As many probably know, this spring/summer Pest and I are going to be either hosting or co-hosting four events. The big one right now people keep asking about is DGN Laser Quest. The other three would be DGN Apprech night (co-hosted with Raev), another awesome surprise night we're planning with Slogo, and then lastly MANFAST.
At the beginning part of the year (January) I was unexpectedly unemployed. This fucked the first event, DGN Laser Quest, because in order to run Laser Quest I need an intial investment of a few hundred dollars. I'm not nervous one bit about making back every penny, and then some, because it is a high-demand event that had a great turnout last year and promises to have an even better turnout this year. My problem, obviously, is the initial investment.
In the fall, people began asking, and I think I gave the rough timeline of LQ being in late Feb or early March, DGN Appreciation Night falling somewhere late March to early-mid April, the DGN Roast event with Slogo was going to be somewhere around late April to early May, and MANFAST, as always, is scheduled for the weekend in July closest to my birthday.
Due to unforseen financial issues, we ARE going to have these events still, but they will most likely be pushed back about a month and a half to a full month. I am getting my first paycheck mid-March and we're also getting a fairly large sum of money from our grant in mid-March.
So the itinerary may end up being as follows: DGN Laser Quest (April), DGN Appreciation Night (May), DGN Roast (June), and MANFAST will ALWAYS be the weekend closest to July 12th (this year it is Friday July 8th through Sunday July 10th). The only one that could change DRASTICALLY could be the DGN Roast, as it takes a bit to prepare something as such, so if we feel the need it could be August after MANFAST. The Roast is such a new event and awesome idea that we REALLY want to do it right the first time around, have it put together nice, rehearsed well, overall a quality production. If it takes us longer to achieve the level of quality we're striving for, I would rather us push it back then have the show rushed, not ready, and sloppy. So for right now, aiming at June, but in an unforseen emergency it could be rescheduled to August.
Thanks for everyone's understanding and patience. I've gotten a few calls from people worried that maybe all of these happenings were cancelled, and I'm here to reassure you that they are not! It's the reason I only gave a round-about timeline back in the fall when people were asking, because I basically didn't want to make assumptions, tell everyone an exact date, get everyone excited, and have that date fall through.
If anyone has any questions about these events or anything to do with them, my inbox is always open and miraculously never runs out of space.