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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Sad...my last rat just died. I knew it was coming when for the past few days she's wanted continual attention and hasn't been eating as much. She's also been trying to do things that she hasn't tried in awhile, like going on her wheel. I was blessed with the fact that, like with my other animals, I had a strange premonition this morning that I should get out of bed IMMEDIATELY and check to see if she was alright. When I got to her cage, she looked uncomfortable and stressed. I lightly brushed the top of her head with my index finger, she lifted her little hand over her mouth, kicked her back feet like she was trying to get closer, closed her eyes in relief that someone would be there with her giving her love when she went, opened her eyes and stared right into me...and then died immediately :. I'm so grateful that I saw the signs coming and fed her snacks she likes yesterday and even took her outside to run around in the garden (she loves digging).
  2. Like I could sell glasses to a blind guy.
  3. I'll take photos :. This guy is a jackass that endangers the safety and liberty of our country just for a cheap rise. I would never support someone like that.
  4. Crystal Castles - Not in Love Sad that I'll most likely have to miss them at ROMT.
  5. And hoodlicious! : When my friends discovered the shit back when we were 16, we practically thought we invented it . Really, we just helped revolutionize its sales .
  6. Well then I give up. What do you say we should do? Tax business? Actually, btw, the jobs were shipped from Michigan to Mexico because of unions, not because of the government.
  7. They're decreasing taxes for business but raising them for citizens? Sounds logical to me. Sounds like more jobs in the long run. Now, they could have done it without raising taxes on citizens, but I have a feeling the real reason they did it was for a "softener", so that there would not be a huge vacuum effect with money. While it might temporarily make our economy crappy, in the LONG run it should actually work out fine when businesses want to stay in MI and then people actually have jobs. Smart guy. Too bad everyone else in the state can only see five minutes into the future instead of years ahead.
  8. NO! Lionsgate needs to leave fond memories from my early childhood ALONE!
  9. I'm such a creeper, I so want this: For club use, not bedroom use .
  10. I am super hood, represent! I got more rhymes than Slim Shady and drop more lines in my face than Charlie Sheen!

  11. Funny you should say that, because I also realized at that point I'm also still fat! GOAL:
  12. ROFL P90X. I take orders for those! As a matter of fact, I'm on the clock right now. Mostly calls today for Sensa and New Shaper Slims, but yeah. Kinda disappointed, because apparently I'm supposed to be getting calls routed in for the American Red Cross dealing with what happened in Japan...but haven't gotten a single call . The sad part is that I've gotten calls for Sensa, DirectBuy, New Body Shaper, and Ahh Bra, but nobody donating to the earthquake cause so far.
  13. You Scored as Justice (Fairness) Your life is guided by the concept of <b>Fair Justice</b>: Everyone, yourself included, should be rewarded and punished according to the help or harm they cause. <br><br>"He who does not punish evil commands it to be done." <br>--Leonardo da Vinci <br><br>“Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.” <br>--Dwight D. Eisenhower <br><br>More info at <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arocoun">Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...</a> Nihilism 95% Justice (Fairness) 95% Hedonism 90% Utilitarianism 80% Existentialism 80% Kantianism 75% Strong Egoism 40% Apathy 25% Divine Command 5% Nihilism at 95% and Justice at 95%. Sounds about right for me
  14. I completely agree, but I usually don't do middle-class anything. It's all malt liquor and cheap ass three dollar pints to me :.
  15. Rofl It also says that Star Wars The Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi are bounty hunter movies. Knowing who the REAL main character is, they couldn't be more right :.
  16. Unions are basically playground bullies and need to be stopped. I back what unions did during the time when America was younger and more honest, but now they are used as a vehicle for corruption and coercion. Miss having auto factory jobs in Detroit? Thank the unions for that. UAW backed the big three into a corner and demanded outrageously unfair amounts for worker pay. How the hell do you justify a line worker who pulls a lever all day making $80,000 a year, getting a free car every 12 months, having all medical benefits, 401k, etc...I mean don't these people know SECOND grade math? And then everyone is all up in arms when they downsize factories in Michigan, pack up, and send them to Mexico where the workers don't have some crazy notion that they're Queen-Fucking-Elizabeth and need to be making $80,000 a year pushing a damn button! If the car companies wanted to continue working and having any revenue at all without having to charge $100,000 for a damn hatchback just so they could pay for the workers, then they really had no choice. $100,000 is a big of an exaggeration, but you get the point, you can't keep costs down with such overhead like that, it's simple basic number crunching. Makes sense to me: Axe unions, save our state! You can't even work part-time as a secretary now without a union delving into your paycheck. Trust me, I had that job last semester. Then I lost that job. Where was the union for me? Nowhere...except taking money out of my paycheck. It's worse than taxation by the government too, because every time I pay my property taxes, for instance, I look across the street and say "Wow...that's a really nice high school I helped pay for." No qualms about that from me. But unions are bullies and don't make sense in our modern times, especially because they have held so many big companies up at proverbial gun-point, that it's gotten to the point where you CAN'T get a job WITHOUT being in a union or you'll be fired. That is ludicrous, and anyone who says otherwise is either on their own selfish union-based agenda of greed, or just doesn't get something so common sense.
  17. Thank you for putting exactly what I was going to say in a very thorough and logical manner so that the only work I have to do here is come by and say: +1 Everyone only sees THEIR needs and it makes me sad... :. You have to give a little to get a lot, and so many Americans just don't get that nowadays.
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/03/11/massive-7-magnitude-earthquake-strikes-japan/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42025882/ns/world_news-asiapacific/
  19. Portishead - Wandering Stars By far my favorite song of theirs, both musically and lyrically.
  20. Golden Boy with Miss Kitten - Rippin' Kitten This is Gitzie's favorite song evar.
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