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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Most amazing sketch comedy to ever come out of America by FAR. Puts garbage like SNL and Mad TV to shame. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuDJzPyO0mM
  2. This pretty much sums up what four years of the Fraser High School experience was like for me I didn't think they were going to come out with anymore WKUK after they did Miss March, but Constantin showed me the other day that not only has a season four come out...it is HILARIOUS. Way darker of humor than their previous seasons and more clever shit, and the old stuff was pretty hard to beat in the first place.
  3. Hate the fact that I want to be able to put all the stuff I've volunteered for with DGN on a resume as a social club-type thing, but a LOT of employers would probably look down on that . I'm sure some would be cool about it, maybe even think it's pretty sweet, but not most of them. I'm thinking about how much I can't stand looking for a job and also how much I need new glasses (OR LASIK!!!!)
  4. "I'm quite bored with modern entertainment. Chances are, I don't like your favorite band, I probably hated your favorite movie, and that book you love so much put me to sleep. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends." Oh? Not what your interests list says :-P Sounds like you like a good amount of what most others around here enjoy. Welcome.

  5. Changed the topic title so it says "Tuesdays" instead of "Tonight". Figured putting an actual day in there would be more descriptive. Oh and...it's tonight! Get your ass out, go lounge, hear some epic music, and have a few drinks
  6. Good morning ^_^

  7. A prick lurking in the shadows? Guess I won't wear a skirt and I'll watch when I sit down.
  8. FB groups, legit ones, are usually less troll-tolerable than DGN. That's not 100% the case all the time as they vary, but usually they don't have any set policy and the founder can kick you out for any reason. Some FB groups is probably all trolling, but at that point why not just go to 4chan?
  9. I wish there were a way to assimilate the two entities. I can't stand having the different factions is all. Everyone is disconnected now and we cannot have that because we are Borg.
  10. I've always been a huge proponent of the conspiracy theory that Facebook is Skynet and has been the one responsible for attacking us with bots several times throughout this last year. So at this point, it's really just self-defense.
  11. Our dog, Frank, needs a tuxedo so when he runs to the front door in order to greet/attack people walking through it'll be like having a butler.
  12. Single people! Quit being shy and actually ask people, hardly anything comes from inaction. I keep seeing posts like "maybe there's something wrong with me" or "I'm shy" kinda stuff, but unless you're walking around in the club with a bright neon sign that says "Genitals have vacancy" you won't get ANYWHERE. Or unless maybe a psychic happens to be there and reads your mind. I never feel bad for single people that bitch about being single but won't approach the opposite (or same, if that's how you swing) sex.
  13. I think we would actually have to serve food first if that were to happen.
  14. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up I think I just got pRick rolled...
  15. Actually drinking coffee, so I figured I had to post.
  16. Yeah SMM, I get why people use both. I'll still have to use FB to keep in contact with non-DGN people. I'm not the type who cares about controlling who is in my circle or not, unless they are super unsavory people that are going to steal shit from my house or try to shoot up in my bathroom. I like having some assholes in a group that I don't care for. Adds variety and it's odd when you know you don't particularly care for each other, but every-so-often you'll come together on something or agree on an idea. Some people aren't like I am in that aspect and it's a big deal to them so I can see why FB would have a better control mechanism for that. I'm just saying that it seems like everyone is getting hypnotized by the damn thing. Virtually everyone HAS to have one now or be alienated socially, and it seems like it has taken a lot of people away from this board, which is more like a tight-knit home rather than some huge supermarket of crazy messages from everyone you've ever met in your life at once.
  17. It's eerie to see abandoned libraries in Detroit with all the books on the shelves. Ironic, really, because you figure whoever is going in to loot scrap and valuables would have probably went farther initially if he/she would have taken the books instead .
  18. I haven't seen any of these photos in awhile! The photo of the inside of the Lee Plaza particularly brought me back a few years to when I was still living at home because Boshy and I used to joke about looting that piano out of it. Urban exploration is in my top list of interests, I also fully study the buildings in Detroit, and these photos do justice. Found another site that I had never heard of last night with quite a few Detroit buildings I didn't fully know about and haven't seen the inside of, many have been fairly recently abandoned. www.detroiturbex.com Constantin is a pretty good sport because when I found this page last night I put him through two hours of clicking photos of decaying buildings and commenting on any history behind them. Also found out through this site that there's no longer just one urban prairie, but three.
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