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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Einsturzende Neubauten - Negativ Nein
  2. Or at least once every page in this thread, yes?
  3. A) You have a pesky little way of not presenting any facts except sources you didn't bother to cite and the rhetoric of not being able to know unless you've spent time in other countries. So NOBODY in America can know about anything because we haven't gone over to another country to catch a tourist-style glimpse of what a small amount of that country's citizens (the people you come into contact with) think about a particular issue. REAL solid argument there, can't refute that logic . (Like I said, I hope your bridge is constructed a little more soundly) B) I have checked out hard data. That's why I made a judgment, based on what citizens from many other countries with national healthcare, read extensive data on Britain's national healthcare and some on Canada's. That's the reason I used Britain in specific because I read about it in the past, from both an American perspective and British. There are some countries where it works somewhat, I will admit to that, but just because it works in some places in the world through cooperation of singular cultures (America is a huge melting pot of cultural notions, most other places are not) does not mean that it will work here or that our government officials have thought through it and planned as well as in those nations. C) If knowing is half the battle, then I win twice. D) I don't get my information from televised American news sources, I'm not that r-tarded. I haven't even had cable in five years. Feels wonderful to not be fed a bunch of shit by people who only want to shock you into buying Chevys, as my terrorism professor says. So that bridge, how much we talkin' here?
  4. Accounts cannot be deleted, so you may have to live with both. An account can be "banned" however so that they are not able to be used anymore. We may be able to put a voluntary ban on one of your accounts so that it is inaccessible to you. It would obviously not count as a negative ban, we would probably put a note in your profile stating such so that it's there for our records and so other people that stumble across your old profile don't think that you were banned for being an asshat. Let a moderator know what you decide to do with this when you're ready. You can either just leave it as is or bring it up to the mod staff that you'd like it voluntarily banned and it will be decided if that is okay or not.
  5. I will buy your bridge then. (It's more solid than your argument ).
  6. Or, you know, fuck everyone over. If nationalized health care has barely worked in other countries that have taken more than five minutes to plan out their newfound policy, which it seems America didn't even bother to do that how big a mess this is, what makes you think America is going to do any better? I don't have healthcare and I probably get better healthcare than what socialized healthcare can provide me . That's the sad truth. I've looked into the systems of other countries, say Britain, and was glad to be an un-insured American knowing I'd be better taken care of here and that it was more affordable. That's pretty sad, no?
  7. How narrow does one's vision have to be to assume that fucking over the rich DOESN'T fuck over the poor? I'm sure they've been eyeballing foreign real estate for awhile. You start unfairly (yes unfairly) targeting rich people, the rich people fuck over poor people by moving and taking the companies that employ us with them. So fucking over people with a $200,000 salary DOES fuck me over...do you understand it better now? It's logic, not sure how much simpler than that I can break it down. If nobody is here to write out paychecks, little man gets fucked. You give rich people tax cuts yet regulate their businesses with legislation (not heavy taxation) then rich people can run their shit and the little guy cannot get fucked over due to legislation. We already have some of this in place: OSHA, Minimum Wage, Child Protection Laws, etc. Let's continue down the path of making sure business can proper and the working-class is happy. Why all this "LET'S STEAL FROM ONE GROUP AND GIVE IT TO ANOTHER! BWAHAH!" rhetoric that we've, wait sorry most dems I've met, have had for awhile?
  8. It's home to you because you're used to it, but I'm from here. Here is home. I'd be homeless in Detroit before moving out to BFE, so for me, yeah it would be a kiss of death. I'm sure some other people might feel the same way, not all, but some.
  9. *sigh* I almost used to place bets on how soon it would be until he fucks everyone over next, but it got too depressing and so I stopped.
  10. So someone is supposed to work their dick off to get wealthy just to turn around and have it taken away and given to poor people against their will? I'm for charity, but that's just stealing. I don't believe in stealing just because some people are poor, and SORRY, but many of them probably did not try hard enough. Some did, but most did not. In America everyone can go to college for free, if you don't and don't pursue being rich, you can't turn around and expect the government to steal on your behalf. It's wrong.
  11. Went and did a new one today and didn't realize that the image updates automatically no matter what. Pretty sweet.
  12. OMFG...You don't want me to come over and do all of these things at once. You'll never want me over again.
  13. Didn't people take pics at this? I thought I saw a camera. Oh hai, evarybahdy!
  14. We've been all full up since June and all tenants finally have steady jobs, so I'm not sure how fast any of them are moving out. Tom might end up getting his own place down the road after he saves a bit, but that could be awhile. Timata is living with us forever . Things do come up all the time though. We are possibly renovating the garage and adding three more rooms, but that would be at least in 2011. At least one of the rooms is to remain a guest room though, because we hoard people all the time.
  15. I always chalked you up for being into younger people, but Jesus, Nocker...wtf .
  16. Fixed! (Everyone has their own preferences. I like my share of obnoxious shit too, trust me.)
  17. MOVE! That said...why would anyone be offended that she's afraid of becoming country? People aren't allowed to have preferences anymore? If I didn't live by a decaying heaping ghetto I would feel really out of my element, so I know what she is getting at when she says she'd prefer to be area-specific. I don't understand why anyone would care enough to get pissy over something like another person's harmless opinion.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCDLLHibTtU Love the video more than the song because Peter Spilles has REALLY sexy teeth, arms and hands...SRSLY. ...I am such a fucking nutjob sometimes .
  19. CombiChrist - Electrohead *hides in shame* (Nocker, this is the point where you can now make fun of me )
  20. Throbbing Gristle - Still Walking :
  21. It's funny how I just discovered ONE Psyclon Nine song I actually like...it happens to be a cover of a BADASS song . So I still cannot give PN any credit because being able to fuck this song up would be next to impossible. Psyclon Nine - You Know What You Are
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