Our next door neighbor's brother is CRAZY about Kung-Fu movies; he introduced us to Ong-Bak and it is exceptional. If you enjoyed Ong-Bak, another one that I enjoyed immensely at a house party in the hood one time was called Chocolate. Another storyline that isn't 100% original (because in modern movies, that's pretty hard to pull off), but the cinematography is exceptional, the fighting is fucking awe-inducing, and the story is VERY heartfelt in a non-cheesy way.
It's the story of a girl who has autism (not high-functioning, she is pretty much a savant and can barely speak). She is the product of two warring Japanese gangs, almost in a Romeo and Juliet style, and when she is born her father's side banishes her and her mother's side. Due to this they live in poverty, until it's discovered that Zen picks up traits and tricks almost immediately JUST by watching them. Let's just say there's a lot of Kung-Fu on tv where she lives :.
It's from the makers of Ong-Bak and the main star is AMAZING! There are no stunt-doubles, no wires, no CGI or anything, just ONE HUNDRED percent pure badassery. I ADORE the actress, and her role in this movie, as I'm sick of how boring and sexualized most American counterparts tend to be, just because I cannot relate to those kinds female roles easily. She is EXTREMELY talented . You will NOT believe what you are seeing!
Trailer is here:
Much like most who have seen Tokyo Gore Police recommend Aliens vs Ninja, and those who loved Machine Girl always love Robo-Geisha, if you loved Ong Bak, you WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE (probably moreso, imo, but that all goes on personal preference of course).