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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Which channel is this video going to be on? (if any) It's exciting I guess to see people you know on TV, even if that sounds shallow of me . I still remember getting giddy in high school when I was on MTV in a music video filmed at (the now closed) Wired Frog.
  2. I feel envious for some reason. The weird part is that I don't know who I'm envious over, why, or what over. Maybe I envy the young who are free.
  3. Victoriavengeance is in the first row. Or it could be someone similar, haven't met her in real life.
  4. Although the concept of transporting your personal identity, or "soul", into a network or machine of some type has seemingly been done over and over again, nobody has represented the idea to this day like Serial Experiments Lain has.
  5. I knew she was related to one of you, but I couldn't remember which one of you. I remember Pest and I sharing some stress-relieving stuff with her . Don't take this the wrong way, but she looks like she could be related to either of you.
  6. This photo looks like it should be an album cover, the odd way that everyone is posed, the different directions they're facing, and their facial expressions all fit the bill. Pictured from left to right: Black Jack, KatRN05, Darkmatter, LillyLu. Good, clean, viking-helmeted, wood hatcheting fun! (TFG and Slogo pictured) MANFAST shall be upon us in 46 days!
  7. The photo above depicts the REAL reason as to why the rapture did not happen on Saturday: Macho Man Randy Savage had to beat down some Jesus on Friday to save the world. He died for us all! OH YEAAAAHHHHHH!
  8. I think my skin is melting off.
  9. A healthy post-rapture salad to counter-balance the pre-rapture butter grilled bacon, cheese, and onion sandwich concoction I had yesterday (which I dipped in ranch).
  10. Seems like it's only been a few hours since the last set Pest and Timata grabbing shit out of one of the most valuable MANFAST commodities: The cooler : And THE MOST valuable MANFAST commodity (tied evenly with alcohol) is some fucking MEAT!!!!! GET PUMPED! MANFAST IS IN 46 DAYS!
  11. Little late today you guys, sorry. But here you are: WOW...my random number generator finally picked something that wasn't from 2010. This is Constantin standing out in the rain the first year (the epic rain that which fire was created from), drinking a beer and showing off his...uhmm...pecs? (Photo from sglgothmom) Only those who were there look at this picture and think "DAMN...shit's about to get broken." This was in the beginning of AYCABTU last year, BEFORE any grievous bodily injury occurred. At this point Timata, Black Jack, the eternal, KatRN05, and bean were in. Sorry I was late posting them today, but everyone will be glad to know that I was "left behind", and I'm sure if you are the type who reserved or have any interest in attending/visiting, then you were probably left behind also! With that said... 47 days until the REAL rapture!
  12. Looking at photos of someone I'll never see again, I hope what they say isn't true...
  13. Like I just had a burger that was WAY the hell too huge.
  14. Rofl he's such the cutest little old man now, I just wanna squeeze his face. That aside, I'm glad we live in a state where we can actually say gay and aren't forced to Takei . He did looked like he was trying SO hard the entire time not to laugh.
  15. If you're taking antibiotics the odds of something like that happening are greatly decreased, so you'll most likely be fine.
  16. Clearly the world is not ending tomorrow, because I have eggs in the fridge that don't expire until June; so that just does not make sense.
  17. Update: Scale says I'm only down two more pounds, but since my pants are coming off me, I think my results are thrown off because of the added muscle (Muscle weights around three times more than fat). I'm punching out 60 minutes of high-intensity cardio a day. Legs I'm averaging 200-250 something lbs per muscle (that's high weight, low reps around 30 or how long I can go without dying), core varies because my back is way stronger than my abs (almost 300 lbs for my back, almost 200 lbs on abs), and arms I need to work on most only averaging under 100 lbs for the same reps. It's better than when I first started and was only averaging 50 lbs though, that's what I keep telling myself anyway. Oh well, I'll get up past a hundred in no time since I've been sticking with it due to the free time I get on this job.
  18. Glad you're starting to get up there. And no I guess you don't have to be big to be strong; you gotta be strong to be "strong". I guess it's a difference thing, I don't go to the gym to have fun, I go there to get down to bidness and get some bulk going :. Different goals I suppose. When I first got back into weight training I felt a little silly because I had to start back on something like 50 lbs, so I felt like one of those girls for a minute there (compared to what I was used to lifting when I used to hit the gym in my early 20s).
  19. My positive pheeback is darker. Just sayin'...

  20. 20? See this is why I go out of my way to make other women feel awful, at least ones that are pathetically weak (which is all of them that aren't as strong as I am, which is every single female I've ever met since birth). That and I want to get fucking huge, I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to be epically strong, it's just practical if you want to be awesome. I will never understand why someone would WANT to be small or weak . STILL trying to study women out and how they think and WHAT would ever possess them to logically think that way... : . Oh well, what really matters is that I'm on top! Life's a friendly competition and I'm pulling first .
  21. DANG, either you're up too early or up too late.

  22. You need to get that checked soon, an abscess is no laughing matter. I'm not trying to scare you, but if it gets bad and pops in your mouth the toxins/bacteria from it can kill you or make you incredibly ill. Good luck, I know a lot of people who have been in that situation and it sucks.
  23. Women are so weak. By doing observational research at my local gym, I've deducted I can lift about 75% more weight than all of the other women in the world, and I am better than 100% of them . (End gloating. Seriously though...there was a girl LEG PRESSING SEVENTY FIVE POUNDS. Just...weak. Why bother getting a gym membership. I don't do anything below 250 on a bad day!)
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