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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Not tonight because there's too much homework on our roster. This semester kind of fails for us because Tuesday night is noirRetro and Pest has to get up at the crack of dawn the next day, and now this is on Wednesday, and he has to be up early Thursday. Those are the only two days a week he works. Fucking...uncanny . I don't go to bars by myself because I don't trust me. That's a mutual "terms of relationship" thing between us both, even before we started dating I ONLY went to bars with him or my other bff Lisa because those were the only two friends I had who I knew wouldn't let me walk off with strangers or do shit that I'd regret . So maybe on nights where he feels up for going out even knowing he has to work in the morning. It DOES happen, so we'll see. But due to the strategic placement of both of these nights, it kinda sucks.
  2. *siiiigh* fucking...some southern people really fuck it up for the rest of the people from that area.
  3. I KNEW that was Stevie! Someone handed me a flier for it at noir the last time and I knew that I had met the guy in the picture before. Earlier today I was looking at it pondering if it was him because the last time I saw him was at Deadline a long time ago, but had a feeling it was.
  4. Like I need some serious plastic surgery, like a tune up. I look so ridiculously old in a not very MILF kinda way. I look 80 and feel close to it . New New Year's resolution is to stop being so geriatric. And skiing. I wanna go fucking skiing, dammit. No that's not a euphemism for coke either, I mean legitimately strapping plastic/metal boards to my feet and tearing down the side of a hill that I call "mountain" even though I know better.
  5. Another thing I've noticed over the years is that many people who already have either insecurity issues, low self esteem, and/or depression go INTO playing video games because of these things, not vice versa. It's a prime example of escapism. So I agree with Meg, correlation does not necessarily equate to causation. Many people who are slackers and depressed did not become that way due to gaming, but go into gaming to escape from it.
  6. If you have a massive video game issue, I can see depression. You basically sit there, hooked on it, wondering why you're sitting there staring at a screen. Then you feel isolated from everyone, isolation leads to thinking about why the hell you're even alive in a body with fully tactile senses, wasting them completely staring at a screen with a little man running around and doing shit. You then remind yourself that there's hardly any aspect of what you're doing that will pay off anything legitimate in real life. After that you remind yourself that you've been working on a few novels over the past few years and they're still sitting there more blank then they should be because you've been roped into a silly MMO that won't let you get out of your chair. Lastly when you go to the bathroom, you step on the scale and realize exactly where alllll thoooose Hot Pockets you've wolfed down during hours of raiding dungeons. The fatty fit comes when you try to fit into a pair of your old pants... Speaking of which though, I Alt-tabbed out of World of Warcraft just now to check what the weather is outside (not by actually GOING outside, but rather going to weather.com). My druid is probably dead right now. *sigh* It's sad that I care about that... If anyone is running horde on Nathrezim and is looking for a MMO depression buddy, hit me up .
  7. Heroin. Never did it before because I need to do things like hold down a job and not sell myself for drugs, but the last day on Earth? Where you really gonna go with that? Harmless in that instance.
  8. I know, glad someone else can see this. The second anyone tied in the words "Sarah Palin" with this, as if she had ANYTHING or ANY influence on this guy (if that is true, I will seriously join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster right away because that would be just as logical), I facepalmed and thought "Wow...in a national tragedy, once again, like always, the left starts launching mud at the right." At least one side has remained somewhat civil during all of this :. The lady WASN'T EVEN THERE and dems found some crackpot way to make it her fault to try and slander her the best they can, it's honestly absolutely pathetic.
  9. Playing Lady Gaga as loud as I can just to see how long it takes for my Death Metal Roommate to wake up, come down to the basement, and beat my face in. He SO secretly loves this shit, just doesn't realize it yet, needs my help...I should turn it up to 11...
  10. Leafing through pages of the Gothic Charm School's tumblr at 8am brings up silly thoughts. Like, this lady clearly has an obsession with Tim Burton, cheesy imo but whatever, and thinks all photos of him and Helena Bonham Carter are "cute" or "hot". REALLY though? I could just picture his old flabby loose looking body all over her corpse and just...BLECH. I think I need more coffee is what I'm thinking...
  11. Like it's time for Constantin and I to have "8AM Nitzer Ebb minute!" OMFG...our lives are so lame. Sitting here making fun of Nitzer Ebb this early in the morning should be illegal.
  12. I love how NO right-wing person has said anything negative yet...and still the pre-bashing commences . BUT now that I'm on the topic...I DO love how he was completely unbiased and bashed pretty much only on republicans, really, well played. Other than that bullshit rhetoric, even though it contradicts the "togetherness" at the end of his message, it was well put. And *SHOCK!* that's coming from someone who leans a little to the right .
  13. I'm not even sure what it's from, but if I'm going to make an educated guess seeing as it's on MTV2 (which clearly plays shows and not music), it's probably Wonder Showzen. I can't believe I've seen this video like fifty times now and JUST made that connection...I am getting crazy senile.
  14. NO NO NO NOOO! Constantin drives me NUTS WITH THIS. This song will be stuck in your head for the rest of your life. People in the bank will stare at you when you mindlessly sing aloud "SLAVES! Built the pyramids!" Everyone in every restaurant will forever give you the mean glare when you spout out "SLAVES! Build the Parthenon!" ...you're all cursed now. Thanks Phee...
  15. ROFLMAO! Gary Busey is amazing in ways not even he can probably understand...literally, I mean, the guy REALLY couldn't understand or recall it if he wanted to. My comments toward this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noKVrNK2VKM
  16. Yeah, but if I got paid to eat as much as I could and drink as much beer as can fit in my stomach, I'd probably already be pretty fuckin' rich. Just sayin'. I'd normally agree that this is a great suggestion, but I don't understand how it's applicable to my current situation. But I'm still flattered either way .
  17. They don't have a goth board in LA? Huh, didn't expect that. Yeah, glad you pop in here and there even though you aren't around these parts anymore. Congrats on the anniversary.
  18. They're German? Wow... Didn't expect that for reasons I won't say .
  19. Bill Leeb always looks like he needs to poop. Why is this?
  20. FLA - Maniacal One of my favorites by them, so much imagery when I listen to it. Sounds that force me to think in scenes amaze me.
  21. Love the fact that this guy lives in Detroit because Constantin and I have a personal goal to find this dude and take him to a gay bar.
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