Photo Countdown to MANFAST
Since there is hardly an outlet where past MANFAST photos are brought up and captioned, I figured a cool idea would be to choose 2 photos daily at random from a pool of 139 photos I have in my collection spanning the last three years. I will add into the caption what year it is from and who took the photo.
(Photo: SglGothMom) I love this first photo so much you'd think I picked it on purpose. Pest taking the toughest MANTESTANT of them all on a walk, Frank. Seriously, dog had everyone beat! For Frank fans: Not only is he coming back this year, but his pitbull girlfriend, Sammy, will be in attendance also! Both are ready to down seven times the amount of their body weight in MEAT.
(Photo: JessicaEffinRocks) Slogo all vikinged up and gettin' tank (don't worry, you'll be getting the sword to slay with again this year )
Tune in tomorrow and every day after that until MANFAST. You never know when your photo might pop up!