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Everything posted by phee

  1. Yeah it was pretty good.... cut a bit deeper than harry potter as far as multiple dimensions and such... and also went head on into the topic of sexual abuse... (which was not a topic of Harry Potter unless you were as suspicious of Hadgrid as I was.)
  2. What I want and what I need are very different things at the moment.
  3. Luckily I posted Steve ROACH. And not Steve REICH.
  4. "What is the value of human life anyway?"
  5. Takes me further away from myself then any other..... (PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE VIDEO IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MUSIC)
  6. I am thinking... With my countless faults and short comings in this world, there are two things I am fairly certain of....1.) I have better more interesting musical tastes than you. And 2.) I have better taste in movies than you.
  7. New idea.... instead of flash mob dancing.... Flash Moshpits.... discuss.
  8. We all collide with earth all day.
  9. Because Russia is as cold as it is here
  10. Why is my left hand warm and my right hand cold?
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