Personally I never thought you were intentionally trolling. Granted, I thought it was possible, but you seemed far too well-worded, thought-out, and eloquent to be a troll. Also, the fact that you seem to only talk about your lifestyle obsessively indicates trolling to some. No matter how much people say they are open to other ideas, many times they're hypocritical about that. I don't think your lifestyle is anything to detest, you feel fufilled in what you do and you're not hurting anyone in the process of doing it. Not everyone thinks like I do though, it's human nature to ridicule and fear what we don't understand. Or people may have thought you were trolling because your lifestyle could be something other immature people could use to troll people with, and we do get a few troublemakers drift in here and there, so I guess some just wrongly assumed that you may have fell into that category. I personally think it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black because as goths we all have a lifestyle that is unsavory to the view of most other people in society, so maybe we should take that into consideration before we make assumptions of others.