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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. That Boshy's new laptop is nicccce! (I'm on it right now)
  2. Yeap, sounds to me like someone who's having issues balancing her pot and her work/school-life. If you can't do it, DON'T smoke it! If we're talking serious drugs, you might be able to tell just by being around her or talking to her. Not always the case though, like our ex-roommate that robbed our house and turned into a prostitute (literally), we couldn't really tell she was doing H at first. We think she was snorting it to begin with instead of the traditional injection method, so there weren't any tracks until later. But it only took us about a month to figure it out. If she seems overall normal and the only odd behavior is that she can't manage her money, then it's probably not hard drugs. If she's acting really shady, doesn't "look right", is far more secretive than she used to be, gets standoffish (out of proportion) when questioned, has constant new "friends" that are alternating, she might have a problem. But yeah, either she's like I was in my early college days and can't say no to a beer and/or joint, or she's like my late cousin who tried so hard to get everyone to like her she was always blowing money on others to impress them, OR she's like my bff Lisa who has a penchant for expensive things and has to have them "NOW" (she's recovered now and is pretty frugal these days). Either way, if you don't cater to her, she'll probably get it after a minute out of necessity. If she's a pothead and/or partygoer, she'll either figure out how to balance her buzz with her budget or quit outright. If she's just spoiled and either blowing money on expensive things for either herself or her friends, she just needs to grow the fuck up! No matter what, plant your foot down and keep it there.
  3. I knowwww, far away and yet I'm still all nervous about planning it lol. It went pretty smooth last year so we should be good this time around. I just have so many events this spring, but I look forward to doing a lot of hosting/co-hosting, it'll be worth it when everyone's having a good time.

  4. There will be indeed, look for the thread to go up probably around mid January. The actual date will probably be around late February to early March, just in time for everyone to start getting their taxes back!

  5. Tetsuo: The Bullet Man Would like to re-watch it when I'm NOT struggling to stay awake.
  6. I wasn't selling it to go to the bar, I just happened to be selling it because it would be going as a gift to someone else and I hardly have time to play it right now. I might buy one again in a year or two, depending on what's out then. And it looks like we're not getting rid of it until tomorrow so I probably won't be at noirRetro tonight...
  7. Soo...because I'm out of work and school, procrastinating hardcore on putting up this Christmas tree, I read the written version and according to Pheonix Marie you need a COMPLETE lifestyle change almost just to do it. WTF! I am intrigued by this blog, I might put it in the S&S forum for input (ROFl..input...lol)
  8. Sounds a bit pornographic to even be in the S&S forum. I never did understand those kinds of videos though, if you need an instruction manual for sticking a dick in an ass then you probably shouldn't be fucking with it .
  9. ACTUALLY black hair! So sick of dying my blonde crap all the time.
  10. The attendance of Pestilence and myself is contingent on whether or not we're able to sell my Wii.
  11. ROFL. This whole episode is what my crew looks like when gaming, hence my post.
  12. I don't take pics of me playing video games, because I usually play them in the most downtimes of life. Nobody wants to see all 700 combined pounds of everyone living in my household sitting around in the same clothes we were wearing days ago, basement laden with guy BO (because we all know that the dirtier I get, the more patchouli just wafts off my body ), surrounded in enough wrappers and dirty dishes it makes Jabba the Hut look neat, squinting like George W, and so much cigarette smoke in the air it looks like it came from a fog machine. In short, as my roommate Timata said: "Why would anyone request pictures of gamers...? Trust me, we're not the kind of people made for other people to want to look at" Now I am intrigued though...next time we're binging on xBox and there's like ten people in my basement jamming out on the many consoles we have, I'll snap shot it. Anyone big into gaming will look at our superior set-up with the massive amounts of equipment we have and get either a huge erection or incredibly wet, clearly based on gender. DGNers who've been to my house will vouch for this.
  13. Timata would get a gigantic boner from these pics.
  14. Just got an A- in Intro to Corrections, still waiting on my last class Loss Prevention to post the grades. So far straight A-s across the board. Still don't know about Pestilence, he's been working a lot the last three days, I should log in and check his grades for him.
  15. Ah, I know how that is, I miss being in real classes like science shit and math and all that.
  16. Trust me, Ministry SO never had that style, you've got nothing to worry about there.
  17. (Changed to properly express how Chernobyl feels on the matter)
  18. I have NO idea what Boshy dressed me in, but since it was taken circa 1989, I can safely assume that it is a Cosby Sweater in the form of pants.
  19. Got an A- in Crime Causation (basically a course in all things serial killer) and an A- in Analysis of Terrorism (a class involving really scary shit about why we're all fucked). I'm still waiting on the grades for Introduction to Corrections and Principles of Loss Prevention.
  20. We had a pretty legit crowd last night! I came with Pest, Constantin, our buddy Brian, and came with Jessica Effin's Rocks and her crew, her step sister Liz and Liz's boyfriend. I could NOT BELIEVE the drinks for the price. Two dollar beers in my mind meant I was probably getting some shit I never heard of and like a can of it, but they handed me a GIANT ass glass of it. Got super pwned in shuffleboard by elektrosonik and void We had a good crowd to the point where we filled like three and a half fairly big tables Didn't expect that, glad we had a decent turnout. Had some quality convo with pleasurekatzen and also talked to Sybil who was asking for input about CC. And it was weird having Anita there without her pouring me drinks . Had a reunion with Pryme after not seeing him in forever. Danced to some Siouxsie! There is actually a somewhat decent sized dance area in there, the bar itself is super swank with plenty of quirky shit to look at in the most ABSOLUTELY perfect lighting I've ever basked in. Oh, and SG and Pulse State definitely kept it real . Sooooo going next week! HOPEFULLY MORE OF YOU WILL BE THERE! *shakes fist angrily*
  21. It was close enough! I shouldn't have said I was quoting it, but rather paraphrasing what you said.
  22. I've been doing great, finally caught up on finances after all these years! Glad you're doing well :)

  23. WHOA! Long time now see it seems!

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