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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Whenever I hear "__________ is dead", I actually always fill it in with "Frank Sinatra" because of the song from Party Monster by Miss Kitten and The Hacker. But now we're on a tangent, that would be a whoooole 'nother thread.
  2. That's some random association, but I work like that too sometimes. I get teased about doing it, like I have a fictitious Random Association Disorder (meaning I'm RAD clearly...).
  3. Good luck, because that's what it takes to get into the field. Luck and connections. I will say just be weary of what you're signing, many of them are scams that try to get you to pay up front for services, saying they'll get you work, and then never deliver.
  4. Can't say I didn't see it coming. I have no sympathy for addicts. It takes a first free-will try with any substance to get hooked, you don't just wake up "addicted" to something without putting it in your body first. What a waste . I feel bad for her friends and family. Watching an addict decline is no fun, I've been through it many times.
  5. Lol better late than never, right? Thanks :)

  6. It makes me wish there were something more bare than naked.
  7. We can't call people without wings angels, so we call them friends.
  8. Feels good to no longer have debt (on paper with institutions in any case, not Boshy debt ).
  9. DAMN...Christianity COMBO BREAKERRRR . I also never realized how small of an area Hinduism was oppressed down to at one point. I knew it fell out of "favor" I suppose for a small time period, but I didn't know the depletion was that widespread.
  10. Meth doesn't count on my list of substances that should be legal, because it is nearly impossible for meth to be either carried or manufactured without causing harm to others. The nightmare of a meth lab extends to the neighbors, who may inadvertently become addicted (and there is very little chance of recovery) or be exposed to carcinogenic brain-damaging chemicals. I was exposed to powdered meth last December from an ex friend who I let get in the car, without realizing he had a new habit. I knew something was "off" about him, and then when I figured it out it was already too late, the shit was wafting through the air. I knew he had it on him...why? Because I started getting lit off of it while I was in the FRONT seat . Then I turn around the the asshole is snorting it off of paper like "it's okay, I do this all the time". Not wanting him to go into a rage, as people on meth are aggressive and delusional, I was like "Okay, well keep it down", swung back around, and dropped him off where I picked him up, leading him to believe we were in Warren (when we were really in Royal Oak, so you can tell how delusional the stuff makes you when you are able to confuse Downtown Royal Oak with 9 Mile and Van Dyke ). And I'm STILL nervous now about my future...obviously I didn't get addicted to it, I figured that wasn't so likely even though it's very possible. I'm worried now about getting creepy cancer when I'm older because of it. Meth = tha debilz There is no safe way to possess or manufacture the substance, and so therefore it cannot logically be allowed.
  11. This is a strategic trap, because when someone admits they were a cheerleader back in the day, we're going to tackle them and take their goth card .
  12. Really need to get back into being a wigger.
  13. MANFAST has given you a +5 buff to your efficiency.
  14. Floating alone in a sea of myself.
  15. Welcome back! Haven't seen you here in awhile :)

  16. Looks like Redbox and Family Video are getting back a lot of business. Netflix's streaming option confuses me. As many of us know, Trailer Park Boys is a show superior to most other similar comedy shows and we had a friend over at the house last week whom I wanted to show a few episodes, but Netflix changed out the whole series and so it isn't there anymore. I know WHY they do it, but it sucks. For something you're paying monthly for, they should at least keep shows up for more than two months before taking them down. And don't get me started about their DVD-by-mail stuff. Timata is a Netflix subscriber and he watches a bunch of anime. They just sort of randomly send him stuff, like he'll get the first disc for the series...and then even though the second disc is the next in his queue, they'll send him something like the third disc. I personally think this is going to kill their sales because in this economy, you would have to be either super lazy, so obese you can't drive to the store, or disabled to spend THAT much money for something you're going to get cheaper at Family Video and/or Redbox.
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