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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Well, see I can only imagine because ovaries are like nuts that are deep up in there, and cramps feels like there's a little person kicking you in the ovaries all day, so therefore I've always deducted that it must feel something like getting kicked in the nuts for five days. So I guess I don't actually know, but can speculate.
  2. Probably feels about the same as being a guy going in getting tested for STDs and having that cotton swab shit shoved down your dick into places where nature/God did not intend for cotton to go. Is that the answer you're looking for? And to beat you to it, as I have a feeling you might ask, having cramps equals being kicked in your nutsack for five days straight.
  3. I train my dogs to this song. They've got down certainty and confidence, loyalty and diligence, dignity, vigilance...they just need to work on eloquence and intelligence.
  4. Lemme just take five minutes to stroke my long hard ego over my new-and-improved avatar. Did that shit PIXEL by PIXEL, old school style, in MS Paint...took me all of two hours between queuing up for dungeons in WoW. I'm actually going to paint it on canvas with acrylic because it's just so aesthetically pleasing and so ME...(which is why it's aesthetically pleasing ). I personally think the distinctness in the shadow tones were captured perfectly, along with my pixelated lipstick job which looks just as perfect and flawless as it does IRL. So minimalist yet rich in color and expression... Okay, you can all say "Wow...she's so full of herself it's unreal" and then move on with your day . Did kind of fuck up my eyebrows, but my eyebrows are almost always mis-plucked and fucked up in real life anyway.
  5. Reminds me of when I was thin and free and didn't give a shit about how drunk I got or how I was getting home.
  6. I'm a walking flesh-prison of vices.
  7. Reading some movie trivia stuff to kill time. Didn't realize that in the first Saw movie there was not a single female who was killed, which is odd for horror. I've seen it a few times and it never occurred to me.
  9. WHOA. Who the hell are you? I don't recognize your screenname...

  10. Daft Punk - Too Long / Stream Machine
  11. Yeah, the best example I can usually give someone to demonstrate what 4chan does is that they're almost like Project Mayhem but in cyber-space with information and such. Not a completely accurate comparison, but close.
  12. The Flaming Lips - She Don't Use Jelly The 90s wins at lyrics.
  13. Too hot...this weather is so unsexy. Makes my skin feel gross.
  14. New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
  15. Crystal Castles - Alice Practice
  16. Android Lust - The Want I adore Shikhee and it's fairly rare for women to do something that impresses me.
  17. Snarky! Guild Wars isn't my thing. I used to dislike WoW pre-Cata to the point where my characters were barely past level 20. But then Cataclysm came out and made WoW fun to play. It doesn't take like five hours to get one level anymore, the drops are more rewarding and worth it, questing has a lot of variation and is fun to do again, and it doesn't feel like you're watching Lord of the Rings anymore, you know, 9 hours of just walking. You should try it again if you used to play it, if you played it that insinuates you probably liked something about it.
  18. My razor is so effective that my legs are almost too smooth...
  19. Feels humid like a mother fucker up in here. I hope it rains soon.
  20. Went to the gym yesterday and finally got back on that. I've also been doing heavy gardening, turning soil manually all day for a few days. I actually have everything planted now, so the hard-work aspect is mostly over. The biggest thing is that I've been eating better, which is usually harder for me to enforce on myself than working out.
  21. Personally I never thought you were intentionally trolling. Granted, I thought it was possible, but you seemed far too well-worded, thought-out, and eloquent to be a troll. Also, the fact that you seem to only talk about your lifestyle obsessively indicates trolling to some. No matter how much people say they are open to other ideas, many times they're hypocritical about that. I don't think your lifestyle is anything to detest, you feel fufilled in what you do and you're not hurting anyone in the process of doing it. Not everyone thinks like I do though, it's human nature to ridicule and fear what we don't understand. Or people may have thought you were trolling because your lifestyle could be something other immature people could use to troll people with, and we do get a few troublemakers drift in here and there, so I guess some just wrongly assumed that you may have fell into that category. I personally think it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black because as goths we all have a lifestyle that is unsavory to the view of most other people in society, so maybe we should take that into consideration before we make assumptions of others.
  22. Timata and I are religiously follow Epic Meal Time. I have no idea how they aren't obese. The guy with the aviators is hot, and for some GROSS reason, it's been discovered that I love watching him just shove himself with all the alcohol-infused fat-laden shit they come up with. So yeah I have a fetish for watching skinny/built guys eat a disgusting amount of food.
  23. It's weird being awake with the sun coming up. Makes me feel young again. I'd love to go sight-see in Detroit right now...decay appears to be the most crisp early in the morning.
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