If you have a massive video game issue, I can see depression. You basically sit there, hooked on it, wondering why you're sitting there staring at a screen. Then you feel isolated from everyone, isolation leads to thinking about why the hell you're even alive in a body with fully tactile senses, wasting them completely staring at a screen with a little man running around and doing shit. You then remind yourself that there's hardly any aspect of what you're doing that will pay off anything legitimate in real life. After that you remind yourself that you've been working on a few novels over the past few years and they're still sitting there more blank then they should be because you've been roped into a silly MMO that won't let you get out of your chair. Lastly when you go to the bathroom, you step on the scale and realize exactly where alllll thoooose Hot Pockets you've wolfed down during hours of raiding dungeons. The fatty fit comes when you try to fit into a pair of your old pants...
Speaking of which though, I Alt-tabbed out of World of Warcraft just now to check what the weather is outside (not by actually GOING outside, but rather going to weather.com). My druid is probably dead right now. *sigh* It's sad that I care about that...
If anyone is running horde on Nathrezim and is looking for a MMO depression buddy, hit me up .