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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Would Juno kinda at least fit the bill? Loved it, and I didn't think I was going to. Michael Cera is awesome, not sure what it is about his acting I like I just do, and the movie was overall clever.
  2. BINGO. Nice one, somehow didn't come to mind when I first saw this thread.
  3. DGN so seriously needs a designated field-trip bus for awesome stuff like this (and Cedar Point).
  4. Trying SO hard to think of this one movie that, as preteens, we were nuts over. It was four girls, and I remember one of the "young" versions of the girls was played by Christina Ricci and her older version was, I believe, played by Rosie O'Donnell (what a terrible transition that was ) Kk...looked it up, and it's probably cheesy now (haven't seen it since I was like 12), but it's called Now and Then. Maybe I'll re-watch it, I always find it funny to watch movies I used to like as a kid/teen to see how I view them now.
  5. I'm more like 3/4 manly lady and 3/4 sexy gentleman at the same time, but you were close .
  6. I stay in bad relationships if I'm getting laid awesomely. Basically if he is attractive enough and is putting out, I'll put up with him for awhile until something less oppressing and shitty comes along.
  7. A TIP...if you are a "newish" DGNer, you should post a photo of your face because we are not Sylvia Brown psychic or anything (although that would be sweet, because we'd get on Montel every Wednesday). Everyone knows me: I be the self-proclaimed ruler!
  8. Still super depressoed about my kittehn . It's especially hard going outside or coming home and she doesn't run up all assertive and social...
  9. 25th rules because that's far enough in advance for most people to adjust their schedule and save up some cashoos.
  10. When I was a little kid, I said Munsters, but as an adult now I say Addams Family.
  11. Devastated... One of our barely year old cats was killed this morning in our backyard by a dog that was loose . R.I.P. Tribble :. I'm at such a loss, I don't even know wtf to do...I can't believe it, she is so young and I was looking forward to spending years with her. It baffles me that she wasn't able to run up a tree really fast. Pestilence had a theory that it's possible that Tribble perhaps thought that our dogs, Frank and Sammy, got let out and so therefore didn't recognize the threat that it was not them until it was too late.
  12. Then there was all that avatar humping toward the end there...good times.
  13. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, August 6th. Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of The Leland Hotel building just before the gated parking area on the side of the building nearest 1st Street. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. Zoomable map to City Club. MDOT lane closures (The map isn't quite exact. The Ramada is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) More info can be found here: http://www.lelandcityclub.net We try to have this be the meeting area from 12-2am. If you can help, try to just stay there and mull around even if you don't see anyone, all it takes is a few people. If you want to post about some other night, or some other club, or bitch about how you weren't breast fed, use some other topic, this isn't the place for it.
  14. With the darkness factor blended into this equation, I must agree.
  15. You guys are currently playing. I'm currently pwning. There is a distinct difference.
  16. Angry ticks will fire out of your nipple?
  17. I can see you've already hopped to posting, why not take a second for a formal introduction? *drum roll*
  18. Like I don't want to work my next shift.
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