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Everything posted by Destroit

  2. You are completely correct. With no black market...there would be no REASON for the violence. Consumers have the right to choose which places they buy product from. For instance: I live in Warren right along the border of Detroit. Probably about 85% of my block smokes weed. When it was illegal, you would either have to drive to shady neighborhoods in Detroit to get it (supporting the drug black market) OR buy it off of a dealer from our neighborhood (usually getting yourself ripped off on money and also supporting the black market). The dealer thing was getting out of hand for a minute, they were EVERYWHERE, and every time you spent money at them you know your funds went right into the unsavory activities of the black market through trickle-down. Since they are unprofessional hooligans, they brought fights, the whole "hood" mentality, cops were constantly surveying the area giving us all that Big Brother uneasiness, there was a gun fight in front of my neighbor's house, etc. Now most everyone on my block is legal medically to smoke, because nearly anyone can be. Everyone is less out to rip people off now. Everyone is happier and seems to have a better overall sense of pride, knowing they aren't going to get their shit raided any second and be made to feel like some giant felon. The drug dealers are ALL gone, except maybe a few who don't want to have to get real jobs. They're getting desperate to the point now where they're just straight LYING about their wares just so they can get a sale. But people still aren't buying it...why buy something off the streets when you can get BETTER for cheaper, legally, safer (you know it wasn't dusted or fucked with), and in a professional store setting? I don't see the black market being in this neighborhood much longer...that's for DAMN sure. Store settings also provide more alternatives than just smoking...brownies, cookies, rice crispy treats, COFFEE, tinctures (can be eaten or put on joints/bowl to enhance and help it smoke longer), keef tablets, hash (which used to be impossible to find in MI), you name it. So a varied market to cater to all sorts of people that is regulated, safe, earns us millions of dollars every year, encourages agriculture in Michigan (all hydro you get from these dispensaries are Michigan grown by reputable growers), etc...SOUNDS AWESOME!
  3. EXACTLY! It means THEY'RE "immature" by not realizing that everyone in the world doesn't need to change to their standards. Good riddance then .
  4. This came up from a comment on FB from a former DGNer stating that CC and DGN have gotten too immature and that is why they no longer come back. I pointed out the fact that we probably have LESS DGN drama than ever before...so why the perception? What is so "immature" about certain things and so "mature" about others? Do we actually mature or do we just accept it as a societal inevitability? Do we need to? Why is it that as we age, we perceive things we used to do as "immature" because we don't like "how things are run nowadays" when it's the SAME system that's always been in place? Is it simply perception, or something else? For instance, people grow out of goth because they find it to be immature...WHY? Why is doing something you love "immature"? Do people even believe what they say or do they think it's immature because others have told them it is? It's delving into a certain style that you love with music and culture to accompany it...only to "grow out" of it into..what? And is believing you have to grow out of something like goth JUST as immature as you're claiming to not be (i.e. you're basically conforming to the crowd, which was the "immature" thing that we all did back in junior high and high school)?
  5. I love it when people go on FB, diss DGN saying it's "immature", when what they're doing is just as catty and more immature. Life...sometime you just have to lulz at how ridiculous other's "logic" is. Oh well, I always like seeing people's true colors, as undesirable of a spectrum they may be.
  6. LOOKING FOR BLACK JACK If anyone has seen him or knows how to get a hold of him (the number I have for him is now someone else's number, even though we spoke on it not even 3-4 weeks ago) that would be greatly appreciated. He is paid up and is supposed to be going along in our caravan, he was VERY excited to go this year so I couldn't imagine him having any other plans. I'm starting to get a bit concerned because he usually doesn't do stuff like this. Any help would be appreciated . We're obviously hoping to find him by at least Thursday and I'm out of ideas and options.
  7. I plan on sitting in my house and shittin' muh britches, due to MANFAST being two days after. But I encourage others to go because it is a SUPER solid night .
  8. (2010) Peelingchrome at his camp with our dog, Frank, pinching a loaf. (2010, photo by Black Jack) I'm grazin' (2010, photo by Black Jack) Such a huge photo with so many people in it, I won't even begin to try to caption it and list them all off. (2010, photo by Black Jack) Woo-HOOOOOOoooOOoooooo... Skipped a day because I'm so excited I hardly know WTF year I'm in...I think we're down to FOUR
  9. WOW...that's a very misinformed assumption. In countries where drugs are legal and regulated, there is no NEED for any shadyness. It's a perfectly legal substance. That's like saying you're afraid the grocery store is going to sell you shady bread . Underground markets are not needed for items that are legal. There might be a small niche amount of people that buy items from stores and resale them, but that would not be as widespread as the current illegal drug black market is by a LONG shot. In Michigan for instance, since medical legalization, patients can now walk freely into dispensaries whose best interest is to deliver quality product that is straightforward and grown by reputable people doing so under the law.
  10. Even though the mission I was there for that night went unfulfilled, I looked amazing and my legs still hurt from tearing shit up. We also talked shit about people we don't know . Shallow, I know, but fun on occasion. There was one girl who was half naked (non DGNer) who DID have a really hot body...but made herself look really pathetic by trying SO hard that guys were laughing at her. She even started doing shit like walking next to girls who were actually getting looks to dance by them so she could try to steal attention away. And then...there was the one girl who was Fraggle Rock. I won't even go into it, because if you don't know what I mean immediately, you either didn't see her or thought that it was a cool outfit. Good times, good playlist .
  11. Tourist jocks maybe.... I'm now going to be a CC a lot, I went Friday. My goal is to recruit people to DGN so that they can go to better goth nights . To its defense, and I tell people this all the time...CC was TERRIBLE about 4-5 years ago. They've really been improving the place physically, and trying to foster an environment that caters more toward actual goths/rivetheads rather than the preps-in-goth-clothing types.
  12. Those who believe that criminalizing it is either A) moral or B) effective needs to put down THEIR crack pipe. It's never worked, it never will. I find it funny also that these people have no problem with shit like alcohol and cigarettes (two substances far more addictive and harmful than HEROIN) and have some skewed illogical view about other substances. I've seen even World of Warcraft do more harm to society than any substance. McDonald's kills more people from fat-overdoses every year. Don't believe me, then look it up, heart attacks and cardiopulmonary problems are still some of the top killers in our country. They're wrong. End of story. And until anyone in that camp can provide me ACTUAL evidence otherwise, then they're just claiming their stance for their own selfish personal agenda. I have little respect for those trying to oppress other human beings, and hope that something they enjoy becomes illegal for no sound reasoning at all. What gives people the right to encroach on the liberty of another individual when their actions are causing no harm to anyone else? They're sociopaths who need control which stems from insecurity, imo.
  13. Hey, it's not my fault our event gets more DGN pull than CC. I will say there's a reason it does, but it was unintentional on our behalf; we meant CC no harm. CC was merely a victim of our aggressively coincidental event planning .
  14. Didn't I even say the other night when you and everyone else was at our house that the Leland is an urban explorer's wet-dream because it's the only non-abandoned building in Detroit (if you can call it non-abandoned ) that has like four-five abandoned buildings inside of it?
  15. Our dog Frank, veteran MANTESTANT, has been getting his pitbull girlfriend, Sammy, pumped up all week .
  16. I'm warming up by eating a gigantic BLT minus T because tomatoes are enemies. BTW...people have been asking me if fireworks that leave the ground are legal yet in Michigan, and sadly, as I've done the research on both the internet and in the Michigan Compiled Laws database, I've deducted that they are not yet legal. The bill is still in the process of passing . SORRY pyros...better luck next year (unless someone can show me a legitimate source that proves my research wrong).
  18. It looks like some SERIOUS psychedelics outside right now .
  19. If anyone sees Black Jack tonight at City Club, or otherwise, please let him know that we're trying to get a hold of him and that his phone didn't work when we called. KTHNX.
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