suppose, most likely because imo maybe it either doesn't occur to them that this type of stuff is out there, or the other common answer I get is that it's "weird/gross/etc". So there's still this odd double standard, but because of the fixed partner gravitation, they obviously must then demand more out of that single source. Cuddling, as I was somewhat implying in the last paragraph, is probably not as important to women because they have more varied and socially "acceptable" means of passively touching and hugging other people readily available to them. So in short, men don't crave as much sex directly from their partner because they have a more varied ability to release in that aspect, and women have more opportunity to physically touch other people in their daily lives. Other than that, I'm stumped and guys are complete prudes who like, totally won't put out and shit even after I've paid for dinner and bought them like $40 fucking dollars in drinks at the bar, which is pretty much like stealing if you think about it .
  11. I'm Chernobyl, and I approve this message.
  12. My ex had one before, and after passing it, he said he sympathized with females and our plight because he claims he now knows what it's like to have a vagina and give birth. Welcome to womanhood :. Now you may begin the healing process .
  13. For right now, Pestilence and I come as a package deal (Addl S&H required). When I have more than two pennies to rub together, my gamertag is A11Y0URBA5E Add me, and if you see me pop on, congratulate me on the fat paycheck.
  14. That IS a pretty fabulouslybadassfuckin'feather, in my expertly amateur opinion. Glad you posted a pic, now we can be on the lookout (YOU'RE DOOOOOMED )
  15. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/43655906/ns/today-relationships/ Interesting article from MSNBC.
  16. Fixed I agree, it's best in "other stuff". I'll have to send that Troy guy a PM to let him know... .
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