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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Like my roommate, Tom, indirectly ruined my life yesterday morning because as he left for work he hit the snooze alarm instead of turning the damn thing off. At five AM I tried to fight the ungodly sounds blasting from it (he leaves it on like Q95.5 or some other super preppy station) and I lost the battle of being able to get back to sleep when I finally got up and shut it off. Needless to say, I fell asleep sitting up on the couch in the basement at like 9:30pm (I blame Gitzie for being all warm and parking herself on my lap).
  2. About how bad I want to be done with working and my exam later...would rather be at noirRetro!
  3. You hit my soft spot, I have a weird secret obsession with Gorillaz . Still have not picked up Plastic Beach, though! From what I've heard I like it. They even have the single Plastic Beach on the new DDR that came out for PS3 recently and it's one of my household's favorite songs to play.
  4. So...reading the title I was like "Wow cool, awesome, honeymoon potential right there...can finally have my dreams come true and go over there..." But I reluctantly clicked the link figuring you were all already having a field day with it . So being the good humored sport I am, here: Anyone can have a tour of Chernobyl's reactor for the low low cost of $85!
  5. There's NO cover and TWO dollar drinks...?!?! People are NUTS for not flooding the place, still can't believe a certain other few clubs which will go unnamed still have a stronger pull . Just does not compute . So anyone that doesn't have any prior engagements should so come out later. I will pwn you in both fussball AND shuffleboard, yes that is a challenge .
  6. Wait..found the FB, yeah it's every week . Like I said, between writing fifty pages and having like five exams this week, my cognitive capacity is diminished. Because I'm a little slow, don't approach me too quick tonight...I startle easy . Will probably be myself and three others, unless Constantin goes home today, then it'll most likely be myself, Pest, and a friend.
  7. There's no thread for tonight. I'm not confused, there is one tonight, yes? End of semester I don't know which fucking way is up .
  8. Yeah, your guys' guild is badass, I've heard awesome stuff about it from Raev here and there.
  9. Randomly ran across this on YouTube. Not sure what is FTW more, the fact that they probably had to practice like whoa to get it down right or that a young white blonde girl was cast to fill the part of T Pain .
  10. It's probably because you live across the state, if you lived closer to Detroit you'd probably have less issues socializing. Even though there might be a small alternative scene where you're at, I have a feeling there's not enough.
  11. Been a LONG week I'm usually good with stuff like that.
  12. Those are badass! What program did you use to make the first one?
  13. Decent has two meanings in English, I mean like they are of Asian heritage.
  14. You're probably the only Asian who is actually in Asia, but I do believe we have Americans of Asian decent, Hunhee is one that comes to mind. There are also a lot of non-Asians on here who are very much into the culture, but I'm sure you probably figured that out .
  15. Was reminded of the above clip because Oh My Goth posted the following clip on her FB.
  16. I wouldn't call this "random" as it is a clip from the amazing British program called "The Armstrong and Miller Show", but it is on YouTube so it fucking qualifies, dammit. RAF Airmen is srsly the best ongoing skit the show has. "It'd be sexism, which is like racism but it's against women, so it's like, not as bad, but still really bad."
  17. What, may I ask, is a Chelsea cut...?
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