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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Damn...63? Not a drug-addict, not obese, with the money she had she probably ate right and took enough exercise. It goes to show that sometimes you can do everything right and still come up bust.
  2. Maybe he thought you needed a change...
  3. SEE...Pride Fest lineup is one that I can ALWAYS get behind. And by that I mean it's always a hot lineup of well-groomed boys on boys...waitaminute...there's bands there? I didn't notice that before for some crazy-odd reason...
  4. It's AMAZING. I'm fully nocturnal again like I'm supposed to be, I make mad cash, the job is easy and somewhat fun, and I can dress how the hell I want. I also don't have to drive and waste gas anymore, it's been super panning-out.
  5. I have a feeling I'm going to go out into the yard tomorrow morning and my seeds that I planted are going to be like *BLAM!*: seedlings! Until this storm the only two things that had started coming up were the radishes and two or three of the onion bulbs.
  6. Yeah, don't feel bad, I'm not gonna be able to go for awhile because of work-interference, hence my earlier post.
  7. Going to finally watch A Serbian Film this week, if all goes according to plan. Since Pest works nights I can watch it without having other people around to tell me I'm an awful person for wanting to even see it in the first place, even after knowing what happens in it beforehand. I'd watch it tonight, but I would have to do it BEFORE I work, and I don't know if I want to watch something like that and then have to be social for hours after that. If I have time I might put it on way early in the morning.
  8. Yeah, they seem okay. The only ones that are actually up out of the ground are the radishes at this point, and the snow melted fairly quick.
  9. Same. There's actually some stuff Felix Da Housecat has done that I love, if anything for the sake of nostalgia even, but for the most part there's not a lot on the lineup this year I dig. I DO love Richie Hawtin also, especially his Plastikman shit, brings me back to Corner Kid days. When it was free I dug all of it just fine, but not for the wallet-invasive pricing they tend to have now. Still not going to be that much for two artists I like.
  10. I love snow...IN WINTER when it isn't killing my seedlings... :wallbash: :wallbash:
  11. Going to write a little bit and then log into work. I work off an on until about 5:40am, so I'm in for a long one. Pest and Timata might not get home from work until 6am though.
  12. ROFL I liked the one about Black Swans. The males will pair up with another male, but then one of them will go and mate with a female just so he can have her lay and egg. Once she lays the egg, the males chase her away and raise the offspring as their own . Such a chotch move, but effective none-the-less.
  13. The eloquence of your recent post to a certain eccentric member has forced me to drop by and say one thing: TWB for Prez 2012! :-P Seriously, such literary perfection got me all emo and shit.

  14. Try to play World of Warcraft with a baby on my lap. I am so saintly babysitting other people's kids for free so that my boyfriend and his cousin can go roll face at the CoD Black Ops tournament in Hazel Park. Wish I would have got to go...why do I have to be punished when other people have kids?
  15. I think they're not closing it down but rather down-sizing. Although they have yet to actually fully declare their intent, to me that seems to be the most logical answer. It is true that many of the teachers in DPS take advantage of the fact that they're protected by a union and slack. What makes it worse is that this type of attitude is fostered by apathetic supervisors and administration that serves to hinder any educational efforts that teachers try to put forth. The district needs reform, but the question is whether a complete flush like this is too drastic.
  16. Babies crying makes me cringe something hard. I've always disliked children's laughter and voice because it is too high pitched in an annoying way. I've heard high-pitched voices that are somehow soothing...kids aren't usually among those. I've learned to get past that, realizing it's not their fault they sound annoying. I used to completely hate children, and now I feel sorry for them because I realize one day they are going to be old and die like the rest of us. I talk to them and teach them now, as much as is grates on me to do so. Annoying little things, but important, I'm still not having any though . NotheHELLway! I especially hated the kids from the couple that used to live a few doors down. ALL DAY FUCKING SCREAMING. Their kids were so disrespectful, they were nasty-trashy people. A new family has moved in since then, Anne and her kids, and even though she has MORE kids than the previous couple, they don't make nearly as much noise because she actually taught her kids how to act (such a foreign concept to so many parents in this modern-age).
  17. I am now Troll Master 9000 on a site that doesn't matter. I need a healthy trolling outlet or I aim my dickishness toward the undeserving, so this is awesome.
  18. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42612424/ns/us_news-life/ In a nutshell, they're laying off all of the teachers in the Detroit Public School district.
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