wormsandwomb and sglgothmom are now reserved! Roster updated We're up to 27 spots reserved now!
Here's yer photos, it's a twofer again because I was at the beach and couldn't post anything earlier:
(2010) FIERCE
(2010, photo by Pestilence because he's a dick) HAD to put Cherodrunk-face in there. I was super wasties and my loving boyfriend decided he was going to sneak a photo in. Since a lot of you look pretty glazed over in your photos, I figured I'd throw it in to be fair.
(2010, photo by sglgothmom) During All Your Chairs, Timata, Raev and Siren were the last competitors by this point as Slogo and KatRN05 watch the showdown.
(2009) Black Jack in the back of the Cobalt en route to Brighton.
23 Days, almost out of the 20s so we're getting close