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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I was that angry customer (legitimately) about a month and a half ago, but then you guys gave me free movie channels that have porn on them. Now I love Comcast :.
  2. Oooey gooey flowing type shit and have been for about a week. Really chilly coldwave and darkwave kind of stuff I suppose, not sure. I'm too fluid with labels. Maybe I'm in the mood for it because it's been such a soft grey spring so far.
  3. That's amazing, thanks for the update and good luck with your productions. While Hollywood is still booming in MI I want to try to get into some films myself, but who doesn't, ya know. That's why instead of taking the one-in-a-million actor approach, I'm starting on the writing end of things instead. Even if I never have anything made into a movie, I'm sure I can at least get published.
  4. It's raining and hailing and yet Gitzie still hasn't come back yet. Hope she's alright . Probably taking shelter in the bushes of the vacant house next door until the storm blows over, little does she know but it looks like she might be waiting awhile.
  5. Had to PM the link to Timata because we so need to Netflix this when it comes out.
  6. I never call it lowering your standards, because essentially you shouldn't be doing that. What I always say is to open your eyes, throw out any most pre-conceived notions of "how he should be", and then you'll realize there are actually more men that already are up-to-standard than you probably knew about. I guess I get in relationships easy because I see most men as "workable" as opposed to sitting there picking them apart. I focus on pros with guys and not cons, except extreme stuff like if he's a cheater or something. Maybe I just love dudes and all, but it's hard to pick one, it's like going to the humane society to pick up a kitten but then realizing they're all awesome kitties and you want them all, but sadly can only pick one. Moral of the story, I think: Most guys are awesome kitties.
  7. For the record, I blame Nocker entirely for everything. But I'm glad you stopped in . Took you a few weeks .
  8. Hungover...too much Jager. Need to stop partying with death metal people. Funny though because a random girl I knew from CC and Dirty Show was there and happens to be friends with my non-goth friends group. I dunno, can't really say "non-goth", because while metalheads aren't goth they're kind of goth-affiliates, we tend to frequent the same places and hang out with similar crowds, at least Detroit is like that anyway.
  9. YES OMFG MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER. I can actually recite the entire thing, I've probably seen it almost a hundred times now because every time someone new comes over they're like "Wtf is this...Black Dynamite..?" and then we're forced to show them the glorious kung-fu treachery. I will go so far as to even say that in a fair fight between Chuck Norris and Michael Jai White...Black Dynamite has that hands down .
  10. Does make sense if you really think about it.
  11. rofl, love the name

  12. HEY NOW...CombiChrist was worth it when LaPlegua was something to look at! You forgot that part . But yeah no talent and now he's hit up...so pass.
  13. CombiChrist is NOT the biggest act in industrial...by FAR. Not actual legit industrial anyway. Yeah I'll bitch if it's a crappy band, I thought maybe they were opening for someone who was okay, but since they're headlining and are something I would never go to see, I wanted that info first. I'll wait for one of the actual biggest acts in industrial to swing through again...Skinny Puppy .
  14. Heh, weird. I always thought that was just for the beach . Either way, it's probably a good idea to not have drunks with guns, I was being a smart ass.
  15. I've got two guys cleaning my house right now while I'm upstairs watching The IT Crowd. I'm changing my name to Cherny Sheen, in order to reflect how much I win.
  16. Are they opening for anyone good? Who are they opening for? I might sit through CombiChrist a third time, reluctantly, if the band they're opening for is something I'd like. The first time they opened for KMFDM and the second time they actually were the headliners I THINK...but I was hella drunk that night. LaPlegua used to be hot but he's a bit hit up in the face now and let his body go to shit, so I had to drink him attractive to make the second concert even worth the fifteen I threw down to see it. I'd check the FB page to see about the other bands, but I have no FB page so any info would be appreciated.
  17. You still in Michigan?

  18. I'm like Lain, there's copies of me running around everywhere and sometimes, just like with Lain and Cyberia, mine stop off at CC .
  19. Firefighters, police and teachers who are easily gullible or have special interests are the ones that are fighting. I come from a long line of teachers, everyone in my family is a teacher. They allllll recognize the fact that union keep your children stupid and good hard-working teachers down, while giving lazy teachers promotions. I don't know a SINGLE teacher who is for unions that doesn't have a hidden agenda (i.e. they're lazy/greedy) or doesn't have common sense.
  20. Coulda swore this was how unions work...now I'm all sorts of confused. They keep people in the workplace who are unskilled and lazy due to loyalty and because they pay their dues. Fact.
  21. I'm going to fool myself into thinking this is also possible for me to accomplish. Either way, I do believe I'll probably get a lot done.
  22. I run with horde on the server Nathrezim. I've got a 46 warrior (DPS) named Cherny, a 30 druid (healer) named Boshy, and a 20 pally (tank) named Tschernobyl.
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