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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I feel as though we might have a hostage situation on our hands here at The Chateau. Gitzie (the dominant species of the household) is holding our pitbulls hostage with her master catery and won't let them go downstairs. I fear for them, but it's not like I have the authority to tell her what to do, it's the other way around in this house.
  2. So...Enishi and Timata WERE downstairs...but when I went down there just now they were both GONE. True story. Tim's girly rental car is still outside too....waitaminute. Didn't check if Enishi's car was still here. Maybe when I told him in the other thread that the closest Tim Horton's was at 12 and Van Dyke, they went on a field trip? I better get some TIMBITS, dammit!
  3. We are indeed, uber-cool and a very efficient way to stay in the loop about social happenings, concerts, what have you. Welcome, you came to the right place . Just don't ever pheed Phee and you'll do just fine here :.
  4. SHHHH! No one is to know about our top secret DGN Operations at the Chateau!

  5. The closest Tim Horton's is three miles from here at 12 Mile and Van Dyke, FYI.
  6. ROFL. You're all up on DGN downstairs in my living room. There's four people online now, two are at this address, meaning we clearly own DGN right now.

  7. Fuckin, I get home and my deathmetal roommate, Tom, tries to jack my Ministry poster .
  8. Ugggghhhhh...grody. I'm a professional degenerate and all, but have never done a one-night stand and all I want so say is that if I ever DID...CC would not be the pool I'd choose from :. We were even talking last night at Mars Bar about how gross it is that people even fuck in that place, I would never want my junk exposed to that air . Hell, I've never even sat on one of their toilet seats, I full dude-it when I pee in there, they might as well have urinals in the chick's bathroom too . The last few times I went, to their credit, it was cleaner after all these years of conditions that would make Kowloon seem livable. Uhmmm fav pic though, so I'm not threadjacking....let's see here, I had pretty sweet makeup last night: And I'm displaying the "I wish my webcam wasn't so shitty" pose of disapproval and disappointment.
  9. Several problems with this...why didn't you calllll meh? It's a building and street to the right of New Palace Bakery, with the address displayed on the front door in white. Shitty you didn't make it, I should have called you, I just figured maybe you didn't come out or ended up hitting up Northern Lights :.
  10. Incredibly balanced. This spring and summer are going to be totally dicks, I can feel it . Money shit is in order, I have a job, all tenants are working, fuck yeah.
  11. It's Necto being mounted by CC, actually. When those two powers combine...they become SLUT CLUB! Free AIDS with admission. Girls with gonorrhea get in free before 11.
  12. I can't wait to see what a riot this place is going to be on Fat Tuesday. Since Fat Tuesday is my favorite holiday, and Pest and I go down there early to stand in line for hours to buy out like forty of those fuckers, if we're dropping in next week we'll probably end up dropping some gooey-fried sugary Polish goodness on y'all. Last year we played Packzi Fairies and drove around to everyone we knew dropping in, dropping a packzi or two off, hanging for a minute, then leaving. This year doesn't look so likely for that though because gas is higher this year and I don't get my first check 'til the 16th.
  13. Cyberaktif with Smashing Pumpkins right after, oddly, was one of the best back to backs I've ever heard in a club. And on that sound system? : : I actually got nostalgic a little, like sad-happy I guess, I still have that CD somewhere in my house and I remember playing the fuck out of it when I was in 8th grade. And Cyberaktif was uncanny because my three favorite songs by them are The Roadkill, Nothing Stays, and Meltdown. So either you know what I like or you're psychic .
  14. The problem imo is that too many people who don't need them are on them, or taking the wrong stuff/doses. I tried to defend these drugs so many times, but when everyone you've ever known who has been on them not only had a happier more productive life before taking them, they were RUINED (like divorce, job losing, body mutilation, drug addition type ruined) when they were on them, had to go through an unnecessary heroin-like withdrawal, and then reverted back into being an awesome member of society after they were off. If that isn't a money scam I don't know what is. They were all paying top dollar to see some of the most "qualified" professional therapists in the state. It only made the problem worse. Why? Because they were just sad on a human level! Or maybe had some natural human being paranoia. Or something. Something so small and trivial it makes me wonder if it's worth ruining your life to try and correct it. It's like those rheumatoid arthritis commercials you see where the side effects are shit like cancer and death. Who the fuck is the genius making money off this shit? There's a need for psych meds, but the need is probably drastically smaller than we actually prescribe for.
  15. Do I get my MANCARD revoked if I say that I'm way too excited about my shoes? Not saying I am, purely hypothetical question .
  16. Robo Geisha, from the same awesome Japanese people that brought you Machine Girl. Liked it, was silly fun, just like its predecessor. Much better cinematography, but clearly they had a bigger budget. Had some familiar faces from Machine Girl also. Wasn't as big into the story, but that's personal preference, I thought Machine Girl was easier to relate with in an odd way.
  17. Mehhhh...not ALL. I mean, then they'd be men if that were the case No I kid. I partially agree with them, which is sad I suppose. Women aren't (usually) born as awful people, ones that turn out to be "awful" are usually conditioned by a society to be that way.
  18. Speaking of drinks, how much was that shot of Absinthe? We're pinching dollars until I get my first paycheck mid-March, so I'm planning ahead I guess. Just curious.
  19. If real men love "real curves", as I was just informed by a BBW FB page, I'll stick with fake boys then. Seriously actually made me feel self-conscious for having a preference toward being thin :. Still can't get over the American double standard that it's okay for big girls to make fun of normal sized people, but when it's the other way around everyone throws a hissy. Tired of being offended all the time and being called shallow if I try to defend myself back.
  20. Welcome! Clearly you are on top of shit because you even posted your own welcome question list, nice . Nice hobbies, what kind of writing by chance?
  21. They do, you can look up this term in the Chernionary.
  22. This house is messed up. Pest, Timata, Pest's cousin and I are all sitting upstairs. I was searching for something on the South Park site when I heard someone, CLEAR as day, walk in the front door downstairs. Just normal opening of the door, heard the lock, heard the handle turn, heard someone walk inside the house. I noted how weird it was that the dogs didn't respond to this. I figured it was probably Tom, I didn't know if he went anywhere or not. About five seconds later I DISTINCTLY heard a male voice, none that I recognized because it was too high pitched to be Tom's and not like any of our friends', yelled up the stairs "HELLLL-O!" I looked confused at the guys and dogs. We weren't expecting any company at all and I thought the front door was locked, the only ones who could unlock it were already in the house. When they realized I was staring I said insistently, "What, you guys so into that (xBox 360) you didn't hear someone walk in?! Who IS that downstairs?" They asked me what I was talking about and I reiterated that someone was downstairs and yelled up the stairs clear as day. They immediately said I was nuts, nobody heard a thing. I told them that the front door opened, someone walked in, yelled up the stairs, sounded male and didn't sound like Tom. Tim went downstairs to investigate, and I followed shortly after, only to find that not only was the front door still locked but nobody was in the house. So much paranormal shit happens here on a constant and it just seems to get worse the longer we live here. Frighteningly, I experience the most of it and whenever I'm around others they experience the shit too.
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