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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Annnnd another guest makes FORTY FUCKING FOUR . I am now closing reservations to anyone who isn't buying an ENTIRE lot outright ($42). This being, with four spots to a lot, and forty-four spots reserved, we now have 11 full lots. Brighton isn't going to even know WTF hit it.
  2. ZING! KatRN05...we are going to get SO FACED this weekend. I'd say you don't even know...but you went last year .
  3. "I wonder if GRG realizes what REAL MANFAST camping is." (No plugs or plumbing, just a water pump and FIRE ) You'll be fine, everyone always is .
  4. And Constantin (George) and Lucifer (his brother, David) make 43 .
  5. I can run faster than most Kenyans...so yes.
  6. 41 spots reserved. I fear for my life AND my legal record. Behave at night people! No super late night loudness and we will be fine We always try to wear you out with sun and events during the day anyway lol.
  7. You were gonna not go!!!? You're already paid for, that would be silly.
  8. If SK were here, then it would make me throw up on his shirt.
  9. Hot guy, not blonde, doesn't give me STDs or cheat in general, boner. I don't require much.
  10. Another skipped day, this seems to happen the closer that we get to the quest. I'm literally shaking while typing this ... (2008) Sodomy Steaks, year one. They were still in prison at this point, gettin' violated. We taunted the FUCK out of Constantin when he ate them . (2010, photo by sglgothmom) The Drunk Tank : (2010) The most EPIC arm wrestling photo that we have from last year. (2010, photo by Tszura) Fire to the Face, done by Raev and Black Jack. Pestilence is on the table refereeing, TFG is in the front watching, and I'm behind Raev cringing :. OMFG...TWO DAYS. IAMSITTINGUPINHERESHITTINGMYSELF . Srsly, it's like a holocaust on dem britches.
  11. Killian's (Superior to all beers, my favorite) Guinness (Pestilence and Raev will tell you this is superior to all beers, but they are wrong because Killian's is clearly superior to all other beer) Samuel Adam's (Timata and our buddy, Ricky's, favorite. Don't bring this unless you want to make Timata's day. So don't bring it. My Boshy thinks this beer causes menstruation as it tastes like flowers and perfume and she "...don't like no mother fucking flowers in her goddamn beer!") Other legit beers: MGD Busch Not Pabst Blue Ribbon unless you're a teenager Bud Lite (not Budweiser, Bud Lite) Heineken sorta (some people LOVE it, it's a big favorite, I'm not huge on it but so many are) Non-legit beers that are gross: Natural Ice (aka Nasty Ice) Milwaukee's Best (aka Beast, they call it that for a reason) If in the store and confused, you can always call my Beer Choice Support Network Hotline to speak to an expert. I'm that expert, and the hotline is my cell phone number. You're welcome .
  12. I think I love their marketing department, because they are able to take ordinary people and put them in epic soldier situations. Like this for instance, when it FIRST came out: We're ALL Burger Man .
  13. Got up to 6 on Shangri-La by myself, 9 with the boyfriend. I think his top so far is 13. It's fucking GROSSELY intricate and well planned...it's fucked up. Such a challenging map. The only multi-player map I've gotten to play is Drive-In, which feels very similar to Nuketown in tactic and size. I rolled some fucking face when I hopped on it the first time, got second on the leader boards and I haven't played anything but Zombies in months.
  14. Shit gives me a huge boner Anyone buy it and play it yet? We're always looking for some Black Ops players, both Multi-player and SHANGRI-LA (NEW ZOMBIE MAP PACK THAT IS FUCKING NEOTZ!). Fucking...now every time I hear Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter, whether it be in an elevator, my car, in a store, or some older people's backyard...I get goosebumps .
  15. I wonder if I'm attractive enough to have a baby, raise my kid, slaughter my kid, and get off scott free? Florida = FAIL
  16. I found Black Jack...but it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Slogo! So the good news is that Black Jack will be with us this year. The bad news, for MANTESTANTS, is that he IS competing again and so it looks like everyone else is aiming for second.
  17. Mary Goes Round - The Great Desire
  18. Chernobyl: "So do you get hungover really? I can't remember..." Timata: "A little bit. I never get hungover at MANFAST though because I always just wake up drunk." Junefun has constructed NINETY jello shots...and counting!
  19. Chris & Cosey - One Minute More (Serpent Mix)
  20. YEAHRLY. Wait...I thought I gave out points...?
  21. You don't strike me as someone who would like Cloverfield for some reason.

  22. Cabaret Voltaire - This Is Entertainment
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