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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I cringe writing my second novel because it's uncomfortable to hear that sort of stuff coming out of my own head.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIQWt3oMids&feature=BFa&list=PL6A7536498989E51E&index=42&shuffle=836642 Dunno why I RANDOMLY thought of this song today, but I used to like it a lot when I was 13 . The video is still kinda cute and has a valid point.
  3. Appalling myself for whatever reason, with things I always deem necessary to educate myself on. Today is Japan and terrible shit like comfort women and brushing up on Nanking facts again.
  4. Syrup, and don't forget the occasional honey. That stuff is like wonder sugar . There are a lot of healthy advantages to it from what I hear. But yeah, all this shit with kids and sugar is GROSS now-a-days. I remember when I used to chug shit like pop all day and I felt AWFUL...and that's as an adult. Imagine what that is doing to a growing little-kid body?
  5. It's not nice to talk about Phee like that, that's how pheelings get crushed :.
  6. Pest still has one installed, I knew there'd be a good reason for leaving one in...
  7. Pissed, there is the this preppy ass Toxic Detroit production group or whatever the fuck and they DELETED MY QUESTIONS from FB that I asked about their event. Didn't want me to blow their Abercrombie and Fitch cover it seems.
  8. So you're going to tell me that if I want to hear some Neubauten in PDF format, that you won't deliver?
  9. Just now realized that the acronym for the Bridge Card program in Michigan is "FAP" . I am so simple sometimes...
  10. All I have to say is that at least you guys don't charge five dollars at the door and are having a "bikini contest" like a certain other preppy night that is trying to pass as goth. :wallbash: Our scene's decline into preppy shit is making me sad . But you two are legit and make it easier to handle somewhat .
  11. wormsandwomb and sglgothmom are now reserved! Roster updated We're up to 27 spots reserved now! Here's yer photos, it's a twofer again because I was at the beach and couldn't post anything earlier: (2010) FIERCE (2010, photo by Pestilence because he's a dick) HAD to put Cherodrunk-face in there. I was super wasties and my loving boyfriend decided he was going to sneak a photo in. Since a lot of you look pretty glazed over in your photos, I figured I'd throw it in to be fair. (2010, photo by sglgothmom) During All Your Chairs, Timata, Raev and Siren were the last competitors by this point as Slogo and KatRN05 watch the showdown. (2009) Black Jack in the back of the Cobalt en route to Brighton. 23 Days, almost out of the 20s so we're getting close
  12. WHOA...really? Where the hell'd you just drift in from, Dubh? Stay around this time!
  13. (2010, photo by sglgothmom) YES! THIS IS THE MANLIEST PHOTO OF RAEV EVER EVER EVER TAKEN. (2010) Pest in back making some fucking food, others like Enishi and Ricky standing around waiting for it to be done. I was there also, but behind the camera, because much like a bear mother and cub: Where ever hottness is making food, I'm usually in the vicinity. 25 days to make peace with whatever God you may believe in (on-site priest for your last rights not provided, it's BYOP)
  14. Who's running it? Just out of curiosity.
  15. I hate it when moms say "I have the cutest baby ever." That's nonsense, everyone's baby is just as a squidgy and ugly as the next...
  16. I feel that Medical Marijuana has so far put $4,173,149 dollars into the State of Michigan's coffer this year. You're welcome.
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