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Everything posted by phee

  1. No I never have, I have nothing against those that do occasionaly and don't cause anybody any harm. I just have enough problems staying in touch with the world as it is with all of the movies and books I use as distractions, it is why I don't drink or smoke either. Control over myself is in such short supply anyway, that I do not need to test it. Q: What Native American tribe/culture/period do you find the most interesting?
  2. Carolina Combat Boots. Q: If you get what you want, and you want what you get, is the getting as good as wanting? or is the wanting as bad as the getting?
  3. The sound of Fritos crunching in my jaws.
  4. She is mainly an actress ("xXx", with Vin Desiel and "the up coming Land of the Dead") as well as many Italian films, she also has directed several films in Italy. Another interesting thing is that she is the daughter of famed cult horror director Dario Argento. Yummy Yummy
  5. But right now it's Asia Argento *Massive Drool*
  6. Yes...not so much lately though. Q: If ou could live in any sci-fi established world/universe, which one would you live in? eg: Zelaznys "Amber" or "The Startrek Universe" etc...
  7. I have an odd habit of when I get really angry I get violent and beat the crap out of...myself, slapping, hitting, etc.... Q: Why did you do that?
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