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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I love me some mother fuckin' Haujobb.
  2. I'll probably be the only one who is waking up Thursday morning and not going on a long trip, except maybe a stumble down to the bathroom.
  3. I keep trying to think there's no possibility of an afterlife because I don't like to get my hopes up, but it's funny that on a scientific basis of argument, atheists seem to be losing .
  4. Watching MTV for the first time in years because for the first time in YEARS, they're playing music videos. They're shitty videos, but I'm just so happy MUSIC Television is playing, heaven fucking forbid, but MUSIC...I'll get down on it, even just to reminisce.
  5. Watching Oprah Winfrey Network because my hatred towards most women's social ideals makes me irate, and I guess I'm in one of those moods to get mad. HOW could anyone live in a gigantic rich house with a hot effing husband...and NOT want sex... Women are a species I'll never quite get... :
  6. HAD a clean, white pitbull. That lasted about an hour. White dogs get dirtier way faster than even white cars do.
  7. So...can't help but notice your profile says that you're admiring the MANFAST thread...

  8. (Photo from Chernobyl) Pest looks confused in this photo. I think he was probably listening to someone ask a question, since he is holding the beer bong it was probably due to the beer bong contest. (Photo from SglGothMom's FB) I love this photo because it is super ghetto fabulous to have a bottle of Arrow next to a bottle DiSarogno (or however the fuck it's spelled...I live in South Warren, the fanciest thing I can spell is "Hennessey"). MANFAST KOMBAT!: 52 days!
  9. Says someone who goes to CC with tape over her nipples running around naked? Sounds like you're fishing! And not the manly kind! Nobody is going to pull your limbs off to drag you, but I will say that if you want to have a good drama-free time for a whole weekend and have memories you carry for a lifetime (okay...I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets anymore Hallmark...), then you should make a reservation for you and a buddy .
  10. And if we do All Your Chairs Are Belong to Us, I will re-engineer the design of the game and NOT use metal chairs.
  11. Photo Countdown to MANFAST Since there is hardly an outlet where past MANFAST photos are brought up and captioned, I figured a cool idea would be to choose 2 photos daily at random from a pool of 139 photos I have in my collection spanning the last three years. I will add into the caption what year it is from and who took the photo. (Photo: SglGothMom) I love this first photo so much you'd think I picked it on purpose. Pest taking the toughest MANTESTANT of them all on a walk, Frank. Seriously, dog had everyone beat! For Frank fans: Not only is he coming back this year, but his pitbull girlfriend, Sammy, will be in attendance also! Both are ready to down seven times the amount of their body weight in MEAT. (Photo: JessicaEffinRocks) Slogo all vikinged up and gettin' tank (don't worry, you'll be getting the sword to slay with again this year ) Tune in tomorrow and every day after that until MANFAST. You never know when your photo might pop up! MANFAST KOMBAT: 53 Days
  12. Can't believe I'm going to be THIS giddy all the way until July.
  13. People ignorant enough to hate others, especially from an entire group of people, with no actual intelligence or logic behind their opinion. It's even more frustrating to live with someone like that! You really just feel sorry for them after awhile for being so unintelligent and trapping themselves in boxes due to their own underlying insecurity that they refuse to address.
  14. Bit early to be gearing up for MANFAST .
  15. Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? Additional ideas / questions: Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender Some folk also enjoy our random pot of: Quizzes & Polls ! How did you hear about DGN? Poll And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over! If you have a website / personal journal link to us!
  16. Welcome to the board!

  17. For my job I take call-ins for infomercials that come in from across the country, and I'm always entertained when I get a call from someone REALLY close, like the lady whose order I just took that lives in Madison Heights. Have yet to receive a call from anyone in Warren, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only citizen with a valid credit card...
  18. Since I had people inquire, this year is 100% absolutely first-come first-serve. I will NOT add anyone preemptively to the roster that is "getting the money to me". Unless I "have the money" then your name does not appear on the list! This encourages people to actually pay promptly and having "false" entries on the list throws off people who then think that there is less space than actually available.
  19. Can't say I don't agree with the sentencing. Really takes the whole "eye-for-an-eye" thing down to exact specifications .
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