Babies crying makes me cringe something hard. I've always disliked children's laughter and voice because it is too high pitched in an annoying way. I've heard high-pitched voices that are somehow aren't usually among those. I've learned to get past that, realizing it's not their fault they sound annoying. I used to completely hate children, and now I feel sorry for them because I realize one day they are going to be old and die like the rest of us. I talk to them and teach them now, as much as is grates on me to do so. Annoying little things, but important, I'm still not having any though . NotheHELLway!
I especially hated the kids from the couple that used to live a few doors down. ALL DAY FUCKING SCREAMING. Their kids were so disrespectful, they were nasty-trashy people. A new family has moved in since then, Anne and her kids, and even though she has MORE kids than the previous couple, they don't make nearly as much noise because she actually taught her kids how to act (such a foreign concept to so many parents in this modern-age).